The first time, the last time.

Chapter 158

The duel between Jordan and Wang Song became the final battle of the All-Star Weekend.

The fans in the stands did not know the truth of the matter. They thought it was an All-Star Easter egg until they left the field.

But the media who had been watching the game on the sidelines had insight into the whole process of this gambling incident from the post-match interview.

Their reaction was far greater than that of the fans who did not know the truth. Almost all media took precious images and photos in this SOLO game. In this 5 million yuan bet, Jordan lost, and the winner was the rookie.

Once this matter was processed and spread, it would cause an earthquake in the news industry.

All media were unwilling to miss this opportunity, and even wanted to conduct an exclusive interview with the two after the game.

Wang Song left Staples straight away!

This was the last dignity he left for Jordan.

Not to mention MJ himself, who had just spent a lot of money, how could he be in the mood to accept media interviews.

The next day.

One after another, the processed news hung high on the headlines of various sports media and newspapers. When fans who failed to go to the All-Star scene bought newspapers and wanted to see what was so eye-catching about this All-Star weekend, they found that the focus of media reports was not the All-Star weekend at all.

“MJ: Young man, you really don’t give me any face!”

“All-Star MVP defeated Jordan in a sweeping manner, this is the power of the new generation in the 21st century!”

“The end of the legend, timely exit is MJ’s best choice! ”


In addition to exaggerating Jordan’s defeat in the singles, the media also exposed this gamble.

“Gambler Jordan fell on the All-Star rookie! 》

《1 million yuan per ball, 4 million yuan spent on a one-on-one match, just to win the favor of Asian rookies! 》

《MJ team’s business plan after Jordan retires, 4 million yuan is just a cloud! 》

Compared to the results of the All-Star Game, these contents are obviously more eye-catching for fans.

For a time, fan forums at home and abroad were all excited.

New Fox Sports.

——【All-Star Game is wonderful, what post-game easter eggs, I think this is the real game. 】

——【Is this April Fool’s Day news? Is it true that Jordan lost 4 million yuan to Wang Song? Does Jordan have a lot of money? Why not give me some too. 】

——【Upstairs, if you can beat Jordan in a one-on-one match, I believe he is willing to pay for you. 】

——【It’s a pity that I didn’t watch the game yesterday, and the broadcast ended early, but Jordan’s intention is really hard to understand. Why did he find Wang Song to play a one-on-one match? Isn’t that a living hell? 】

——【No one really thinks that anyone can single out the old rogue, right? Let’s just say that even though he has retired for a year, 99% of professional players in the CBA cannot beat him! 】


The first thing Wang Song did when he returned to New York was to open the system panel.

Host: Wang Song

Height: 213cm

Weight: 97kg

Sports: 99 | Rebounds: 99 | Interior defense: 99 | Basket: 99 | Post-up: 99 | Mid-range shots: 99 | Three-pointers: 60 | Organization: 99 | Outside defense: 90 | Steals: 70|

Badges: [Finishing Master], [Fast Break Initiator], [Elite Rebounder], [Elite Rim Protector]

【Currently available experience value: 9320】

Before the All-Star Game, there are many games that Wang Song needs to lead the team to win, so that he will no longer be obsessed with the most stable play, and first help the team win and stabilize the first place in the Eastern Conference. Having a home advantage in the playoffs is the most critical for the Knicks.

Recalling the solo match with Jordan, Wang Song felt a little emotional.

From the first ball, he knew that MJ was still the same old guy. He was not as good as the three consecutive championships, but his level was still in the first echelon of the league’s outside line.

If he hadn’t been stimulated to shoot that three-pointer, he might have been killed by Jordan’s lucky mid-range shot. Fortunately, Jordan was such a person who refused to admit defeat.

Seeing that he could just redeem 9 attributes, Wang Song added it to the outside defense without any hesitation.

The outside defense attribute jumped to 99!

If the current Wang Song faced Jordan again yesterday and there was a mid-range shot like the first ball, he would be confident that he could complete the interception.

Suddenly, a quick phone ring rang.

Wang Song glanced at the caller ID: David Falk!

“Wang, Michael just called me and asked me for your bank card number, saying that he wanted to transfer money to you… Have you signed a contract with him for any brand in private?

“Falk, did you watch the All-Star Game yesterday?”

“Of course! I watched it in front of the TV before going to bed!”

“Then you definitely didn’t read today’s newspaper. Jordan lost to me in a one-on-one bet!”

The short words shocked the other end of the phone.


MJ lost!

These key pieces of information mixed together are enough to cause a huge storm in the news industry, not to mention the stakes.

After a pause, Falk’s brain suddenly stopped working.

“Wait, Wang, did he publicly lose to you? How much money did he lose to you and he asked me for my bank card number. ”

10w? 50w? 100w?

For someone who cares about face like Jordan, Falk knew that Jordan would never make a move without absolute certainty.

But the newspaper Wang Song mentioned just now meant that the fact that Jordan lost the game had been made public.

Before Falk could come to his senses, Wang Song blurted out the number.


“How much?”

“400 plus the last four zeros! ”

Wang Song was very understanding of his old agent’s hearing impairment, and he used multiple words to explain it clearly.


Falk put down the phone absent-mindedly, and suddenly burst into swearing in the whole office.

Originally, he thought Wang Song was joking with him, but when he thought about the other party’s serious and sincere attitude, he would never make such a joke.

He quickly flipped through today’s newspaper to confirm the information.

After counting the number of zeros after 4, he slumped in his office chair.

He suddenly understood why MJ called him to transfer the bank card number.

“Hello, Mr. David?”

Seeing that there was no response from the other end of the phone for a long time, Wang Song added: “David, take your family to celebrate for a week, and the expenses will be reimbursed by the great MJ! ”

These days, there are so many endorsement brands that Falk has been working hard to deal with them. It is still hard for a 50-year-old man to work around the clock. Considering this, Wang Song decided to encourage the agent with Jordan’s sponsorship.

It was not until half a while later that the voice from the microphone made Falk come to his senses.

“Boy, do you know what you have done?”

“I have never seen anyone take advantage of Jordan. That cunning guy is always good at calculating. Come to my office after returning to New York, and you have to tell me what happened!”

“By the way, I don’t have time to go on vacation recently. More and more manufacturers are coming to me… and you have to take time to shoot the Coca-Cola promotional video recently. They have been urging me and I have postponed it for you several times. ”

Beep beep~

The sound of the phone being hung up made Wang Song feel somewhat relieved.

A Coca-Cola promotional video?

If it wasn’t for Falk’s reminder, he would have almost forgotten that he had signed a contract with a beverage brand in the United States.

After the All-Star Game, the second half of the season will begin. It seems that the second half of the season will be busy!

(End of this chapter)

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