The inexperienced Jiang Hao was also prevented from charging by Wade by pushing his hips, pulling his hands and pinching his waist several times, so he was more of a shooter to open up space.

But he also relied on this time to catch his breath and accumulate strength for the final battle! !

Tonight, we must not lose!

Messina did not arrange any tactics, just let everyone relax.

However, Duncan, who was sitting next to Jiang Hao, said to Jiang Hao:

"In the end, you have to find a way to let James defend you, so that we have a greater chance of winning. You have to force him to take the final shot."


"Wade and Bosh are more stable than him in holding the ball. We need him to get ahead. I know you are good at this. You can switch to defend him occasionally for a few rounds later. Can you do it? Father Emperor?"

"I am his father. He must listen to me."

Jiang Hao understood what Shifo meant at once. Shifo saw it clearly. In simple terms, he had to let the little emperor break through the defense and let him hold the ball. In fact, there was less threat of shooting. James could not shoot at the critical moment and could only break through. The score could only be 2 points and 2 points. Moreover, James's breakthrough effect today was not as good as Wade's.

Messina nodded. Shifo was right.

The timeout ended.

Yu Jia:

"Dear viewers, if you just turned on the TV, please do not change the channel. This game has reached the final stage of the fierce competition. The Chinese player Jiang Hao was still on the court at the last moment to strive for his first 30+ in his career. Please continue to pay attention to his performance!"


"Yes, hurry up and watch the game. I may not comment much next time. I am more nervous than playing myself."

The game continues!

The two teams' lineups must play to the end.

Parker passed the ball to Manu, and Jiang Hao made space at the bottom line for Duncan.

Manu dribbled Duncan high. Duncan faced Bosh, who was shorter and thinner than him. He stabilized his heart rate and dribbled the ball in a simple way to find confrontation. He pretended to turn inward with his right shoulder, but actually dribbled to the left hand and stretched out his hand to aim at the frame for a hook shot. Bosh could only watch Duncan squeeze one step and hit the hook shot!

O'Neal clapped his hands:

"Great basic skills, steady!"

Smith: "The Spurs were right not to play fast against the Heat at the last moment. The ball was given to the most stable Stone Buddha to back up and play. There was no solution!"

The Heat were forced to stay in position here.

Chalmers passed the ball to Wade at the top of the arc.

Jiang Hao directly exchanged defenders with Manu, and went to top James himself, and directly opened his mouth to spray:

"Miami Hotdog, hello, don't try to play hand-to-hand, I can see it!"

LeBron saw Jiang Hao actively switch to him and then pulled away from him:

"What are you talking about? We haven't called tactics yet. It's useless to defend me!"

"I know, you scored 8 points in the life-and-death game against the Mavericks, and disappeared in the last quarter. You are just a hopeless person!"


James had a headache when he heard the keywords Mavericks and 8 points, but he was confused by the words "Adou" and so on. What is this? I thought I must search it after the game, otherwise I would not know what this guy scolded me for.

But he still didn't take the initiative to ask for the ball, but Wade gritted his teeth and forced Manu to score 2 points with his personal ability!



Seeing that James was not angry, Jiang Hao also smiled and scolded directly, and his head was eager to think about strategy.

I really can't let Wade, who exploded today, play one-on-one again, I have to let James do it.

How about letting him try with his right hand in the next round?

So when Duncan passed by him in the offensive round, Jiang Hao quickly exchanged a few words:

"I will let LeBron rush in later, help me block, and I will chase from behind."

"Okay." Duncan nodded.

"Jiang Hao, don't defend James, LeBron has not scored 20 points in this game, he is useless."

"Yeah, defend Wade!"

The Heat directly switched defenses man-to-man, Jiang Hao was chased by Wade and had no chance to shoot, Manu still had a big heart, and finally when James was a beat slower to react, he raised the arc and chose a three-pointer, the arc was very positive, but he was a little unlucky, and the ball hit the frame and Bosh rebounded!

There are 36 seconds left in the game!

