The referee being knocked out was something that no one expected.

Oracle Stadium fans were in for a feast for the eyes today.

Curry put on a comedy in the other half.

Su Lang was good, not to be outdone, he directly staged a wave of action scenes in the half here.

Fortunately, there is no big problem with the referee who gets knocked out.

After a few moments, he stood up from the ground.

Then all the players went off the field.

The referee needs to observe the replay to determine the scale of the decision.

Su Lang and Curry sat side by side.

Curry looked nervous.

I didn't see it! I didn't see it! he didn't see it!"

Curry muttered silently in his heart.

He didn't want this guy Su Lang to see the embarrassing scene he had just seen.

But in the next second, Curry exploded directly.

The director intimately put the scene that Curry just performed on the big screen of the scene.

Su Lang, who was drinking water, squirted out directly with a mouthful of water.

Good guys!Is this happening in Golden State Lavin


I don't listen! Don't say anything!"

Su Lang just wanted to ask Curry, but Curry interrupted Su

Lang with a dark face.

Anyway, he also knew that Su Lang would definitely not be able to say anything in his mouth.

Su Lang didn't expect Curry to directly gag his mouth.

Seeing that Su Lang did not continue, Curry breathed a sigh of relief.

"The action is beautiful!" Su

Lang still didn't hold back, and whispered to Curry.

Su Lang, your uncle!

Curry's eyes instantly became resentful.

Are you saying that the fart squat I fell is very beautiful?

Curry knew that Su Lang must not have anything good to say in his mouth!

【Negative Sentiment Value from Stephen Curry +2000】

After receiving Curry's negative Sentiment Value, Su Lang felt a lot more comfortable.

Su Lang let out a long sigh of relief.

It's comfortable

! You still want to gag my mouth! Little Curry, you are too naïve!

At this time, the referee on the court also has a judgment.

The referee didn't let him go because of Su Lang's brazenness.

directly gave Su Lang a first-level malicious foul, although Su Lang had no follow-up actions.

But the scene where Su Lang threw Barnes' back on the floor was seen by everyone.

Barnes's side was miserable, and the referee directly gave him a second-degree malicious foul.

! Barnes nearly hammered his brain out with one punch.

The referee felt that it was light to give him a second-degree malicious foul.

Barnes walked down the tunnel with a grim face.


Why was he bullied from beginning to end, and in the end, his own punishment was worse than that of the other party.

[Negative Sentiment from Barnes +2000]

After the penalty was awarded, the players from both sides returned to the field.

The ball is on the Magic's side.

Van Gundy is having a headache right now, and the accident just now is likely to affect the whole game.

And just now Barnes also knocked out the referee.

Inside the next game.

The referee's decision will definitely be biased in favor of the Warriors.

JJ Reddick is back on the field again.

There is no way, the substitute Petrus who was prepared before is now temporarily playing the No. 3 position.

Van Gundy doesn't have much of a player in his hands.

Magic's offensive round.

Vince Carter, on his part, couldn't help it.

This team is completely different from what he imagined.

So Vince Carter made a decision directly.

Vince Carter stuck the opposing Gibson behind him in one slot.

Reach out and ask for the ball directly from Williams from beyond the three-point line.

According to Van Gundy's instructions, Howard should actually be found at this time.

But Williams met Vince Carter's gaze.

Seeing the other party's determined eyes, Williams couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart.

In the end, the basketball was passed to Vince Carter.

Back to the low post, turn around, do it in one go!Vince

Carter sent the basketball directly into the basket, Vince

Carter looked at Van Gundy off the court.

It's a war on the basketball court

! It's not a game! A leader needs someone to comfort him

! It's ridiculous

! I'm not going to play any happy basketball with you!

I want victory!

The flame in Vince Carter's heart gradually burned.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Very interestingly, Vince Carter waved directly at JJ Redick and asked to switch positions with Redick.

Vince Carter came directly in front of Su Lang.

This was not Van Gundy's plan.

This was Vince Carter's own idea.

He has to lead by example and lead the team.

Looking at Vince Carter who came to him, Su Lang couldn't help but sigh.

Veterans don't die!

Even now Vince Carter is no longer able to fly away, no longer the UFO.

But his heart was still like a flame.

Su Lang became serious, and he decided to give Vince Carter respect.

Su Lang turned his back directly to Vince Carter and reached out to Curry for the ball.

Curry didn't know why Su Lang did this.

However, he chose to believe Su Lang, although Su Lang was usually very unreliable.

But when you come to the court, as long as the basketball comes to Su Lang's hands, you will feel inexplicably safe.

After Su Lang received the pass with his back.

Directly turned his back and killed the inside.

Vince Carter stuck to Su Lang's side without giving an inch.

After coming to the vicinity of the three-second zone, Su Lang made an emergency stop and turned around again.

Vince Carter posted it.

But at this time, Su Lang had already jumped into the air.

With such a close distance, Vince Carter naturally would not give up.

And Howard under the basket also noticed that Su Lang actually came to the inside attack.

This was the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

Block! Be sure to block him

! Howard rushed out directly from under the basket!

At the same time,

Su Lang also completed the final move in the air.

Su Lang leaned back in the air.

Time seems to be frozen at this time.

Vince Carter and Howard jumped one after another to block Su Lang's shot.

The basketball flew over Vince Carter and Howard's heads.

Directly into the network.

Don Nelson was also shocked off the court, if he was not mistaken, Su Lang had just shown his low-post offensive skills and step-back jumper.

It is completely the top existence of the alliance, and Su Lang has never shown it before.

Could it be that this is the secret weapon that Su Lang practiced Xi offseason!

Curry, who was outside the three-point line, saw this scene and directly hated it.

Curry trained with Su Lang throughout the offseason.

When did Su Lang develop such an offensive method, why didn't he know.

So he made a judgment directly in Curry's mind.

Su Lang, this guy, must have secretly practiced after the training.

It's the same as when I secretly practiced my three-point shot.

Su Lang of the dog day, is the involution so powerful

! I have to roll it to death!

Curry cursed angrily in his heart.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]


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