It's April 24, 2009.

The Warriors have their fourth game against the Spurs.

The Warriors have won three games in a row, and only this one last step remains.

If the Warriors win this game, the Warriors will win the entire series.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

The match between the two sides officially began.

According to the usual practice, Su Lang directly threw out four heart spirit rhino cards.

As soon as he entered the court, Su Lang felt that the Spurs had changed.

The momentum of the Spurs has become very terrifying.

Although this is the home court of the Warriors, it is clear that the Spurs are not affected.

It is clear that they have come out of the effects of the previous Bowen incident.

Now the Spurs are on the edge of a cliff.

So this game they have the idea of breaking the boat.

Seeing the expressions of the Spurs players, Su Lang knew that this game would not be easy.

Sure enough, as the whistle sounded at the start of the game.

Bonner jumped straight into the air, seemingly using all his strength on the jumper.

Bonner slapped the basketball to Parker, and it was the first time in the series that Bonner snatched the ball from Andris in the first round.

After jumping the ball, Bonner lost his center of gravity and fell directly to the floor.

It can be seen that this time Bonner used all his breastfeeding energy, and did not consider the problem of the center of gravity of the body at all.

In the next second, Bonner stood up directly, and his expression did not change in the slightest.

Bonner quickly came to the inside station.

Su Lang frowned, and it could be seen from Bonner that the Spurs were ready to fight hard.

As Su Lang imagined, after Parker controlled the ball after half the court, he directly accelerated and rushed towards Su Lang without the slightest hesitation.

In the first few games, Su Lang educated Parker enough.

I didn't expect Parker to dare to challenge Su Lang at this time. ,

Su Lang directly stretched out his arms and shrouded Parker in front of him.

Parker didn't panic in the face of Su Lang's defense, and directly turned around with a gyroscope and continued to rush to the inside.

How could Su Lang let him get his wish, an acceleration followed behind Parker, and stretched out his arms to block all the passing space for Parker.

At this time, Brandon White under the basket also came to Parker to help defend.

Parker seems to have run nowhere.

In the next second, Parker threw himself out directly, and the whole person flew towards the basket at a strange angle.

The basketball shot, directly on the rebound, the basketball into the net.

Parker also fell out of bounds.

Parker was putting the basketball in the basket with his life, and Parker didn't seem to think about his body at all when he attacked.

The score on the field came to 2:0

The Spurs went first.

In just one round, the Spurs' determination can be seen.

In fact, everyone on the Spurs team is holding back a lot of energy in their hearts.

Now there are rumors that the Spurs are able to make the playoffs every year, and the reason for this is the dirty methods they use.

So now everyone at the Spurs team wants to prove themselves.

Prove that you really have what it takes to make the playoffs, not by some dirty means.

These are Bowen's own self-made claims and have nothing to do with them.

Su Lang looked at the momentum of the Spurs side like a rainbow, and couldn't help but feel a little sore in his head.

I thought that the Spurs would collapse, but I didn't expect them to be able to recover so quickly, so it became a little difficult for the Warriors to send the Spurs home in one go.

I really didn't expect the Spurs to adjust so quickly.

In the offensive round of the Warriors, Su Lang controlled the ball and passed half court.

Jackson, who played well in the first two games, was in trouble as soon as the game started.

Under Mason Jr.'s desperate defense, Jackson couldn't even get rid of Mason Jr.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to attack by himself.

"Hey, I'm not hurt, I'm letting you down!" Su

Lang looked at Parker in front of him and said lightly.

"That has nothing to do with us!" Parker

said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, anyone who commits a crime will not admit the mistakes they have made!" Su

Lang said disdainfully.

[+1000 Negative Sentiment from


"I told it! That has nothing to do with us!" Parker

yelled loudly again.

At the moment when Parker was emotional, Su Lang accelerated and shook Parker away.

After coming to the three-point line, Su Lang made a three-point shot directly.

The basketball is rolling in the air and falls directly into the net

! Although you are desperate! But I still have to win the game!

Su Lang looked coldly at Popovich off the court.

Spurs' offensive round.

Parker threw the basketball right away after halftime.

Su Lang followed the trajectory of the basketball flight.

The Warriors' interior defense has collapsed, and the initiator is Duncan.

Duncan finally showed what a super power forward is capable of.

Duncan stuck Brandon White behind him, and no matter how hard Brandon White used all his strength, he couldn't make Duncan move a single bit.

After receiving Parker's pass, Duncan turned directly to the board and shot.

Basketball goes to the net.

The score came to 4:3

Su Lang seemed to feel a familiar taste.

In the next round, after Su Lang dribbled past half court, he directly encountered the bag clip.

Parker and Little Mason moved desperately, blocking Su Lang in front of him.

In the desperate situation of the two of them, Su Lang didn't have a chance to find a flaw for a while.

Jackson, who was missing behind him, waved directly for the ball.

Su Lang passed the basketball to Jackson, but the next second Spurs small forward Finley appeared in front of Jackson.

Jackson didn't hesitate and threw the basketball straight into the bottom corner.

In the bottom corner was none other than Azubuuk, who came on in place of the injured Margeti.

It stands to reason that Azubuuk is not suitable for the number three position.

Because Azubuuk's body is a little too weak in the number three position.

Azubuuk is actually more suitable for the No.2 position.

But there is no way for the Warriors to do so, after all, they need firepower points on the court.

The Warriors' front line really didn't have enough depth, and there was no one to shoot except Margety.

So Azubuk had no choice but to accept the order.

Facing a defense with no one around two steps in front of him, Azubuuk made a three-point shot directly from the bottom corner.

But just as he was making a move, a figure flickered in front of Azubuuk's eyes.

Azubuuk's arm shook slightly.

Not surprisingly, the basketball popped straight out of the frame.

The man who interfered with Azubuk was Duncan under the basket.

Azubuk has a serious shortcoming, and that is that his mental quality is not up to par.

According to Duncan's position in this round, Azubuke didn't have to worry about being blocked

at all, but Azubuike was still cowardly when facing Duncan.

This also directly affects his feel.

No three points in the open position.

It's a very demoralizing thing.

Su Lang, who was outside the three-point line, frowned.

He finally understood where the familiar smell came from.


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