All the fans at the scene stood up!

All the fans in front of the TV stood up!

The Heat did not call a timeout, choosing to believe in the superstar!

Wade slowly pushed forward with the ball! !

Spoelstra shouted on the sidelines to stabilize the success rate and to suppress the rhythm of shooting until the end!

Jiang Hao still defended James!

The Spurs fans were so anxious next to him, just wanting him to defend Wade.

But this time Jiang Hao did not defend closely, but defended James' weak left hand, and pretended to stumble and missed a step.

So that James directly cut inside and got ahead of Jiang Hao by one body position, and rushed directly to the inside line while reaching for the ball.

This kind of empty cut is not easy to come by! James can dunk as soon as he goes in.

After seeing Jiang Hao's big defensive mistake, Wade quickly made a ground pass to James who was just ahead of him and rushed to the free throw line.

James received the ball and saw that Jiang Hao was completely left behind, so he took three steps to attack the basket with all his strength.

Duncan, who was reminded by Jiang Hao just now, got into position very quickly this time and immediately came over to defend with small steps, but Duncan could only block it. It was unlikely for him to jump on the spot to block James' dunk without any opposition.

The little emperor jumped at full speed!

The stone Buddha was about to be dunked!

It doesn't exist! !

"Don't even think about it!!!"

That is to say, the delay of the Stone Buddha gave Jiang Hao time to catch up from behind. He didn't expect Wade to pass the ball so well. He would definitely not catch up. However, the Stone Buddha used his body to block James' super gliding start dunk, which allowed Jiang Hao, who started a step slower, to catch up with James.

And at the moment when James took off to dunk, he also jumped high with all his strength. At the moment when James pulled the bow and prepared to dunk with a tomahawk, he aimed at the basketball behind him from behind when James raised the ball and intercepted it directly! !

When James stretched his right hand towards the basket, he looked: Where is the ball? ? ?

It's gone! !

Jiang Hao's extreme behind-the-back block! ! !

The dung was a marquis in the past! ! ! !

All the fans at the scene were stunned. How could this be blocked? ?

Spo and Juwan were so anxious on the sidelines that they jumped up and down. Why did they pull the bow and tomahawk? Couldn't they just raise it and dunk?

It was James' habitual pull of the ball that gave Jiang Hao the opportunity to block the shot from behind!

"Jiang Hao jumped with all his strength and used his life to block James's axe!"

The next second, the scene was very miserable. James, who was in the air, grabbed the frame with his right hand to buffer it.

But Jiang Hao had no support. He hung on James' back in the air and lost his balance and fell heavily on his buttocks.

The fans at the scene exclaimed, and the Spurs coaching staff was scared to death. Don't lose a supernova just at the highlight moment for a regular season!

Parker, who got the rebound, did not play a fast break. When he saw James returning to defense as if nothing had happened, he signaled everyone not to panic and waited for Duncan and Danny Green to help Jiang Hao up and play again.

"Are you okay?" Shifo asked Jiang Hao, who was holding his buttocks with concern.

"It's okay, continue."

Jiang Hao took a breath of cold air. This injury really hurts. Fortunately, he fell on his buttocks. His buttocks muscles are well trained.

The fans were relieved to see Jiang Hao still jogging forward:

"This guy is really not afraid!"

"He can scold and fight, and he is not afraid of death, so scary!"

"If I were him, I would not even want to block LeBron's block!"

"So you can't be Jiang Hao!"

"Keep going!"

15 seconds left!

Jiang Hao gave everyone a thumbs up to show that he was OK, and Messina also directly signaled Parker to make the decision on the court. He would not call this last timeout if the score was tied.

Spoelstra would not call it either, because if he did, he would be arranging tactics for the opponent.

"The score is still tied, and there are 14 seconds left! Is it overtime or a buzzer beater?"

Jiang Hao stood at the No. 2 position on the wing and took a break. He didn't have time to "show off" his block just now to Mousse, so he just stared at the position on the scene.

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