Looking at the sudden arrival of Ye Yi and Nabei, several people who were presiding over the ceremony had to temporarily stop summoning the undead!

Kajitt, who was in the center, opened his eyes, and a hint of cruelty and doubt appeared on his cheeks like a dead man: “How did you break through the blockade of the undead to get here?” ”

“Didn’t you see it all? Of course, it flew directly over! A faint light flashed in Ye Yi’s eyes, and he said without care!

“Lying, how is it possible!” Kagit retorted without hesitation: “Just using flying magic, how can you break through the blockade of the undead?” ”

Listening to the other party’s categorical tone, Ye Yi had the most preliminary judgment in his mind! The summoned undead will have some degree of connection with the summoner, and if the undead die, the summoner will definitely know, but… Kajit’s words and expressions all illustrate the fact that he didn’t know that most of the undead he summoned had been wiped out by Ye Yi with magic!

Well, or this happens… There are only three explanations!

Either the other party also has the same demon sealing crystal as the Negan of the Sunshine Holy Scripture, which happens to seal the seventh-order magic necromancy legion, or it is forcibly launched with the help of a certain artifact containing the necromancy legion, and finally this seventh-order magical necromancy legion is not launched by the other party at all, so the other party will know nothing about this matter!

Demon Sealing Crystal… Ye Yi did not see from the other party’s body, basically can rule out the first option, the artifact… The other party obviously didn’t!

However, the bald dead face Kajitte has a treasure orb in his hand that does not look like a treasure orb, although it has a bit of dark fluctuations of necromancy, but it cannot reach the seventh order level at all, then it can also be ruled out!

Then there is the last one left, this seventh-order magical necromancy legion was not personally launched by him at all!

Rain on someone’s parade! Really disappointing!

When he learned of this fact, Ye Yi had nothing else to think about in his heart except the word “disappointment”!

This bald dead face does not have the strength to use seventh-order magic, and does not even possess demon sealing crystals and artifacts and props! Although the seventh-order Magic Necromancer Legion was indeed launched, Ye Yi was disappointed!

Who cares how he launched this magic, what Ye Yi knows is that the other party is a trash, and there is no low-level garbage in the demon sealing crystal and artifacts and props!

A little madly scratched the back of his head, Ye Yi’s face gradually became impatient, and the successive disappointments made him accumulate a lot of tyrannical emotions in his heart!

Since the village of Kahn, he has not had a good time!

A seventh-order garbage angel, there are no natives or players with a level of more than sixty in the city, and now it is difficult to meet a necromancer who may be a seventh-order necromancer… Unexpectedly, it was simply a slag in a slag!

The incomplete necromancy legion that was launched with the help of two props and special rituals, what kind of garbage is this!

“Forget it, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you anymore, suffer death!” Unable to see the ‘master’ he imagined, nor did he gain anything, Ye Yi didn’t want to waste time anymore!

Since it is an existence that is even garbage than Negan’s kind of waste material, then naturally there is no more useful information, and it is useless to keep him, it is better to directly kill and throw it to the adventurers’ guild to quickly upgrade your adventurer level to steel!

Dragon Thunder!

Ye Yi gently raised his hand, and a dragon-shaped lightning bolt burst out instantly, heading straight for the direction where Kagit was!

Looking at Ye Yi’s thunder dragon, Kajitt’s pupils suddenly shrunk, and he jumped back in an instant, and the Death Orb in his hand emitted a dark purple light: “Bone dragon!” ”

A dragon claw made of white bones rises from the ground and instantly envelops Kajit! And Ye Yi’s Thunder Dragon has also arrived!


The roar suddenly sounded, a slight smoke accompanied by a huge black shadow slowly rising, and the air seemed to be exuding a little meat fragrance!

Ye Yi lowered his right hand, and a look of displeasure was evident on his face: “Playing with the bone dragon in front of me? I don’t know if you are arrogant or ignorant! ”

“Hehehe, what a big breath, magic chanter! The guy who can use fourth-order magic is actually so stupid! Kargit’s ugly laughter came slowly, and the dragon claws of the huge bone dragon spread out, revealing Kagit’s unharmed appearance! As for a few others… It had already been blasted into a pile of coke by Ye Yi’s dragon thunder!

Nabei’s face flashed with hideousness, and a burst of electric light flashed in her hand again: “Inferior humans actually dare to mock the Supreme Supreme!” ”

“Hmph!” Kagit snorted coldly: “Saying that you are stupid is overestimating you, and there is no plan to come to hinder Lord Ben’s plan, what is not a fool?” I don’t understand what a strong person is, running here to find a way to die, who are you not stupid? ”

Kajitt’s high-ranking talk made Ye Yi speechless and choked, angry and angry, unable to laugh if he wanted to, completely speechless!

“Bone dragons that are absolutely resistant to magic are absolutely impossible enemies for magic chanters like you! Let me show you the power of the supreme orb that absorbs negative energy! ”

“Come out, my bone dragon!”

The Orb of Death held high by Kagit emitted a strong dark purple light, and the earth began to tremble slightly, as if some behemoth was about to break through the ground!

The earth in front of Kajit began to crack, a trace of light emerged from it, and the second bone dragon instantly broke through the ground, and there was a dragon groan in the sky!

Looking at the Death Orb that had lost its brilliance in his hand, Kagit couldn’t help but snort coldly again: “As long as you kill the two of you, and finally slaughter the entire Yerantyr, how much negative energy you want!” ”

“Kill them, bone dragon!”

Looking at the two bone dragons rushing over, Ye Yi finally spoke: “Sure enough, compared to using magic, I still like fist-to-flesh melee combat!” ”

“Although it’s just two sixth-order bone dragons, they can barely move!”

Moving his hands and feet, Ye Yi clenched his fists and looked at the bone dragon: “Nabei, the mouse hidden in the rear is up to you to get her out!” ”

When the words fell, Ye Yi’s figure instantly dissipated!

“Obey the Holy Command!” Nabei, on the other hand, nodded slightly, and then directly pulled out the long sword in her hand, turned around and slowly walked towards the rear!

A human mouse ran in the cemetery, and now she was going to pick the mouse out and send it to Ye Yiren! As for those two-headed bone dragons… Nabei was not worried at all, but she knew what Ye Yi’s essence was!

It’s just two bone dragons summoned by sixth-order magic, and another thousand is probably not enough for Ye Yi to warm up, basically one punch at a time, perhaps… A pack of punches?

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