This is how Chinese fans protect their children!!

No matter what you say about them.

When Chinese players perform well in the NBA, even if they only score one point or play for one minute, they will be expected and encouraged for a long time.

Not to mention that Jiang Hao is the only player now. He has never played before and no one knows his level. Jiang Hao is also low-key and has never taken video ads to show off his skills. Even if you want to brag, there is no "evidence"

Now after playing, the eyes of Chinese NBA fans are really focused on you.

The highlights and GIFs of two 3-pointers, blocks and steals are circulated on Tieba. The popularity after playing is really different. A Weibo fan club has been established. Everyone thinks that Jiang Hao can play like this every time in the future.

There are already fans on Hupu who are imagining that Jiang Hao will rotate in the next game against the Thunder and shoot the three youngsters of the Thunder.

"He is the X factor and super weapon of the Heat!"

Often these fans take it for granted, which can easily lead to over-praising.

But the heat was really strong, and it also radiated to the NBA after the game.

During the half-hour post-game press conference of the Heat, a female reporter from the Chinese Sports Weekly who had been stationed in Miami rushed over to ask coach Spoelstra:

"Mr. Spoelstra, Jiang Hao, who cosplayed as the most handsome zombie in history, played a brilliant performance on Halloween today. What do you think of his performance tonight?"


The most handsome in history?

Spoelstra and Bosh next to him looked at each other in bewilderment. At first, they didn't understand the meaning of the word. They subconsciously understood the word as a numb and slow person, wondering why this Chinese reporter scolded her own country's players.

It was only after the operations officer reminded them of Jiang Hao's Halloween costume today that they understood.

Spoelstra smiled and replied:

"I know he (JIANG) has been preparing for this for 3 months. He is a very proud person. He doesn't like to be dissed or looked down upon. He had a chance tonight and he did a good job. I think it's great."

The female reporter hurriedly asked:

"Will you let him play in the next game?"

The reporters at the scene all looked at this "unprofessional" reporter. How dare he ask this question? Too amateurish!

But everyone was looking forward to hearing Spoelstra's answer.

It is this kind of amateur question that is often more newsworthy!

Because the next game against the No. 1 Thunder in the West is definitely not going to be this point difference today, so it would be fun if Spoelstra said he could play.

Please recommend and read, thank you~~

Chapter 55: Zombies? Jiang Shi!

Chapter 55 55: Zombies? Jiang Shi!

That's not going to work at all!

Spoelstra's intriguing expression says it all. What is he thinking?

But because he is an international reporter, he still gave an official answer:

"We will decide according to the players' status on the day, thank you."

After receiving this audio, Yang Yi, the boss of "Sports Weekly", was furious. This female reporter didn't cherish the interview opportunity that he had finally gotten her.

If it goes as expected, the Heat will no longer allow reporters from "Sports Weekly" to ask questions during the home press conference.

Is this question even worth asking?

Yang Yi was ridiculed by friends in the industry on WeChat.

Several fans on Hupu have already published articles to analyze it. You are still asking Spoelstra here. Isn't it like talking to a cow?

Jiang Hao's current situation is similar to that of Sun Yue who joined the peak Lakers at that time. Both are playing in championship teams and have a superstar leading the team.

Maybe there are opportunities to play here and there, but it is absolutely impossible for him to play in every game. Moreover, Jiang Hao is much more comfortable than Sun Yue. Sun Yue scored only 6 points in his NBA career, while Jiang Hao got it done in one game.

But because Jiang Hao didn't play in the CBA and the national team, no one had the same expectations for him as Sun Yue.

Sun Yue was expected to be so high in 2009. Jiang Hao's popularity is definitely not as high as Sun Yue's now, so the public opinion about him is not bad. Even if he is not, no fans would say that the Heat are blind.

You should know that Sun Yue's fans thought he could be a big hit in the NBA at that time. Kobe haters even said that it was Kobe's independence that affected Sun Yue's playing time.

CCTV-5 asked a very standard question on the spot, asking Bosh what he thought of this little brother and what he expected of his future.

Bosh, who scored the highest points in the team today, was in a good mood:

"Defense, positivity, and hard work are JIANG's labels. He is a unique player who can inspire more energy for the team. Next, he just needs to continue to work hard and prepare for his opportunity."

