"Boss! Finally, I can fight alongside you again!

Jackson smiled and walked to Su Lang's side.

"Hahaha! Behave well! I don't want you, an old friend, to leave me"

Su Lang patted Jackson on the shoulder and said something meaningful.

Jackson nodded, he didn't want to be as self-defeating as Margety

The current Warriors have shown great strength.

Maybe he can make up for the regrets of the first half of his life.

Naturally, Jackson didn't want to leave the Warriors.

His contract expires next year, and it looks like he's going to have to talk to the Warriors.

Even a pay cut is acceptable to Jackson.

It is believed that the Warriors will not have a hard time making a decision.


The timeout ended, and players from both sides returned to the court.

On the Celtics' side, Dougreaves glanced at Rondo.

He'd already warned Rondo.

Presumably, Rondo knew what to do in the next game.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry had the ball straight through the half.

Faced a gloomy Rondo.

Rondo deliberately released a half-step position.

Curry's side naturally saw this opportunity, although I don't know what Rondo thinks.

But Curry won't let go of this opportunity.

Curry directly changed direction and broke through from Rondo's side.

Just as Curry was preparing to break through from Rondo's side.

But the next second, a smug smile appeared on Rondo's face.


Rondo took a sharp step forward and slammed into Curry's body.

Curry had just started the acceleration and was still with one foot on the floor.

Rondo's impact directly interrupted Curry's balance.

Curry fell to the floor.

That's Rondo's plan.


The referee blew for a defensive foul on Rondo.

Rondo raised his arm indifferently.

Su Lang looked at Rondo fiercely.

This guy is a bit jumpy!

Looks like he needs to be taught a lesson!

"Boss! Leave it to me! You don't have to do it! "

That's when Curry had an extra pair of arms next to him.

The person who came was none other than Jackson, who had just come on the court.

Jackson and Su Lang pulled Curry up from the floor.

Curry rubbed his numb ass.

"It's all said to be careful! The guy across from you is very careful!

Su Lang said angrily.

Curry didn't expect these old birds to be so shameless.

He deliberately paid a foul to disgust him.

Jackson looked at Su Lang, who was talking to Curry, and had a plan in his heart.

It's an important part of whether he can stay with the Warriors.

Su Lang and Curry's relationship is extraordinary. That's his chance.

The sideline ball is sent out, and Rondo is in front of Curry again.

Rondo also deliberately leaked half of his body flaws again.

"Hey! Rookie! This is the NBA!

Curry's face turned unsightly.

"Hey! There is a flaw here, are you sure you don't try to break through? Rondo

defiantly gestured to Curry with his eyes, the flaws around him.

Curry gritted his teeth!

Dog stuff! Your Uncle Ku is not afraid of you!

Lao Tzu has long been used to this kind of NBA confrontation.

Curry couldn't help but think of the scene when he was educated by Su Lang in the previous offseason.

Although he was bullied by Su Lang very badly at that time, Curry also learned something.

Some things that Curry isn't very willing to use.

You forced me!

Curry looked at Rondo, and didn't even think about breaking through the flaw that leaked directly from Rondo.

Hahaha! Sure enough, it's a rookie! If you provoke, you will be fooled!

Rondo laughed maniacally, and he was ready to give Curry another hard blow.

After two heavy blows, it is estimated that the rookie's heart will collapse.

Rondo's mind can be described as very sinister.

He's ready to break Curry's confidence straight away.

Curry broke straight through Rondo's side.

Rondo slammed into it again on purpose.

The moment the two people touched, Curry directly raised his arms.

The position of the elbow is directly facing Rondo.

Rondo also noticed this, but he couldn't control his body anymore.

Directly turned up.

Boom! There was a loud bang, and both Curry and Rondo fell to the ground at the same time.

After Su Lang saw this scene, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Hehe! Do you really think that Curry, who I trained, is a little sheep and is at your mercy to bully!

Su Lang noticed Curry's horizontal elbow.

This time, Rondo was kind of kicked to the iron plate.

Sure enough, Rondo lay on the floor in pain.

Seeing this scene, the Celts directly fried the pot.

The little brother of the three big guys, you dare to bully, do you really think that there is no one on our Celtic side!

Pierce bore the brunt of the blow, Garnett waved his flag and shouted, but Ray Allen was the only one who persuaded everyone to calm down.

“fuck! You executioners! Pierce

rushed straight to Curry on the floor, trying to get Curry for an explanation.

"Don't be cowardly! Pierce! I'm right behind you!

Garnett said as he controlled his distance.

After Su Lang saw this scene, he instantly became unhappy.

If you want to bully the cute god, have you asked your Uncle Su!

Su Lang directly blocked Curry's front with a single arrow step.

Su Lang stretched out his arm to stop Pierce.

"Hey! I want to..."

Su Lang's words were just halfway through.

Pierce fell to the ground in front of him.

Because after Jackson saw that Su Lang and Curry were in danger, he didn't even think about it, and directly stepped forward and knocked Pierce down.

The name of the Martial Saint is not covered!

Poor Pierce was going to come up and put on an X.

After all, Rondo is his little brother, and Pierce naturally wants to act like a boss.

The younger brother is injured, and the old nature wants to get back to the field.

But who knew that he had met Jackson, a reckless man.

didn't say much, just punched him down.

“fuck! Do you want to fight in groups?

Garnett yelled.

Su Lang looked at Garnett with disdain, anyway, he also knew that Garnett was just a mouth cannon.

Pierce fell to the ground, and Garnett couldn't make any waves.


The referee's quick entry prevented further development.

In fact, even if the referee does not enter, Su Lang believes that things will not be bad.

But I don't seem to be of much use!

I was about to give Curry a head just now, but I didn't expect to be robbed of the show by Jackson.

The limelight was all given to Jackson.

Su Lang patted Jackson on the shoulder.

"Okay! You dare to steal the limelight of the boss! "

Hahaha! Just leave the dirty work to me! You don't have to do it,"

Jackson said with a smile.

Jackson then looked at Nelson Sr. off the court.

See! That's what makes me different!

Old Nelson also nodded thoughtfully.

Courage and uprightness!

Jackson has shown his worth, and the Warriors have a lot of young people right now.

But it really seems to lack a little bit of blood.

Let Danny Green, Brewer, Gibson and other young people go to war, not to mention the value of force, it is estimated that they will not dare in terms of mentality.

But Jackson can do it!

It seems that there is a real need for such a person in the team.

Escort Su Lang and Curry.

Such a group of people are collectively referred to as guards with knives!

Old Nelson smiled kindly at Jackson.

Jackson grinned as well after seeing Nelson's smile in old life.

Because he knew it was done!

He jumped at the chance!


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