After that, Bai Ze stopped looking at Xiangwu Huizaki and turned his gaze to May. May was also a little embarrassed to look at Bai Ze at this moment. Although her face was red, her eyes did not show any intention of escaping. "Aze, thank you." May said softly, with a hint of shyness and gratitude in her voice. Akashi on the side showed an expression of understanding, and secretly sighed in his heart: "These two people are really..."

Aomine also came over at this time, with a grin on his face, stretched out his hand to hold Bai Ze's neck, and teased: "Okay, Bai Ze, you've become stronger again!"

Bai Ze slowly removed Aomine's hand from his neck, his expression was still indifferent, and responded calmly: "It's not that I've become stronger, it's that he's too weak."

His words were full of contempt and disdain for Haizaki Shogo, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

"That's right, I really don't understand how such a weak person can dare to provoke others, and his attitude is so bad, it's really disgusting." Aomine's face also became a little ugly, obviously he was very unhappy with Haizaki Shogo's behavior just now, but now he no longer took the other party seriously. How could a person who couldn't even force out half of Bai Ze's strength be in Aomine's eyes?

"Bai Ze, will this hit his self-confidence?" Nijimura Shuzo smiled helplessly, took a step forward, and asked in a low voice.

"Minister, I have shown mercy." Bai Ze replied expressionlessly and coldly.

Nijimura Shuzo nodded with difficulty. He knew very well how terrifying Bai Ze's true strength was. At the same time, he was a little disappointed with Haizaki Shogo, because his strength was not as strong as Nijimura Shuzo had imagined before.

Haizaki Shogo slowly came back to his senses. His eyes were full of ruthlessness and unwillingness. He stared at Bai Ze, as if he wanted to eat Bai Ze alive.

Bai Ze also naturally felt the gaze of Hui Qi Xiang Wu, but he just sneered in his heart: "You can't beat him in basketball, so you still want to fight? I don't have so much free time to argue with you every time! Let the family teach you a lesson!"

"Oh, by the way, Bai Ze, come with me, I have something to say." Nijimura Shuzo suddenly remembered something important and waved to Bai Ze. Seeing this, Bai Ze nodded slightly in response, and then walked towards Nijimura Shuzo without hesitation.

"Aze, I'll wait for you!" May called Bai Ze with her soft and sweet voice, and then quickly disappeared on the basketball court in full view of everyone with a red face. At this moment, everyone couldn't help but smile.

On the other side of the basketball court, Nijimura Shuzo looked serious and solemn, as if the topic to be discussed next was very important. He looked at Bai Ze and said, "Bai Ze, our basketball team has always lacked a capable deputy minister. Your strength is obvious to all. If you are willing to take this position, it will bring great help to the entire team. This is actually the idea and suggestion of Coach Bai Jin."

However, Bai Ze did not respond immediately. After careful consideration, he answered seriously: "Minister, you should understand my personality. I am not particularly good at management and leading teams. Compared with a position like deputy minister, I hope to be an outstanding player, like a sharp sword, charging on the court. Moreover, in my personal opinion, A Zheng may be more suitable for this role than me. After all, as the only heir of the Akashi family, he must have received professional training and education in related aspects."

Bai Ze's tone was firm and his attitude was clear, which made people feel his true thoughts deep in his heart.

After listening to it, Nijimura Shuzo couldn't help rolling his eyes. Aren't you also the only heir of the Kamikawa family? But for Bai Ze's words, he also had to think about it. If it was a deputy minister, Akashi was indeed more suitable.

"Okay, I will convey these words to Coach Bai Jin. Since you don't want to be the deputy minister, we won't force you." Nijimura Shuzo nodded thoughtfully, with a hint of understanding and respect in his eyes. He understood that everyone has their own choices and wishes, and he would not easily impose them on others. Bai Ze looked at Nijimura Shuzo's reaction and felt a little relieved. After all, he really couldn't do these things.

"Then Minister, I'll leave first." Bai Ze said softly. He knew that May was waiting.

He. Upon hearing this, the seriousness on Nijimura Shuzo's face instantly disappeared, replaced by a gossipy look.

"How are you two doing? Everyone in our basketball team is watching you!" Nijimura Shuzo asked excitedly, with a curious light in his eyes.

Bai Ze couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He coughed a few times, trying to hide his shyness, and asked back with a puzzled look, "Ahem, Captain, when did you become so gossipy? And why did everyone in the basketball team know about it? Was I so obvious?"

Bai Ze was somewhat embarrassed to be noticed by others. After all, he has lived for more than 30 years, including the years in his previous life, but now he has fallen in love with a junior high school student, which still makes him feel a little ashamed.

"Haha, anyone with a discerning eye can see it, okay? Don't tell me you two still haven't made any progress!" Nijimura Shuzo muttered to himself. As he thought, he looked at Bai Ze with contempt, as if to say: "It's so obvious, can't you see it? You are so slow!"

Then Bai Ze took a deep breath, and he smiled and said to Nijimura Shuzo: "Bullmaster, thank you for your concern. But as for the matter between me and May, let's just let it go."

Then, Bai Ze felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, and quickly found an excuse to slip away: "Go, go, go, I'm leaving, I have to change clothes." After saying that, he hurriedly ran towards the locker room.

Nijimura Shuzo looked at Bai Ze's back, put his hands on his waist and couldn't help sighing: "Youth! It's so beautiful and annoying." Suddenly, he realized a problem, "No, I seem to have been single all the time! Damn, why is he the only one who is popular!" He secretly cursed Bai Ze in his heart, showing off his love on the court every day! ┗|`O′|┛!

May, let's go together. "Bai Ze had already changed his clothes. He smiled faintly at Wu Yue who was sitting in the dressing room, his eyes full of endless tenderness and love.

"Well, okay!" Wu Yue gently touched her silky hair, and then walked towards Bai Ze with light and elegant steps. Her face was filled with a sweet smile, and when her eyes met with Bai Ze's, it seemed as if the whole world was lit up.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and they both silently hoped that time could stay in this beautiful moment forever. The hearts of the two seemed to resonate, and they smiled at each other without any prior agreement.

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