The game entered a white-hot stage, and neither side dared to relax easily.

"In the third quarter, with the efforts of Su Hao, the score difference was reduced to only 3 points. The back and forth between the two sides was very exciting and gave us a strong enjoyment."

"Su Hao's legs were really good, which immediately made the game suspenseful.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a team that can fight the Warriors until the third quarter and maintain a point difference of less than five points."

"Yes, what's even more terrifying is that it was only because of a rookie that such a situation could be achieved.

Su Hao is a player worthy of our praise."

The two commentators praised Su Hao crazily.

But Su Hao had no intention of thinking about this. He was sweating profusely while sitting on the bench, holding a towel and lowering his head. The sweat fell on the ground drop by drop. He gasped for air. After a while, Just getting better slowly

"He is too tired. He is just a rookie. He scored 50 points in three quarters. What is the origin of this Chinese player."

Jordan shook his head repeatedly and felt very incredible.

"No matter how talented he is, he shouldn't be able to break through the heavy defense and hit the target with every shot. The Warriors' complete defensive system was broken by Su Hao alone.

Maybe your rookie season is not that strong! Hahaha."

Da Meng said with a smile

"To be honest, I am ashamed of myself."

Kerr stood on the bench to explain the tactics. Their expressions were serious, and it was obvious that they were taking it very seriously. If it were any other team, Kerr would not even want to move.

The suffocating feeling of the game has quietly arrived.

The fourth quarter began.

The substitutes' duel started again, and the Warriors once again sent out the two old men, the most stable bench bandits.

Livingston faced Lou Williams, and he made continuous back-to-the-basket shots at the free throw line, and his signature straight-arm jump shot was very stable.

It hit the target.

Then Iguodala, known as Little AI, cut into the paint and dunked.

The two continued to show their power. Although Nick Young and Lou Williams relied on shooting to maintain the score difference, after just a few minutes of hard work, the score difference was widened to 6 points.

"Andre is still as fierce as ever. Even though he is strong, he was called Little Iverson back then and he is quite agile.

I didn't expect that this old man in his thirties could still be so fierce. It seems that he is still in a stage where he becomes more and more demonic as he gets older."

Iverson nodded frequently, looked at Iguodala, and even gave him a thumbs up to show respect.

"I can't imitate all your fancy tricks. I haven't seen a player who plays like me for a long time at this stage.

But I don’t only appreciate players like me, my junior brothers Towns and Andrew Wiggins may also be future superstars!"

Garnett had nothing to do and was chatting.

The Lakers changed to the starting lineup early. Kobe went off to rest first, leaving Nick Young to share the outside firepower.

With Iguodala's tactical foul, the Warriors also changed their lineup again. , directly sent the"Five Deaths", the most terrifying lineup in the league, and the latest style of play pioneered so far - a lineup without a center.

"This Cole is going to use a lot of tricks, and the Death Five is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Using defensive counterattacks to score fast breaks, obviously defense is also the most important part."

Su Hao received Jokic's serve in the frontcourt, and was double-teamed by Clay, Iguodala, and Green. They surrounded Su Hao and locked him forcibly.

The three of them were like a wall step by step. Approaching Su Hao, he wanted others to attack. He quickly jumped to the sideline and passed to Nick Young at the top of the right arc.

Curry's interference successfully allowed Nick Young to hit the ball.

"Damn, the Warriors adjusted their defense so quickly. Although this double-team was brainless, it actually determined that our other players could not stand up."

Su Hao came to the sidelines while Green was shooting free throws and communicated with coach Scott.

"Yes, the most prudent way now is to substitute someone to hold the ball. You try to run without the ball to find space. This can minimize the time difference for the opponent to double-team you.

So now it’s a matter of finding a suitable organizer."

Scott then called for Jokic.

"I want you to organize now. Your organizational skills and vision are still good, so as to ensure that the score difference is not too wide.…"


After Scott said this, Jokic understood.

The Lakers had the ball, and Su Hao dribbled the ball past half-court. Clay, Green, and the three others wanted to continue to step forward and double-team, and quickly passed the ball to Jokic at the top of the arc.

Su Hao quickly ran without the ball, and Jokic dribbled sideways to press Green to the free throw line.

Su Hao took advantage of Randall's cover and went from the left to the right, passing the ball hand to hand with Jokic.

After receiving the ball, he quickly broke through, entered the penalty area, and made an emergency throw. The Warriors did not have time to make up the defense.

Su Hao scored hollowly

"The Lakers' offense was really good this time! This on-the-spot adaptability is quite outstanding."

The Warriors switched offense, the Death Five fast break started, and the rhythm suddenly opened up.

Only Su Hao in the Lakers team could react, but Su Hao could not withstand the continuous long passes.

Iguodala dunked again on the fast break Success.

In the next attack, the Lakers wanted to use the same tactic again, and this time they implemented a zone defense in order to quickly double-team Su Hao when he came out.

As expected, once the tactic was seen through, he would be defeated. Due to military training, Su Hao failed to move out and was double-teamed after receiving the ball.

As Clarkson's three-pointer failed again, the Warriors started to break again, and the Lakers' home game suddenly widened. I suddenly became quiet and felt that the crisis was coming.

"The Lakers...may be gone. They can't stand it at all and are in a state of being crushed.

This kind of thing is common in the playoffs. If other teammates can't stand up, relying on Su Hao's support will be useless.

We can only see if Kobe can pull back some points when he comes back."

Iverson and Garnett analyzed

"You played really well. I didn't expect that the post-Warriors era could be so exciting.

It's all thanks to you and these outstanding young people. I want to see a Warriors dynasty again."

Rick Barry said to Kerr standing next to him.

"These players are so good. I think you guys were fighting for the championship. They are creating an era.

Not everyone can win 50 points in the finals like you.+!"

After Kerr finished speaking, he and Rick Barry burst into laughter. The two had a very pleasant exchange. However, the reason why they were so cheerful was undoubtedly that the Warriors had gained a large lead.

As expected, Nick Young and Clarkson failed to stand out, and Jokic was also restricted by Green in the interior.

The efficiency was also average.

Su Hao was double-teamed by three people. Relying on his super talent, he made several unreasonable breakthroughs and broke through the defensive cage to score.

But they were all scattered points, which did not quench their thirst at all.

Coupled with the terrifying offensive of the Warriors' death five, the score difference was suddenly widened to 10 points by the Warriors.

This was the last quarter, and falling behind by 10 points was quite bad. The Lakers......Suddenly in crisis!!!

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