Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 389 The God Of Basketball!

The home court of the Orlando Magic, it was absolutely silent.

It stands to reason that if a rookie intends to dunk a superstar in the league, they will be encouraged by the audience. The audience at Orlando Magic's home court should applaud Chris Karl.

Many people just like to see this newborn calf's spirit of not being afraid of tigers, and hope to see newcomers challenge authority.

But the audience at the Orlando Magic's home court was already scared by Jiang Hao. In their feeling, Chris Karl's breakthrough was going to die.

Sure enough, Chris Karl was more unlucky. What responded to Chris Karl was not the warm applause of the audience, but Jiang Hao's ruthless block.

I saw that Jiang Hao also jumped high, Jiang Hao jumped a head higher than Chris Karl, a cruel and overwhelming big cap, it is not polite to be on the ball that Chris healed you.

Chris Karl screamed and fell to the ground, Jiang Hao's strength was too great, Chris Karl couldn't resist it at all, like a small flying insect pounced on an elephant.

Jiang Hao directly slapped Chris Karl's shot to the backboard.

The ball bounced and flew out, but as soon as Jiang Hao hit the ground, he miraculously took off for the second time.

All the audience were dumbfounded. Under such circumstances, they were able to jump directly for the second time. Grab the rebound before his teammates from the Orlando Magic and Los Angeles Lakers.

Chris Karl was blocked by Jiang Hao and fell to the floor. He barely got up at this moment, and he knew his god.

Chris Karl has always thought that he participated in the slam dunk contest, and Jiang Hao also participated in the dunk contest. He has many shortcomings, such as not stable enough shooting, and poor organization skills, but in terms of physical fitness, he and Jiang Hao Hao should not be much different.

At this moment, Chris Karl knew that it was all his own wishful thinking.

Some people, such as Chris Karl, scored 49 points in the slam dunk contest. It is because your level of slam dunk contest can only allow the referee to score 49 points for you.

Some people, such as Jiang Hao, scored a full score of 50 points for dunking. That is because the maximum score limit is only 50 points.

If the maximum score limit is 500 points, then Jiang Hao can still get 500 points, and you have 49 points.

It is precisely because of the existence of the "upper limit" that Chris Karl mistakenly believes that he can compete with Jiang Hao in jumping.

……ask for flowers…

The gap in physical fitness is really a flaw, and there is no way to make up for it.

For example, many people like to participate in Hakeem Olajuwon's training courses to improve their skills.

However, Michael Jordan, the superstar of the same era and the god of basketball, did not go to the training class.


Someone asked, Michael Jordan's ability, fame, and honor are better than Hakeem Olajuwon, why Michael Jordan doesn't open training courses.

Is it because the fee is too high and no one will come? That's impossible, no matter how expensive Michael Jordan's training class is, people will come.

In fact, Michael Jordan also opened a training class, and the first session was immediately full of registrations, including many potential rookies, including the famous "Kobe successor" CJ-Mayo, who immediately came here admiringly.

Only a few days later, OJ-Mayo fled without even asking for tuition fees.

Later, when the reporter interviewed OJ-Mayo, OJ-Mayo only said: "Michael Jordan's training, that is not something humans can do!"

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