In Anthony's frightened eyes, Su Lang drank James, Paul, and Wade by himself, completely losing his mind.

Wade, the big-cheeked raiser, is now holding James' dog and doing a pas de deux.

The poor dog, completely unaware of what was going on, could only be carried forward by Wade, jumping step by step.

After seeing Su Lang filming this scene with his mobile phone, Anthony's cheeks couldn't help but tremble.

Damn! Thankfully, I wasn't involved at the time.

Otherwise, it's yourself who is unlucky now!

Anthony hurriedly took a sip of red wine to suppress the shock.

"Hey! Cameron, do you want some?

Su Lang raised the liquor in his hand and looked at Anthony.

“no! no! no! I'll just drink this,"

Anthony said with a quick wave of his hand.

Seeing that Anthony confessed, Su Lang turned to continue attacking James and Paul.


Early the next morning. A frantic cry woke Anthony from his sleep.

“fuck! What the hell is going on!

Paul looked at James in shock.

James rubbed his somewhat explosive head.

"Hey! Can you put your hands down first!

James looked at Paul in front of him speechlessly.

It turned out that Paul and James were shirtless and hugging each other.

And Paul's hand was on top of James's ass.

At this time, Wade, the big-cheeked gangster, also crawled out of James's kennel.

Boy! Last night, I actually hugged James's dog and slept in the kennel for one night.

Wade now feels like he wants to die.

"Hey! Cameron! What's going on?

James asked, looking at Anthony coming down from the stairs.

The three of them don't remember anything about what happened last night.

It was completely broken.

"You drank too much yesterday!"

Anthony said speechlessly.

“fuck! I remembered, didn't I want to get drunk with this guy Su Lang yesterday! Where is he!

Then Paul suddenly remembered.

"Gone! Gone early in the morning,"

Anthony looked at the three people in front of him speechlessly.

"In addition, let me remind you, your wonderful performance yesterday, Su Lang has left all the evidence!"

Anthony said with a smile.


The three of them were confused, and the feeling of hangover made the three people's brains a little overwhelmed.

After a moment, the three of them reacted.

"Su Lang! Your uncle's! "

“fuck! Su Lang, I don't share the sky with you! "

Damn! I didn't expect to be calculated by him in the end! "


There was a wail in the living room.

[Negative Sentiment from Wade +5000] [Negative Sentiment from LeBron James +5000] [Negative Sentiment from Chris Paul +


Su Lang on the plane couldn't help laughing when he looked at the notification received in the system.

Let you count me! I can't kill you!


In the days that followed, this guy James called every day, wanting to get back the evidence in Su Lang's hands.

Wade, the big-cheeked gangster, even made a special trip.

As for Paul, this guy is simply a tsundere.

I didn't want to bow my head to Su Lang at all.

Su Lang is not used to his faults, the evidence is in his hands, anyway, sooner or later, Paul will have to surrender honestly.


Soon the time came to June 25 in the United States.

In the Madison Square Garden Theater in New York, Su Lang sat on the sidelines.

"Hey! I'm so nervous right now! What to do!".

Curry kept rubbing his hands.

"What are you afraid of! Both the Knicks and the Warriors have promised you, what are you worried about!

Su Lang looked at Curry in front of him angrily.

"Hahaha! Weren't you nervous last year?

Curry looked at Su Lang in front of him and asked.

"Nope! How could I be nervous, only a rookie like you would be nervous!

Su Lang looked at Curry and pouted.

Time flies, last year Su Lang was still sitting here as a draft player, and this year he came here again, but he was Curry's friend.

Obviously, in addition to Curry, Curry's father Dale Curry is also very nervous at this time.

However, Su Lang knows very well that Curry will come to the Warriors 100%.

After all, this year's Warriors are a big deal.

A draft pick that was previously traded by Monta Ellis from the Grizzlies.

Luck exploded, the Grizzlies' character exploded, and they directly drew a list of eye signs.

This made the Grizzlies beat their chests, knowing that they would draw the list with such a low odds, and the Grizzlies were reluctant to trade out this draft pick.

But now it's all cheap for the Warriors.

In addition to the list of picks from the Grizzlies this year, the Warriors also have one of their own teams, and before Su Lang came to the team, the Warriors obtained a first-round draft pick through a trade.

This draft pick went straight into the seventh-pick lottery pick this year.

The Warriors were out of luck, and as for the Warriors' own draft pick this year, they were traded out by the Warriors a few years ago.

Two lotto draws in front of you.

If this wave of operations is done well, the Warriors will take off directly next year.

Soon Stern's figure appeared on the stage.

, the same opening remarks as last year,

after a simple set off the atmosphere.

Stern announced the official start of the draft.

Unsurprisingly, the Clippers used their No. 1 pick to take Griffin.

Griffin's expression was silly, but it couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

After the champion is confirmed, it is the Warriors' hand to find the flower pick.

After receiving the envelope from the Warriors representative.

Stern opened it and looked at it, and froze in place for a moment.

Then he looked at the Warriors representatives again, as if to determine if this was their final choice?

After getting the answer from the Warriors representative, Stern looked at the note in his hand again.

"The Golden State Warriors' pick for the second pick in the first round is Stephen Curry from Davidson College!"

Stern eventually spoke out about the Warriors' choice.

"I've been chosen!"

Curry looked at Su Lang in surprise, and now Curry felt like he was in a dream.

Although he received promises from the Warriors and the Knicks, Curry didn't expect the Warriors to draft him with a scout.

It's not just Curry who didn't think about it.

Other teams are also very unclear about the Warriors' selection.

It stands to reason that Curry is not worth this scout at all.

Although Curry broke the NCAA's 90 percent record for three-pointers in his college career.

But that only proves that Curry is a good pitcher.

It's not worth a probe lot.

And Curry, except for the three-point shot, other physical qualities are slightly mediocre.

The Warriors' selection of Curry with a scout pick is simply a brain-dead act.

The other teams off the court are secretly making fun of the Warriors' selection.

The Knicks' representative shook his head helplessly.

They're also very interested in Curry.

But I didn't expect the Warriors to be so bold and use the scout pick to select Curry.

This left the Knicks representatives a little speechless.


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