Is this the second-year Harden's attribute?

Pretty good.

He has two very powerful skills.

Stepping back is Harden's unique skill, and bumping into people is a natural skill.....

His strength attribute is also top-notch among guards.

His shooting, breakthrough and other related attributes are all excellent. Of course, it is no surprise that his defense related attributes are a bit bad.

"System, Harden's willpower is 90? Are you kidding me?" Li Zhen asked.

If Harden had 90% willpower, he wouldn't be criticized so badly. This guy is famous for his lack of fighting spirit.

"This is the host's own will, and has nothing to do with Harden. Harden's own will is only 52, and this is the only attribute that the host originally has better than Harden."The system replied


The system selects the best attributes for himself and Harden.

Li Zhen thinks his will is still very important. He sometimes can't stand Harden's lazy look when he plays.

Now that he has similar talents, Li Zhen thinks he can do better.

"How to distinguish the comprehensive strength evaluation levels?"


Harden's sophomore year was rated A. He gradually grew into an S-level and SS-level superstar when he joined the Mosaic team.

Harden is also a typical example of a high-ranking rookie who grew into a superstar, honing his skills step by step to become a scoring champion.

"Well, what does the plus sign after the attribute mean?" Li Zhen continued to ask

"Add points to attributes!"

"How to gain attribute points?"

"Hard training and winning games will give you attribute points. Please figure out the specific ratio by yourself."


When Li Zhen was about to continue asking questions, one of his teammates shouted,"Li, don't sleep anymore, it's time for the halftime break, get out on stage!""

"OK, I'll be right there!" Li Zhen opened his eyes and stood up and replied quickly.

Most of the Mavericks players had already gone out.

It was JJ Barea who called Li Zhen.

Seeing Li Zhen walking towards the door, Barea handed Li Zhen a bottle of Gatorade.

"Li, be ready to play at any time, don't be discouraged just because the coach hasn't called your name."Baria thought Li Zhen was a little discouraged because he was ignored by the team, so he comforted him with a few words.

""Thank you." Li Zhen thanked.

Although comforting him would not have much effect, it was good that Barea had this intention.

Barea was a good guy. He was the only one in the team who was most familiar with Li Zhen. It was not that other people had a bad attitude towards Li Zhen, but that they were not familiar with him.

They had seen too many players like Li Zhen.

In their eyes, Li Zhen was just a wandering player who was seeking to stay in an NBA team.

If Li Zhen did not get the team's second short-term contract or guaranteed contract tomorrow, there would be no intersection between them.

There was no need to be too familiar with such a teammate.

Of course, Li Zhen did not dare to communicate too much with his teammates before because of his own strength, and he always trained hard alone.

But the current Li Zhen is different. Li Zhen Very confident in his own ability.

Barea is pretty good to Li Zhen, in addition to his own personality factors, it is also because he has gone through the same stage as Li Zhen.

Barea participated in the NBA draft in 2006. His name was not called by Stern, and he became a draft pick. If Carlisle had not finally given him the opportunity to stay in the Mavericks, his situation would not be much better than Li Zhen's.

In his previous life, Li Zhen was also impressed by Barea.

When the Mavericks played against the Heat in the finals, James couldn't beat Barea.

Barea also earned the nickname"A Mountain in Puerto Rico".

In addition to this, Li Zhen also had some impression of Barea's beautiful girlfriend, and he looked at a lot of pictures of his girlfriend at that time.

Such a person is very suitable to be a"brother."

Seeing that Li Zhen was very calm, Barea didn't say anything more. He turned and walked out of the locker room.

Li Zhen followed Barea out.

As the exit of the passage got closer and closer, all kinds of noises came into Li Zhen's ears.

His eyes lit up

"Crack, crack, crack!!!"

"Oh oh oh......."

Li Zhen came out of the passage, and what came into view was the full view of the Airline Arena with nearly 20,000 people, and the countless shouts and cheers next to his ears. The

Mavericks' home game against the Cavaliers was packed.

Under the fanatical leadership of Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, Airline Arena has a very good atmosphere for watching the game.

Although in memory, this is not the first time Li Zhen has come out of here.

But now Li Zhen still feels very shocked.

In his previous life, he was a fan.

Now, he is a player.

The identities are completely different.

Walking to the bench, Li Zhen found a seat next to the water dispenser, picked up the white towel on the seat, draped it over his shoulders, and then sat down to watch the second half of the game.

There were few teammates sitting next to Li Zhen. At this point in the season, the Mavericks had suffered many injuries.

Barea, Gooden, Josh Howard....Li Zhen remembered these familiar faces.

Li Zhen had to play 3 games in his 10-day short contract, and tonight was the last one.

In the first two games, waving towels and watching over the water dispenser were Li Zhen's main jobs.

This was also the position that Barea passed on to Li Zhen.

"Come, come, come, cheer up"

"Li, hold it, stand up, shout out, wave the towel"

"Don't be shy, be bold!"...

Barea kept teaching Li Zhen how to"wave the towel".

In Barea's view, sitting on the sidelines does not mean doing nothing.

As a member of the team, as long as a teammate scores a good goal, he should be fully cheered and encouraged.

Waving the towel is actually very important!

Li Zhen was speechless after listening to Barea's reasoning.

Barea has been looking at the water dispenser for a long time in order to prevent his mentality from being distorted, which makes sense.

It seems that you shouldn't be dazed on the bench, but Li Zhen doesn't want to keep waving the towel. He has to play the game and prove himself, otherwise it will be over starting tomorrow.

Li Zhen doesn't want to face unemployment as soon as he travels through time.

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