After an hour and a half of physical training, everyone except Han Yi, Ben Wallace and Otella Harrington lay down! McGrady strongly suspected that this coach from college did not treat them as human beings at all, and every training project was aimed at training the players to scrap! But when he could no longer move a step, he found that the Georgetown trio was still doing short-distance sprint training over and over again! "Very good, very good!"

After another half an hour, when Otella Harrington was also dehydrated, Rick Pidino clapped his hands and said to Han Yi and Ben, who were still standing straight, and Harrington, who was still barely standing:

"Very good, now the three of you can do shooting training with me!"

"Like I said, guys who can't even pass physical training are not worthy of touching basketballs!"

Although Rick Pidino has come to the world of NBA, in his eyes, as a famous coach in the NCAA world, he doesn't need to make any changes. These guys in the team are just older college students!

What's more, there are little guys like McGrady who are only 18 years old, players like Han Yi who should go to college, and of course Walter McCarty, who was originally from the University of Kentucky and was originally his favorite student.

But compared with the sparsely scheduled NCAA schedule, the NBA is like a wound-up spring. Once it starts spinning, it will keep spinning until the championship trophy of this season is released. Here, every day cannot be wasted!

Under Rick Pidino's strict requirements, the Celtics, except Coleman, finally gradually caught up with the head coach's pace, but the preseason is coming!

Along with the preseason, Han Yi's system, which had been silent since he got the second pick and received 10 free attributes:

"Win the first game of the regular season, reward: 30 vision!"

When this task came out, Han Yi couldn't help shaking his head: "Your system is really a fool, I guess you might do this!"

Although the system often rewards free attribute points, Han Yi still remembers that this dog system will directly reward a special attribute point reward!

For example, his physical attribute was directly raised to 100 by the system reward!

Compared with the precious free attribute points, the system gives more generous rewards for this special item, but this attribute point looks beautiful, but it is not easy to get!

Because the task mentioned by the system is to win the first game of the regular season!

And as long as you open the Boston Celtics' schedule, you can clearly see that the place where our Celtics will go for the first game is Chicago!

The opponent to be faced will be the Chicago Bulls led by Michael Jordan, who has been praised by Stern!

The first game of the regular season, at the Bulls' home court, for the defending champion Bulls last season, it was their ring night, and it was also another starting point for them to launch a three-peat!

"Okay, system, you are awesome. You are playing against the monster Macco in your first game of your career, and you want me to win in order to get the 30-point vision reward, right?"

"We are a team that even rag pickers would despise for not having any bright spots, so we are going to challenge the big devil Chicago Bulls, right?"

"Why does this reward suddenly become unattractive when I think about it?"

But when Han Yi took out his shabby system panel again, he realized that he was not qualified to talk about whether it was good or not. As long as there was a reward, he had to do his best to get it. This was the only right way.

Current panel:

Host: Han Yi, age: 20

Height: 2.11 meters, weight 110KG, wingspan: 230 cm

Speed: 67, strength: 80, bounce: 70, agility: 65, explosive power: 65, toughness: 43, physical fitness: 100!


Inside offense: 55, ball control: 45, layup: 40, dunk: 90, mid-range shooting: 40, three-pointer: 71, free throw: 70!


Rebounds: 40, steals: 30, top: 50, single defense: 40, assist defense: 40, blocks: 100, pick-and-roll: 40, positioning: 30, lateral movement: 40!


Passing: 20, vision: 20

Game experience: 1950

Free attribute points remaining: 60

"After two years, my vision is only level 20, so I

What qualifications do you have to dislike that 30-point field of view? "

And basketball field of view is really mysterious!

It is completely different from the so-called big man who is tall and can see far.

Like John Stockton, a little man who is barely 1.8 meters tall, he can actually send one perfect pass after another in a crowd of more than 2 meters tall. It seems that he doesn't know basketball.

But in Han Yi's eyes, this is simply a monster. His eyes seem to grow above the court, and he is always 360° around the court to grab every incredible passing opportunity!

For the audience watching the game on TV, when they see the players on the court holding the ball, they may take it for granted: "Damn, the player at the 45° bottom corner on his left has a chance to run out. Doesn't he know how to pass the ball? ”

But the truth is, it’s not that I don’t know how to pass the ball, it’s that I really can’t see it!

After all, this is a 5V5 basketball game. Once you get the ball, you become the focus of the whole court. When you concentrate on looking for passing opportunities, you don’t know that you have already become fat meat in the eyes of defenders. When you are doing a good job of controlling the ball and looking for the opportunity to pass the ball, when your eyes see it again, the opportunity that the fans can see from the TV is no longer an opportunity, and may even have become a trap for passing the ball!

So, for a big man like Han Yi, who is almost the tallest in the court, when he gets the ball, it is difficult to grasp the passing opportunities within his field of vision, let alone those outside his field of vision.

Basketball vision, to put it in a metaphysical way, is like an invisible and intangible innate ability. The talent is similar.

If you don't believe it, just count the top ten NBA players in terms of organizational ability, or the best passers in your basketball watching era. Their other abilities may be weak when they first enter the league, but their passing vision is basically super strong!

At least in Han Yi's limited basketball watching time, none of the organizational geniuses in his eyes are acquired, they are all born.

After playing basketball for two years, Han Yi doesn't know how to accurately improve this so-called vision. Even the process of breaking through from zero to level 20, Han Yi doesn't know how to do it.

So for Han Yi, this 30-point vision is like a blessing from heaven, but it's not easy to drink this blessing.

"We need to fight against the terrible Macco!"

Han Yi smiled slightly:

"Tongzi, add some points!"

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