Post-match press conference

"Mr. Nelson, may I ask why you substituted Monta Ellis in the fourth quarter?

Don't doubt the eyes of reporters. These people have enough experience to let them see the problems of the Warriors.

"Ellis has just returned to the game and his physical condition has not yet recovered to its best. So for safety reasons, our original plan was not to let him play for more than 20 minutes. Now it has exceeded the limit."

Don Nelson gave a standard official answer.

But this is not what the reporters want.

But in a blink of an eye, the reporters remembered Su Lang, their friend of reporters.

Maybe they can get what they want from Su Lang.

"Mr. Su! Will Monta Ellis's return affect the team's operation? We can see from the data that when he is on the court, the team's efficiency value is the lowest in the season."

This reporter is obviously setting a trap for Su Lang.

If Su Lang answers this question, no matter what, they will exaggerate the report.

Don't talk about morality with these reporters.

All they need is exposure.

"Next question!"

Su Lang gave an unexpected response.

Su Lang had not forgotten that a few months ago, these bastards stabbed him in the back.

He was suspended for two games.

Su Lang was a man who held grudges, and he would not indulge these reporters now.

"If there are no problems, that's all for today."

Su Lang said and was about to leave.

How could the reporters off the court let Su Lang go?

""Wait a minute, Mr. Su, what do you think of Miss Kardashian's love confession on the scene? Are you dating Miss Kardashian?" a reporter asked gossipingly.

Don Nelson also looked at Su Lang curiously.

Although he was not very willing to interfere in the private lives of players.

But if Su Lang was really dating Kardashian, it was indeed not good news.

Su Lang, who was about to leave, stopped his steps.

"I have no intention of appearing in the videotape! So I will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility for anyone who spreads rumors,"

Su Lang said without looking back.

Su Lang's answer was very ruthless.

Cut the Gordian knot!

This is what Su Lang did. He didn't want to be stuck by Kardashian all the time.

So Su Lang directly faced Kardashian and exposed her past.

At the same time, he sprinkled salt on Kardashian's scars.

Some reporters in the audience couldn't help but want to laugh.

They could see from Su Lang's answer that all this was Kardashian's unilateral operation.

And Su Lang directly mentioned the word videotape, which was obviously mocking Kardashian's chaotic private life.

Few people would mention it so disrespectfully. After all,

Kardashian is also a famous socialite.

After hearing Su Lang's answer, Don Nelson breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it seems that Su Lang has no involvement with Kardashian.

Su Lang even hates Kardashian very much.

Don Nelson nodded with satisfaction.

That's right! You should focus all your energy on basketball.

As for women, it will only affect the speed of drawing the gun!

Don Nelson is more and more satisfied with Su Lang.

But if Su Lang knew that Don Nelson wanted him to be a monk.

It is estimated that Su Lang will directly give Don Nelson an electric cannon, nonsense! He just doesn't like Kardashian!

He has no intention of becoming a monk!


On the way out of the stadium after the game, Su Lang suddenly seemed to touch something in his trouser pocket.

Su Lang took it out and looked at it, and a sneer appeared on his face.

It seems that the other party is not giving up!

Su Lang's hand is a sticky note.

There is a phone number on it, and there is also an exaggerated lip print.

There is no doubt that it was done by Kardashian.

But the other party does have some ability. It is likely that a staff member accepted Kardashian's benefits and ran to the locker room to stuff it into Su Lang's clothes during the game.

Su Lang picked up the sticky note and wanted to throw it into the trash can.

Just when Su Lang walked near the trash.

Suddenly, Su Lang saw a man wearing a hoodie, hiding stealthily.

Su Lang instantly perked up.

At the same time, his brain recalled his behavior during this period.

After the previous public attack in the media, Su Lang has been much more low-key.

It shouldn't be a black fan who came to attack him!

Could it be that someone still hates him now?

Su Lang's brain was working rapidly, and his feet were ready to start exerting force.

If the other party did anything abnormal, Su Lang would immediately strike back at him.

But the next second, Su Lang almost laughed out loud.

A face with a unique temperament appeared under the hoodie.

This person was Du Xiaoshuai!

Good guy! If he hadn't seen the other party's face.

Su Lang almost kicked him up

"Hey! Kevin, why are you here!"

Su Lang smiled and looked at Du Xiaoshuai


Durant looked at Su Lang hesitantly.

In fact, he himself didn't know why he came here.

Logically, after being taught a lesson by Su Lang on the court, Durant should be very upset with Su Lang.

But there was a little devil in Durant's heart, prompting him to come here to find Su Lang.

After a while, Durant finally mustered up the courage

"Well, I want to ask you how to attract girls like you do."

After saying this, Durant looked at Su Lang expectantly and awkwardly.

Su Lang looked at Du Xiaoshuai in front of him and almost laughed.

Poor kid!

He's almost driven crazy!

Thinking of the future, Du Xiaoshuai is a well-known female insulator in the league.

���Su Lang felt sympathy for Durant.

Logically, Durant in the future would not be inferior to anyone in terms of money or status.

But even some scraps in the league can find female friends.

Poor Du Xiaoshuai is still alone.

This is obviously unscientific.

In the end, it may be due to Du Xiaoshuai's unique temperament.

Su Lang did not expect that Durant would come to him for advice.

Su Lang looked at Du Xiaoshuai in front of him.

He could not bear to tell him the truth.

Don't worry! You are an insulator against women all your life!

Isn't this a bit too cruel!

Suddenly Su Lang remembered the note in his hand that he had not had time to throw away.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

"I don't know how to attract girls, but I can tell you how to chase girls."

Su Lang looked at Durant.

Durant's eyes widened instantly. He didn't expect to gain anything from Su Lang.

"Be thick-skinned! Be rich! Don't be afraid! Stick to it!"

Su Lang looked at Durant seriously and said.

Durant kept repeating Su Lang's treasure book.

"By the way, there is an opportunity in front of you now!"

Su Lang waved the note in his hand, and then threw it directly to Durant.

Durant was flattered and took the note.

He didn't expect that Su Lang would not only teach him the secret book, but also prepare a practice object for him.

Thinking of this, Durant looked at Su Lang with gratitude.

Good man! Good people will have a peaceful life!

Su Lang looked at Durant with a grateful face, and felt a little uneasy.

This guy wouldn't really regard what he said as a secret book!

It's possible to think about it. After all, people who can express their love by drinking the other person's bath water on the Internet always have different brain circuits from normal people.

Su Lang's previous words were just perfunctory to Durant.

Now it seems that Durant really took it seriously.

Could it be that he still has the potential to be a big liar? Su Lang couldn't help but doubt himself.

"Thank you! You will be my brother from now on! I will remember you,"

Durant said gratefully.

Then he turned around and left impatiently, holding a note in his hand, ready to practice Su Lang's treasure book.

Su Lang looked at Durant's back and couldn't help grinning.

I hope you don't hate me!


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