That's it. The basketball editors will edit it next.

News, 1 point for real, 3 points for editing, 6 points for guessing.

Just like the Basketball Pioneer, they just imagined and made up a story based on this sentence. Isn't the content of a page tomorrow:

After Jiang Hao came to the Heat, he first relied on defense to gain a foothold.

Spo's first requirement for him was to become a reliable 3D player, to master the team's defensive system, and to deal with everyone from Chalmers to Bosh, from 1.9-meter guards to 2.11-meter power forwards in every training game.

Little did they know that the reality was that Jiang Hao had never played a training game, and Eddy Curry, who was in the garbage time today, had never played a training game.

This big win on Halloween also allowed the Heat to open the locker room for interviews.

After Jiang Hao and others finished washing up, the locker room opened the door and all reporters could go in for interviews.

Compared to the previous month when no one was interested, there were still a few reporters in front of Jiang Hao's locker this time.

Almost all of them were Asian faces, and the reporters from Simida and Jiaoben were too nervous.

If there was another genius, would China's basketball continue to evolve? ?

How would other Asian teams survive?

So they all wanted to "get" more information, how come such a small forward suddenly appeared.

Although he only made 2 three-pointers, Ding Yanyuhang, who they have been paying attention to, has not even touched the door of the NBA.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, when did you start playing basketball and found that you have talent?"

"Mr. Jiang, you made 2 of 2 shots tonight, do you think you are a big-hearted player?"

Jiang Hao found that they were all asking some sparse and ordinary questions, probably because of garbage time and his debut, and there was no professional question.

No one noticed that he changed his shooting action, which is normal. He has never shown his skills in front of the public before, and the video of the high school league is too blurry.

So this locker room interview is the first time the international basketball world knows him.

"What do you think of this career debut?"

"Do you think you can have more opportunities?"

"After being in the Heat for so long, do you think you are suitable to play next to the Big Three?"

"Your contract value is the lowest in the team, what do you think about this?"

Jiang Hao, who has already reached the pinnacle of speaking, easily handles all questions:

"Anyway, tonight is an opportunity. There is a difference between how much money you get and how much playing time you get, but I do have a chance to change my situation and hopefully impact the rotation lineup."

"The outside world has praised the Heat a lot. There are many stars, a winning culture, and they value the development of players. They have great plans to train everyone. In terms of playing style, I am very suitable for the Heat."

Jiang Hao's watertight answers made the four or five reporters in front of him dumbfounded. Is this fair-skinned boy in front of him really 19 years old? ?

This answer is the same as that of the old hands, and they don't give them the opportunity to create news topics at all.

You should know that it is easy to have explosive points when interviewing such rookies. Even if you say a few words about you like to play League of Legends to relieve stress, or what Big Brother gave you, you can write an article.

But Jiang Hao's answer left them with no clues.

However, there was still a question that could not be avoided, and it was related to today's festival.

The female reporter from "Sports Weekly" asked:

"We saw you wearing a Taoist robe in the player tunnel before the game, but you were wearing vampire makeup. What were you cosplaying as?"

Jiang Hao's expression was directly awkward. If you don't know how to ask, don't ask:


"Haha, netizens all said it was a Taoist priest, very handsome, a Taoist priest coming down the mountain, they said you calculated that you could play today, and you really hit the ball." The reporter lady obviously knew that her job would be in jeopardy after the press conference, so she asked freely.

Jiang Hao smiled and said: "Then I hope that domestic fans will regard me as Jiang Shi, Jiang Hao's Jiang, Master's Shi, one regret, I forgot to draw a talisman, haha."

How can Halloween not have ghost talismans? Jiang Hao was negligent, and he will have experience next time.

His answer made several Chinese reporters laugh. Young people should have fun like this!

Little did the female reporter know that because of her question in the locker room, Jiang Hao's first nickname was also spread by domestic fans:

"Master Jiang!"

Fans who saw the interview video spontaneously gave Jiang Hao his first nickname in his career.

"Zombie? No, Master Jiang, his method raised his hit rate to 100%!"

"The first Chinese player with a 100% hit rate in the NBA!"

"Hahaha, Master Jiang is awesome! Tribute to Lin Zhengying! But his makeup is too Western."

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