"Honey, why don't you go home first, or go shopping? I have some business to deal with!" Tang Yu said to Taylor Swift.

"Okay, then we'll see you in the evening. You'll go home for dinner, right?"

"Sure! See you in the evening!"

Taylor Swift left the Rockets training center with four bodyguards, and Tang Yu also walked towards his office.

Uncle Mu followed Tang Yu to the office. Tang Yu naturally knew Uncle Mu's purpose, which must be about retirement.

"Dikembe, are you planning to retire?" Tang Yu asked knowingly.

Uncle Mu smiled bitterly and replied, "Yes, boss, my body can no longer contribute to the team. I know it's time to start the next chapter of my life."

Tang Yu nodded, "Are you interested in working for the Rockets? I know you have a foundation, and you also want to contribute more to your hometown. I can give you the title of Rockets Honorary Ambassador. This will always be your home!"

Uncle Mu was very happy. He didn't expect Tang Yu to already know his needs.

He said excitedly: "Thank you very much, boss. I think this is the best arrangement."

Uncle Mu is not suitable to stay in the Rockets as an assistant coach, and Tang Yu does not want to use a contract to tie up this African mountain. He is Uncle Mu who belongs to the entire black world.

After settling Uncle Mu's retirement issue, the next issue is the draft of this season.

The lottery picks have come out. The Rockets only have the Clippers' first-round picks and second-round picks, and the Clippers only got the 8th pick, but this is enough for Tang Yu.

Due to the Hornets' bad performance, they got the fourth pick and the Trail Blazers' 22nd pick.

The No. 1 pick was won by the Wizards with only a 10.3% chance, while the Nets with a 25% chance of getting the No. 1 pick fell to the third pick.

The No. 2 pick was won by 75 people.

The draft will also be held on the 25th of this month, and there are still 10 days.


The next day, June 15, Dasheng and Alian arrived at the Rockets Center early to receive special training from Tang Yu.

Tang Yu developed a set of training plans for the two of them. Dasheng's training plan was to practice three-point shooting and his own confrontation ability, and train in the direction of outside shooters and blue-collar defensive players.

Alian's training plan was to carry out pick-and-roll training and three-point shooting training at the same time, as well as training in mobility.

Both of them had absolute trust in Tang Yu's training arrangements. The Rockets' assistant coaches also went on vacation, and only four trainers accompanied the two to train.

Tang Yu also moved his office to the stadium, so that the two could improve faster, after all, he was a person with BUFF.

Max walked to Tang Yu after receiving a call and said, "Boss, Morris has gone bankrupt!"

Tang Yu closed his notebook and laughed, "Haha, this is good news! Can he be forced to sell the team?"

"Soon, he has already owed a large amount of debt in the capital market, and the bet agreement he signed with his investors will take effect soon, and it will be difficult for him to turn things around."

At this time, Tang Yu's phone rang, and it was Morris who called.

"Is this to borrow money?" Tang Yu laughed. If it was to borrow money, then Morris was stupid.

Max shrugged and said he didn't know.

When he picked up the phone, it was not as Tang Yu imagined, Morris's roar came up.

"Tang Yu, I'm going to kill you, I know you did all this, you bitch!" Morris roared hysterically.

As a winner, Tang Yu just smiled faintly, "Mr. Morris, let's be frank, you lose!"

"Fuck Tang Yu, don't let me see you in the next mission, I will torture you to death! I will make you live a life worse than death, and never turn over!"

'Bang! '

After Tang Yu finished speaking, he heard a gunshot from Morris's phone.

"Committed suicide? This guy is too single, right?" Tang Yu looked at Max, very puzzled.

Max said: "He should know that he can't complete this mission, so it's better to give up and quickly start the next mission!"

Tang Yu nodded, it should be like this. With his absolute advantage, Morris saw the facts clearly. He originally wanted to make a difference in this year's draft, but was directly bankrupted by Tang Yu.

In addition to the gambling agreement, the investors will definitely not let him go easily. Instead of struggling and wasting time like this, it is better to give up and leave this mission directly.

"Then our mission will be smooth sailing. Monkey King, your shooting action is wrong!"

Tang Yu went on the court to demonstrate to Monkey King and A-Lian.

"Pass the ball to me!" Tang Yu asked the trainer to pass the ball to him.

The trainer immediately passed a ball to Tang Yu, who shot directly after receiving the ball without any sinking action, which surprised Dasheng, Alian and the trainer.

"Boss, is this a new way of shooting?" Dasheng asked.

Tang Yu said: "This shooting method will allow you to shoot faster and not give the opponent a chance to make up. If you train according to this shooting method, you will receive unexpected gains in the new season!"

The two immediately trained according to Tang Yu's movements. At the beginning, they were very uncomfortable and their hit rate could not even reach 30%. However, after an hour, the two obviously adapted to this shooting method and their hit rate began to rise.

For a shooter, the hit rate of open three-point shooting training must reach at least 90% to be qualified. The training of the two has a long way to go.

After a day of training, Dasheng and Alian were both exhausted. They shot about 1,000 three-pointers that day.

However, at the end, Tang Yu said: "Do you know how many times Kobe Bryant shoots a day? Three thousand times, so your current training volume is still too much, I will gradually increase your training volume!"

Kobe never stops shooting three thousand times a day. There is no shortcut to success. The efforts behind the people standing at the top are unknown.

NBA league shooters shoot more than 1,000 times a day, and CBA shooters shoot 500 three-pointers a day. This is the gap!

On June 16, the NBA announced that Hornets owner Rex Morris committed suicide. Because the other party owed a high debt, the league would choose a new owner for the Hornets, and the money from the sale would be used to repay the debt.

The Hornets eventually failed to escape the fate of the league's trusteeship.

On the same day, Chris Paul said in front of the media that he would seek a trade to leave the already devastated team.

That night, Tang Yu announced that he would set up a training camp called Rookie, with only 12 places, and everyone could come to sign up.

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