“Please order the Supreme Supreme, I will definitely go to the soup and do everything I can!”

Looking at the group of guardians kneeling on the ground, Ye Yi and the flying squirrel’s previous worries were also gone, and the guardians also obeyed Ye Yi and the flying squirrel according to the setting, so naturally there was nothing to worry about!

Ye Yi and the flying squirrel looked at each other and nodded in agreement!

“Raise your head!” The flying squirrel looked at Ye Yi, and finally followed the discussion: “First of all, thank you for gathering here.”

“You’re serious!”

“I am a servant serving the Supreme Supreme, and for the Supreme Supreme, I am an insignificant existence, and I will swear again!”

“I will definitely not do anything that damages the face of the Supreme Creator Supreme!”

“Swear here!”

The flying squirrel’s jaw was dislocated again in front of Ye Yi’s eyes, his hands were slightly open, and his body exuded a pitch-black desperate aura, full of domineering: “Very good, guardians!” ”

“I’m sure you won’t have any gaffes either!”

The fact that the flying squirrel responded to the oath of the guardians made all the guardians have a sincere smile on their faces!

“Then, since the Great Tomb of Nazarik is now involved in an unexplained state of affairs, Ye Yi has already sent Sebas to the ground to investigate, and there must be a conclusion soon!”

As soon as the flying squirrel’s words fell, Sebas’s figure gradually emerged from the passage!

“Come back, Sebas!” Ye Yi nodded slightly towards Sebas!

Sebas immediately bowed and said, “Yes! Ye Yi Yiren! ”

“Good work, Sebas!” The flying squirrel also nodded!

“It is my honor to be able to carry out the orders given by the Supreme Supreme, not to mention the word of hard work!” Sebas’s humble way!

The flying squirrel nodded more satisfied: “Then, since Sebas has returned, then it is up to Sebas to explain the information outside the Great Tomb of Nazarik now!” ”

“Obey, Lord Flying Squirrel!”

Sebas immediately took the order and reported all the information he saw from the outside truthfully, without omitting a single detail!


Ye Yi and the flying squirrel looked at each other at the same time, and they had already determined a certain fact in their hearts! Since it is a steppe and not a high-rise building, then there is only one possibility! After all, where did the grassland come from in the real world, it completely disappeared many years ago!

“Yes, Flying Squirrel~!” Sebas continued: “Completely different from the swamp of the original Nasarik tomb, the artificial buildings, humanoids, and monsters within a kilometer of the surrounding area have all disappeared! ”

“In addition, the grassland is quite vast, and because the time is only an hour, the subordinates have not been able to probe farther places, but as far as the vicinity of the Great Tomb of Nasaryk is concerned, the subordinates have not found any creatures or humans that can threaten the Great Tomb of Nasaryk!”

The flying squirrel nodded again, having completely determined that Ye Yi’s guess was correct, this is indeed some other world!

“Hard work on you, Sebas!” The flying squirrel nodded slightly, and then said again: “It seems that the Great Tomb of Nazarik has been transferred to an unknown place for some reason!” ”

“Chief Guardian, Yalbed, and Dimiurgos in charge of the defense line!”

“Subordinates are here, please Supreme Supreme order!” Jalbed and Dimiurgos answered immediately!

“Under the leadership of the two of you, create a perfect intelligence sharing system and strengthen the security of the Great Tomb of Nazarik!”

“Obey!” All the Guardians answered in unison!

“Also, Marley!” The flying squirrel’s gaze turned to Nasarik’s strongest mage besides him: “Is there a way to hide Nasarik?” ”

“It’s more difficult to use magic, but if you spread the walls with dirt and disguise them with plants, it is much easier!” Ma Rei said tentatively!

“If it works…”

“Wait, flying squirrel!” Ye Yi interrupted the flying squirrel’s words and went directly: “My idea is to build another small Heavenly Pillar Tower directly above the perimeter of Nasarik, which can not only serve as a cover for Nasarik below, but also serve as a facility for Nasalik outside!” ”

“Even if Ma Rey can temporarily cover up Nasarik now, there is no guarantee that one day it will be discovered, so why not just build another building as a cover?”

The flying squirrel touched his chin, pondering the possibilities, and then said, “Ye Yi’s suggestion is perfect!” ”

“Ma Lei, can this level be done?”

“Absolutely!” Ma Rei had a hint of excitement on his face: “But…”

“Does the abrupt lush area and the buildings that appear out of thin air seem quite unnatural?” The flying squirrel instantly understood Ma Lei’s concerns: “Sebas, is there a hill or something like that nearby?” ”

Sebas slowly shook his head: “It’s a pity that only flat earth extends into the distance!” ”

“Yes!” The flying squirrel nodded slowly: “Then, let’s include all the generation around Nasarik, and it should not be very obtrusive to disguise it all!” ”

“Obey!” Mare nodded immediately! For him, a natural magician who is good at manipulating the earth and plants, it is simply simple!

Ye nodded, and then said to the flying squirrel: “Then, this is handed over to you flying squirrel!” I still have to go see them! ”

“Huh?” The flying squirrel was stunned at first, and then instantly understood: “Oh ~ understand, understand!” There you go, it’s over to me! ”

The words fell, and Ye Yi disappeared directly through the teleportation!

And this scene was all seen by Yalbedd below! Did Ye Yiyi go to see ‘them’? Is there an existence created by Ye Yiren himself? Those two hateful stinky dragons and the so-called goddess of the stunned?

How can it be repaired… Ye Dai can only be mine! Ah~ so much looking forward to it… How nice it would be if Lord Ye could ask me to go to bed… I wonder if there will be a baby? Isn’t it time to make some clothes for your child? Is it better to be a man or a woman?

Or do both… If it’s two little babies, that’s best!



Two calls awakened Yalbed, who was lost in thought!

“Huh?” Looking at Dimiugos, who looked helpless in front of him, Yalbed asked, “Is there something going on?” Dimiurgos? ”

“Alas~” Dimiurgos sighed helplessly: “Na~ Although I don’t know what Yalbed is thinking so intently, but isn’t it time to give us an order?” ”

“Ah, yes! Say yes! Yalbed brushed her already silky hair: “So, the next plan is…”

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