The time came on November 18th, US time.

The day after the Warriors beat the Cavaliers on the road.

Back-to-back games against the North Shore Garden Arena against the Boston Celtics.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Su Lang sat quietly in the locker room.

The last time I faced the Celtics, the three old guys on the opposite side bullied Su Lang a lot.

Bullying Su Lang is weak, this time Su Lang also has a helper, and this field must be recovered.

But in back-to-back games, the Warriors' players, despite their high momentum, had an unconcealed fatigue on their faces.

It's also normal, as the Warriors were on a three-game road streak before the Celtics.

And this time it's back-to-back again, and the Warriors' players have already reached a peak in fitness.

Now they are supported by nothing more than an undefeated faith.

The continuous and intense games are indeed a test for the players.

The evening game won't be too simple.

At half-past eight, the players came in to warm up.

As soon as I entered the North Shore Garden Arena, the fans shouted wildly.

made the momentum of the Warriors players drop sharply.

Su Lang could clearly see that Gibson's legs were trembling when he encountered such a scene for the first time.

Alas~ Su's unique decompression method, does Su's thousand-year-old killing have a place to use again?

A kill is refreshing.

The momentum of the second kill is like a rainbow.

Three killings to become a Buddha.

If someone could hold out until Su Lang's fourth thousand-year kill, then there would be no one on his opposite side who would be his opponent anymore.

Su Lang walked towards Gibson with a wicked smile.


Before Su Lang could make a move, Gibson directly covered his ass and looked at Su Lang.

Good guy! A few meanings! I haven't made a move yet, so you cover it! Look down on me Su someone! Su

Lang looked at Gibson unhappily.

Now Su Lang's Xi of liking killing and stabbing people for thousands of years has spread in the Warriors.

Although everyone didn't say it explicitly, in private, everyone was guarding against Su Lang's thousand-year-old killing.

It's not that the power of this thousand-year-old kill is great, the main thing is that it's too shameful.

"Xiao Ji, if this game is blown up, you will be good-looking after the game"

Su Lang patted Gibson on the shoulder meaningfully.

Gibson looked at Su Lang without tears.

Otherwise, you might as well give a thousand-year kill

! It's Garnett on the other side!

The odds of me not being blown up are pitiful.

Su Lang completely ignored Gibson's resentful eyes.

Turned and walked towards Curry.

No one else can count on this game, and if you want to win the game, you have to start with Curry.

After seeing Su Lang coming over, Curry showed a loveless expression.

"Say it, what do you want to do with me again"

Anyway, every time Su Lang looked for him, most of the time there was nothing good.

Yesterday's shameful shackle has appeared in the reports of major media.

And Stephen Curry's younger brother, Seth Curry, made a special phone call to mock him.

It Curry off.

Now as long as he looks at Su Lang's expression, Curry knows that Su Lang is not holding back his fart.

"Okay! I didn't expect me to be like this in your heart,"

Su Lang looked at Curry speechlessly.

"Okay! Don't pretend! I don't know what you look like! Only James would believe that you actually gave him the video.

Do you dare to swear you didn't leave a backup!"

Curry looked at Su Lang angrily.

Su Lang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, I didn't keep a backup of your video

" "I believe you are a ghost!" "

Curry looks like you don't want to lie to me.

"Okay! Let's talk about what the hell is going on!"

Curry didn't want to continue to entangle with Su Lang on this matter.

Curry's performance was as expected by Su Lang.

It stands to reason that Curry shouldn't struggle a little bit at this time, isn't it like this every time?

Where did Su Lang know Curry's thoughts.

Since coming to the same team with Su Lang, as long as Su Lang wants to calculate Curry, Curry has not been able to dodge once.

Anyway, Curry also saw it, since he couldn't hide, he just lay down and accept it.

This can be somewhat informed.

You don't have to be calculated by Su Lang like a fool.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect your consciousness to be so high now,"

Su Lang smiled and patted Curry on the shoulder.

But Su Lang scolded secretly in his heart.

Grandma's! The cute god has grown and upgraded! If you want to bully him in the future, it doesn't seem so easy.

"Actually, I mainly wanted to motivate you, other people can't be relied on in this game, if you want to win this game, you have to see the performance of you and me"

Su Lang looked at Curry seriously.

Curry breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect him to have such a high status in Su Lang's heart.

Su Lang in Curry's eyes didn't seem to be so annoying in an instant.

"Don't worry! I don't think I'm going to kill them today!"

Curry said, patting his chest.

Su Lang was stunned, opened his mouth, and finally didn't speak.

Alas~ Maybe today's Moe God will be beaten by society!

But it's okay, if it's been smooth, it's not a good thing for the Warriors.

Su Lang looked at Old Nelson.

Old Don! I'm so heartbroken for this team

! You're too easy to be the head coach!

I'm too lazy to mobilize before the game!

How did Su Lang know that this was done by Don Nelson on purpose.

The winning streak at the start of the season has already distorted the momentum of the Warriors' players.

Especially after defeating the two strong teams in the East, the Cavaliers and the Magic, many Warriors players have begun to float.

So Don Nelson did it on purpose, and he was ready to give the players a head start in this game.

Sober up the Warriors players.

If Su Lang knew Lao Tang's thoughts, he would have to blast Lao Tang.

It's so unkind

!Even he Su Lang calculated!


Soon the warm-up of the players was over.

The competition has officially begun.

The Warriors are still maintaining their previous main lineup.

On the Celtic side.

No. 1 Rajon Rondo, No. 2 Ray Allen, No. 3 Paul Pierce, No. 4 Kevin Garnett, No. 5 Perkins.

Super aircraft carrier!

Only Su Lang knows the strength of this lineup.

Historically, this year's Finals should have been a collision of two aircraft carrier teams, the Celtics and the Lakers.

The two teams put on a brilliant battle of the century.

So the strength of the Celts speaks for itself.

As the referee's whistle blew, the basketball was thrown into the air.

Andris lived up to expectations and lost the jump ball.

Perkins turned the basketball to Rondo.

At this time, Curry rushed directly to Rondo with one arrow step.

I want to intercept the basketball halfway.

Now Curry can be said to be playing with confidence.

This kind of gambling steal, Curry dares to make.

The Celtics also didn't expect a first-year rookie to be so ferocious.

The opening was so brutal!

Curry actually snatched the basketball.

Directly gave the Celtics a dismount!!

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