The ball was thrown out of the basket, and the opponent was in the basket.

Allen Iverson's mid-range shot missed. The small forward of Victor Forest University had clearly caught the ball in the air, but Han Yi behind him directly snatched the ball from him and dunked it!

In the first half, Duncan's mid-range shot was hot, helping Victor Forest University to keep the score close, but in the second half, I don't know if it was a problem of physical strength or something else, the same mid-range shot, Duncan began to miss again and again under Han Yi's defense.

Georgetown University took advantage of Victor Forest University's scoring drought and instantly pulled the score to more than 10 points!

As a result, Duncan was a little anxious. He didn't want to stop here in this year's NCAA, and he no longer left his fate to the mid-range shot. Instead, he started to play singles against Han Yi in the interior!

As an interior player, it was really difficult for Duncan to deal with Iverson, who was as agile as a lightning elf on the outside, but if he could defeat Han Yi head-on, it would also boost morale.

But he knew Han Yi's blocking ability. If he hit Han Yi with a straight face, he must have gone to eat hot pot. Fortunately, Duncan, a junior, had mastered all the offensive steps in the interior!

Tim Duncan fell into a position and took the initiative to ask for the ball. After getting the ball, Duncan used his skilled footwork to shake off Han Yi again and raised his hand to pretend to shoot!

Sure enough, Han Yi was deceived and waved his hand to slap him, trying to block Duncan!

"Sure enough, I had shaken off Han Yi in the first place, but my shot was still blocked. Sorry, I'm still faking it!"

When Han Yi was falling from the air, Duncan changed his hand and changed the angle again, and wiped the ball to the edge of the basket in one go!

"My God, this footwork seems plain and simple, but it's actually amazing!"

"Continuous fake moves plus perfect inside footwork, is this really the level that college students can reach? Not to mention the NCAA world, even if all the inside players in the current NBA are included, I'm afraid no one else can do this except Olajuwon!"

"To be honest, Han Yi didn't deserve to lose this ball!"

Han Yi didn't care whether it was unfair or not, but whether the ball was lost or not was not decided by the fans!

When Duncan raised his hand to release the ball, Han Yi's other big hand unexpectedly caught up with it! !

Although Han Yi had just landed and had no time to complete the second jump, the second jump was only halfway up, but with this abnormal level of wingspan, coupled with unparalleled big hands - no, to be precise, fingers!

Han Yi's fingertips slid across the lower arc of the basketball!


Han Yi's big hand slapped on the backboard, and Duncan's goal, which was supposed to be scored, was bounced away by Han Yi's fingers!

"My God, who will wake me up and tell me that I am not dreaming? Such a wonderful attack was blocked by Han Yi?"

"If such a block happened in the first half, I can still understand it, because the game had just started and the physical strength was unlimited, but what surprised me was that it was already the second half of the game, and Han Yi could still make such a quick lateral movement and continuous jumps?"

The scout had no time to sigh, but was rapidly enriching his scout report:

"It can be seen that Han Yi's game experience is still insufficient. Every fake move of Duncan "Even though he was deceived repeatedly, he still managed to block the shot successfully. The prerequisite for such an excellent shot is his terrifying blocking talent!" "If even Duncan can't avoid his block, then he has the ability to block most of the inside players in the NBA!" The first time Duncan was blocked, he just thought Han Yi was interesting, but this time he was blocked again, Duncan was a little embarrassed. In Han Yi's previous life, Duncan just waved his fist expressionlessly even if he scored a buzzer-beater, but at this time, Duncan's eyebrows were locked and his mouth muscles were obviously tightened. If Duncan was really indifferent to repeated responses, how could he become a great player? This time, Duncan took the ball again, opened and closed, and hit Han Yi, one step, hitting Han Yi's ribs, and then he jumped up with a step! In the previous life, the Duncan people saw in the NBA was just trying to score in the most reasonable way, with his feet as close to the ground as possible, but today, Duncan suddenly took off like a rocket!

Previously, it was said that Marko was the best jumper in the NCAA interior.

Camby, now it turns out that Duncan's jump is not as high as Camby's. That's because he is so good at hiding it. If he really wants to do it, his jump is so terrifying!

The flying devil's flying is not just an adjective. For the 20-year-old Duncan, this is the reality!

"So sharp? Tim!"

Just now, Duncan's strong push has made Han Yi feel that he is still a step behind Duncan in strength. 76's strength is still not enough!

But when Duncan is fully fired and wants to dunk him, it is not Han Yi's character to sit and wait for death!

Come and fight, just fight!

Han Yi also jumped high, even if he sacrificed some sense of balance!

Under the capture of the cameras and the recording of the video cameras in the whole court!

The two most popular inside players in the NCAA today collided violently!

Duncan dunked with both hands, and Han Yi's hands were also dunked on the basketball!

With a "bang", the basketball bounced again under the ravages of these two pairs of big hands!

With a "boom"!

The ball flew, but Duncan smashed the basket with both hands, shaking the entire backboard!

Han Yi used too much force, and rolled forward after landing, and then sat on the ground with his butt, looking a little embarrassed, but!

This time the block was successful!

Blocked Duncan twice in one round!

"Wait, Tim Duncan has been a guaranteed No. 1 pick in any draft since 1995. What's the reason? Super mature skills are one thing, but more importantly, his unparalleled static and dynamic talents!"

"In terms of static talent, Han Yi can indeed match Duncan, but in terms of dynamic talent, Han Yi should be more than one level behind Duncan. But now from the actual performance of both sides, the two sides are 55-50!"

Duncan sighed and shook his head. He was obviously not satisfied with himself, but he still stretched out his hand to Han Yi who was sitting on the ground:

"Hey, buddy, you are really good, even better than the rumors!"

"Boss, you are not bad either!" Han Yi grinned: "If it was the beginning of the game, I would definitely not be able to block that ball just now."

After the fierce battle in the first half, Duncan may not have felt it himself, but Han Yi could feel that Duncan's jumping height was still affected by the decline in physical fitness!

But for Han Yi, whose physical attribute is 100, the physical consumption caused by such an intense game as NCAA is just a drizzle, right?

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