After the game against the Cavaliers.

The Warriors are getting braver.

Straight to win two in a row. After Su Lang's comeback, the team won a record of 3 wins and 1 loss.

It just overturned on the last day of the race in November.

The Warriors lost 125-138 to the New York Knicks.

The suspense of this game was maintained until the end.

In the end, in overtime, Andris and Brandon White both left the game with six fouls.

The Knicks seized their opportunity and won the game.

Su Lang scored 33 points, 9 assists and 5 rebounds.

On the opposite side, David Lee chipped down 37 points and 21 rebounds.

Be the hero of the Knicks' victory.

The Warriors finished November with an 11-5 record.

Once again, it came to the fourth position in the West.

The Warriors' outstanding results made Su Lang unsurprisingly win the best rookie award in November in the West.

Su Lang averaged 28.2 points, 10.3 assists, and 3.1 rebounds per game in the November game.

This made everyone have no opinion on Su Lang winning the best rookie in November.

After all, Su Lang's current data can be regarded as a quasi-all-star level.

And no rookie can surpass Su Lang in terms of data.

The next game.

The Warriors are gradually getting on track.

Under Su Lang's leadership, the Warriors had a 10-5 record in December.

The overall record came to 21-10.

It is still ranked fourth in the West.

It's January 2009.

The Warriors are getting stronger and stronger, and they are gradually showing their strength in the playoffs.

No team dares to underestimate the Warriors anymore.

But in the second half of January.

The Warriors have an important thing in their hands.

That is, Montaellis, who missed more than two months of play due to injury, is back.

According to Montaellis's own ideas, he wanted to make a comeback in December.

But it has been rejected by the team's team doctor.

He wasn't back to his best.

In this way, Montaelis had to wait for more than half a month.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that with Montaellis' comeback approaching.

The atmosphere in the locker room is getting tense.

When Su Lang bought people's hearts before, Monta Ellis was not idle.

With the combination of grace and power, Montaelis also attracted three or four loyal players around him.

But these three or four are all marginal figures in the team.

On the contrary, the team's main lineup has been on Su Lang's side.

However, Montaelis is confident that if he puts in the effort, he will turn the situation around.

The time came on January 22, 2009.

Montaelis ushered in his comeback debut.

In this game, the Warriors will host the Thunder from Oklahoma at Oracle Arena.

It was the Thunder team that was interested in Su Lang before, and then missed Su Lang for various reasons.

Presti, the current general manager of the Thunder, is remorseful.

I knew that Su Lang was so fierce, and I wanted to get Su Lang to the Thunder team even if I was smashing the pot and selling iron.

Durant plus Wei Shao, plus a Su Lang, is simply an aircraft carrier-like configuration.

And these players are still young, and they can play the whole game.

In this way, you don't have to worry about the weakness of the bench.

But now it's too late.

Su Lang has become a sharp knife for the Golden State warriors.

Presti, for her part, could only watch the Warriors rise.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the game officially began.

The line-up of both sides.

Warriors, No. 1 Sulang, No. 2 Monta Ellis, No. 3 Jackson, No. 4 Brandon White, No. 5 Rob Coultz.

The former starting centre-forward Andris suffered a sprained left wrist in the previous game.

Therefore, it takes about half a month to 20 days to recuperate.

So Kurz replaced Andris as the starting centre-forward.

Interestingly, Kurz is one of four people who support Montaelis.

Jackson also came to the No. 3 position because of the return of Monta Ellis.

The starting lineup on the Thunder's side is:

No. 1 Willis, No. 2 Mason, No. 3 Durant, No. 4 Jeff Green, No. 5 Nick Collisson.

When warming up, Su Lang looked at the camp of the Thunder team.

Wei Shao was more than one taller, which directly attracted Su Lang's attention.

The last time the two men met was at the draft.

At that time, Wei Shao was far from being as strong as he is now.

Now Wei Shao seems to have eaten yeast, and it has been blowing directly for more than half a year.

However, Su Lang, who had experience in his previous life, was not very surprised.

Su Lang was just curious.

He was eager to see how the future Megatron of the Megatron Alliance had transformed.

Now it seems to be very interesting.

Half a year can transform a player, which is really rare.

But except for Su Lang.

After all, Su Lang has the help of the pit father system.


After the warm-up, as the whistle blew, the game officially began.

The Warriors' weak interior remains a problem.

Nick Collison stole the offensive ball for the Thunder in the first round.

The basketball controlled by Wei Shao passed half court.

"Hey, turtle face, long time no see!" Su

Lang came directly to Wei Shao's front and said with a smile on his face.

[Negative sentiment value from Westbrook +2000]

Su Lang saw the hint popping up in his heart, and his heart was refreshed.

Haha, it's still the negative emotions provided by old friends that are more fragrant

! Your uncle's! Your whole family is a turtle

face! It's endless! It's still in the NBA!

Wei Shao's face turned dark, and he instantly remembered some bad memories.

But in the blink of an eye, Wei Shao's eyes became firm.

Feeling the explosive power coming out of his body, Wei Shao's

confidence greatly increased.

"I'm not what I used to be! You're going to pay for your actions right away!" Wei

Shao said viciously to Su Lang while controlling the basketball.

Su Lang looked at the serious Wei Shao with a smile on his face.

Good fellow! Turtle is going to rebel!

Looks like we'll have to let him know why the flowers are so red.

Su Lang lowered the center and looked at Wei Shao in front of him defiantly.

After Wei Shao saw Su Lang's defense, he took a step back.

His eyes looked at the Warriors' interior line.

After Su Lang saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because he had already guessed what Wei Shao wanted to do.

Wei Shao's side wants to use his exclusive stunt, scissor step plus turbo increase to forcibly break through himself.

This is the result of Wei Shao in the past six months.

However, Wei Shao's turbocharging technique should not have reached its peak now.

There is a high probability that it is around the S-level.

Therefore, when Su Lang was Wei Shao retreating, he took a step forward directly and continued to lower his center of gravity to defend Wei Shao.

Su Lang's outside defense is obviously much stronger than before.

The credit for this is that in the second half of December, Su Lang learned from the system Xi's SS-level outside defensive skills were dead entangled.

Su Lang finally made up for one of his shortcomings.

Wei Shao watched Su Lang take a step forward, and the distance between the two people was not enough for him to complete the front action of the scissor step.

So I had to take another step back.

But in the next second, Su Lang took another step forward.

Wei Shao was numb in an instant! Suddenly,

there was a feeling of being choked by Su Lang's neck.


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