Jiang Hao was speechless. Wade was a god-level figure who played with the ball facing the basket from the outside. He was fast, explosive, and had excellent confrontation ability. He could play all kinds of operations that seemed to be impossible. But he thought he would continue to play alone. He didn't expect what the pick-and-roll was.

Messina shouted to Dio:

"Remember to help him to cover up and prevent him from shooting around the screen."


Dio, who had just completely retreated to the inside, took the initiative to take the blame.

The Spurs coaching staff would not easily switch back to defense. They believed in Jiang Hao and felt that it didn't matter who was defending.

Wade had already scored 14 points in the second half. With this ball possession rate, instead of expecting Danny Green to suddenly defend, it is better to expect Jiang Hao, who is taller, to cover with his height and activeness!

"It is very likely that peak Wade will be forced out tonight!"

"When peak Wade comes, Jiang Hao can't defend!" Old fans watched Wade attack so continuously, and their eyes were wet.

In the 2006 Finals, Wade averaged 34.7 points, 7.8 rebounds, and 3.8 assists in 43.5 minutes of playing time, with a hit rate of 46.8%. In the four games where the Heat beat the Mavericks, Wade had a 61.8% true shooting rate with an extremely high possession rate of 35.3%.

This is definitely one of the greatest individual performances in the history of the NBA Finals.

On the defensive end, he has always been underestimated. The man with more blocks than Jordan in history, the top guard blocked shots this season, can't he defend Jiang Hao?

Jiang Hao passed the ball directly to Dio for a single shot after receiving the ball. Big-butt Dio turned around and missed the fat butterfly jump shot. Wade, who has a top rebounding sense, jumped up to grab the rebound, regardless of whether his meniscus hurt or not, and led the rhythm in the frontcourt.

But Jiang Hao is really good. He has watched so many Heat video tapes, so he naturally knows a lot about Wade's style.

Therefore, when crossing the midline, he suddenly took a step forward to force Wade to slow down and stop the ball, avoiding a direct fast break.

However, Wade was already very angry.

James, who was standing on the wing in this round, continued to be a spectator, even though he reached out for the ball and wanted to hit Danny Green.

Wade still plunged into the Spurs' encirclement, accelerating to break through and squeeze out everything.

"Don't help defense!"

Jiang Hao was about to tell Split not to come, because he was tightly covered, and Wade's forced shot would either be blocked or throw a high ball randomly, but Split couldn't help but fly over to help defense.

Wade made an extreme operation behind his back and found a little space to pass the ball to Warden Anthony in the air, and Anthony directly dunked with one hand! !

"Wade is high!"

"Jordan is 5cm shorter!"

"Wade, who averages 7.8 assists per game this season, has a higher efficiency in passing the ball than LeBron!"

Jiang Hao naturally knew that Wade's breakthroughs combined with his assists in the last two seasons were at the master level, so he asked Split to help defend. He would rather be beaten by him like a fairy than to help defend subconsciously because of his terrifying breakthroughs.

"I know, I can't help but rush over."

Split actually didn't believe that Jiang Hao could keep up with the Flash, so his eyes may have seen that Jiang Hao was not out of position, but his head subconsciously directed him to come over.

Last time he was dunked by Wade against the Heat, and today he wanted to get back on his feet and block one.

RC Buford sweated as he watched the scoreboard fall behind by 7 points. If Wade played like this, the game would be difficult!

The era and team where Wade was at his peak did not attach importance to three-pointers. The team's space situation was very bad. In most cases, Wade faced many tests when breaking through.

What is even more incredible is that in that era when the overall level of three-point shooting was not high and zone defense was prevalent, Wade was still able to hit more than 66% of the basket, becoming the scoring champion of guards in the basket and the dunk champion of guards in actual combat. If Wade's teammates were replaced by a bunch of shooters, his breakthrough would be even more terrifying.

Just like now.

With the space opened up, he is a threat in the interior.

A rookie is still a rookie. Messina's idea of ​​relying on an undrafted player to stabilize the offense and defense is too simple.

Messina thought so too, and quickly prepared to replace Duncan and Manu with a dead ball. The Spurs look at the stone Buddha in adversity and the demon sword in desperation! ! !

But then Jiang Hao saw that his teammates were playing dull, and after looking at the score, he didn't care so much.

He had to stand up! !

He took the initiative to go to the wing 45 degrees after Parker passed half court and asked for the ball in advance. He got the ball in 2 steps outside the three-point line, so as to avoid entanglement with the strong Wade inside the three-point line.

"Do you want to block?"


Dio wanted to raise his hand but was rejected by Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao, who still had strength, saw Wade sweating and panting, and did not give him a chance to breathe. He dribbled the ball between his legs to find the rhythm. At the moment when Wade's feet seemed to be filled with lead and moved laterally slowly, he dribbled the ball between his right hand and his left hand, threw the ball hard and broke through from the left to the inside.

Wade was directly led by this step and fell behind by a body position, so he could only follow up with all his strength.

Jiang Hao rushed into the inside and faced Anthony, who was not a meat shield inside. He simply resisted and blocked it with a quick confrontation. With the help of the cover of the basket, he made a backhand licking shot! ! !

"Oh my god, so fierce!"

"This confrontation, he is indeed a man who can stand up to James!"

"One against two, it feels like a breakthrough forward line, a meat bomb attack!"

"Taking advantage of Haslem and Bosh's absence, we can really attack the inside."

"It feels like a peak showdown, Parker should also give up the ball!!"

"Yes, the Spurs should give more balls to Jiang Hao!"

And then Jiang Hao also made achievements on the defensive end.

This time Jiang Hao took the lead in using Spurs tactical gestures to indicate man-to-man marking to everyone. Split also shouted from behind: "I won't help defend, don't worry, I will tell you if there is a block!"

Wade is really cool. After being hit by Jiang Hao without a pick-and-roll in the previous ball, he also refused the pick-and-roll this time. Facing Jiang Hao, he stepped on the accelerator again and made a strong breakthrough. However, this time he used all his strength to move the entire left side of his body. They all relied on Jiang Hao.

To be honest, Jiang Hao was also "pitying the beauty". If he had withdrawn his stool and refused to fight, Wade would have been beaten into pieces. However, he also wanted to hurt Wade, so he forced himself to follow up and fight.

But Wade, who was riding high and whipping up his whip, messed up his steps. He stepped on the toe of his right foot with his left foot, fought and fell first, and the ball was directly knocked out by his knee.

The bottom line referee can see clearly:

"Out of bounds, Spurs ball!"

Parker is next to him:

"DW, your feet are knotted?"

Jiang Hao also smiled and went to serve Parker:

"Wade, if you step on your right foot with your left foot, you can go to heaven."

Isn't this how Wudang Tiyun Zong is practiced in martial arts books?

This is enough to record the most embarrassing moment in Wade's career, like being possessed by Rocket Decker in later generations. After watching the replay, Wade fans made embarrassing noises: "This"

Jiang Hao didn't lose his position at all. Wade's left foot fouled his right foot, but it was okay.

On the offensive end, Parker continued to give the ball to Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao continued to control his luck and find the rhythm. It was obvious that Wade's physical fitness had declined rapidly after he fell and got up.

Then Jiang Hao simply pulled the ball from left to right to find rhythm. He suddenly made a big change and took one step away from Wade's center of gravity. He continued to use his powerful confrontation at the level of Mousse to attack the inside. In the same way, he once again passed Wade by controlling his movement.

When Wade caught up from behind, Jiang Hao was hit by the two ghosts of Warden Anthony who jumped up to defend him. In this case, Jiang Hao still did not go up and hit the ball. He folded the ball to his left hand in the air and made a hook the moment it landed. Pass it to Brother Ti Ya who is waiting under the basket.

Brother Ti Ya caught the ball and put it down easily with both hands facing the empty basket.

"Oh my god, Jiang Hao is so good at holding the ball!"

James was stunned when he saw it from the side. Isn't this his own style of play? Isn't it more "smart" than his own?

If he had fought, he would have rushed forward and committed a four-handed foul in front of him, but Jiang Hao could still see his teammates.

If it weren't for the point difference, Spoelstra would have called a timeout and replaced the Dragon King. These two waves of Jiang Hao's continuous attacks on the inside were too determined.

But in fact, Messina has never replaced anyone here.

Until this time in the defensive round, Mario gave James the ball. Wade moved to the familiar wing back position. He made a tough confrontation and asked for the ball. He received the ball from James and then turned around with his iconic right hand, trying to trick Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao, who is familiar with Wade's style of play, instantly used his body to block his breakthrough baseline position, forcing Wade to take another step toward the baseline. However, he was already on the edge of stepping on the baseline and was forced to take off and pass the ball to the outside line.

Jiang Hao jumped high and touched the pass with his fingertips, causing Wade's passing route to be destroyed.

Danny Green got the ball before James.

Jiang Hao, Danny Green, Parker, and Diaw rushed forward. Danny Green stopped the ball outside the three-point line and made a three-pointer. Seeing that James didn't pounce, he also chose a three-pointer.

The basket swung out, but Jiang Hao was much faster than Wade who returned to defense. He still bullied the Heat's unshielded inside James' air attack from the outside.

He rushed directly towards the basket, picked up the offensive rebound in the air, and pushed the ball into the basket with both hands without touching the ground! ! !

"so high!!"

The fans at the scene exclaimed, and then they saw a white figure falling from the sky, shaking the basket! !

Like the devil descending from the sky,

It’s really a human world,

Tai Sui God! ! !

"Jiang Hao's putback dunk!! Tonight he is really possessed by LeBron, he is LeBron Jiang!!" This ball made O'Neal in the commentary box climax. This kid didn't show any emotion when facing Wade. Don't be afraid, and he has the upper hand even after fighting. What kind of man is he! !

Yao Ming:

"The Spurs are tied again. It all depends on our Chinese players tonight!!! This is a fight, I'll take off my jacket!"

Yu Jia: "I took it off in the first half. No matter whether he wins or loses, will this become the masterpiece of his career?"

Dayao, who was ready to stand and watch the last four minutes after the ball, shook his head:

"No, this is just the beginning of his career!!"

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