The sea has been bustling lately.

First, the pirates, known as the supernova generation, were defeated by the navy one by one in the Chambord Islands, and scattered as birds and beasts.

Immediately afterwards, two news stories shocked the world.

The World Government announced that it would publicly execute the pirate Fire Fist Ace at the headquarters of the Navy.

An unprecedented storm is brewing over this sea.

Against this background.

Mu Fan, a representative of the new generation of the navy, known as the youngest and strongest rear admiral in naval history, was rewarded for committing extremely heinous events and became a naval rebel.

The careerists of the whole sea smelled the smell of the new era and began to move.

And the headquarters of the Navy.

For the pinnacle battle two days later, a large-scale gathering of elite navies from all over the world began to gather in Marin Fando.

Smogg, who had been successfully promoted to brigadier general after the events in Alabastan, was on his voyage to Marin Fandor.

Smogg’s mood has been up and down in the past two days.

On the one hand, the peak battle that is about to kick off is exactly the stage he wants.

As a righteous navy, he longed for this level of battlefield to obtain battle merit and gain promotion.

After all.

Even his target, the Straw Hats gang, has already been rewarded by all members.

On the other hand.

Mu Fan’s rebellion surprised him.

That guy, although he was also a disciple of Zefa Sensei, and even a few years younger than him,

he had always been the object of his efforts to catch up!

And Mu Fan has justice in his heart, how can he rebel?!

Could it really

be that he killed Draco as rumors say?

The world government will indeed cover the news of such events and prohibit the spread of information.

However, it is indeed very similar to the style of Mu Fan’s guy.

Smogg now only hopes that Mufan will not die or be caught by CP0.

In this way, he will have the opportunity to catch Mu Fan with his own hands in the future, and personally ask that guy what is going on.

Of course.

The premise is that Mu Fan’s guy is really as said on the bounty order, and his strength has been exhausted.

After all… Even Teacher Zefa lost in the hands of that guy!

“Commodore Smogg, there is an order from the headquarters of the Navy.”


The office door, which was in the best position of the battleship’s view, was pushed open.

A tall Navy warrant officer wearing a white mask came in and reported.

“Ah, I see, this is the past.”

Smogg took a smoking cigar and glanced at the warrant officer and replied.

“Seven, why do you always wear a mask, scar is an honor for the navy.”

“Commodore Smogg, this is my habit, the orders of the headquarters seem to be urgent, and the phone worm has not yet hung up…”

replied the naval warrant officer named ‘Seven’ calmly.

Smogg nodded, didn’t think much about it, got up and prepared to go to the communication room.

And the warrant officer followed Smogg.

This naval warrant officer called ‘Seven’

is naturally Mu Fan!!

He camouflaged his face with epidermal tissue codenamed “7” and also changed the color of the mask codenamed ‘7’.

Therefore, he gave himself a disguised identity, named, seven.

Originally, I wanted to call Mu Qi.

But he is afraid that in this way, if he meets a very close friend, it may cause the other party’s association.

So directly pseudonym, seven.

And all this is in order to successfully infiltrate the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor!

As for why Mu Fan would join Smogg’s team, he decided after careful consideration.

First, Smog was not a general in his headquarters and had the power to recruit recruits on a small scale to supplement the troops.

Secondly, Smogg’s troops would definitely go to the naval headquarters to assemble, and because it was not the same time, Mufan did not have much intersection with Smogg.

At least

, compared to Aunt Momoto, Senior Sister Hina

, and others, Smog knew very little about him, so he wouldn’t doubt his identity from some small details.

In addition, Mu Fan happened to encounter a pirate remnant who escaped from Smogg.

He shot him down and knocked on the door of Smogg’s troops.

The pirate offered a bounty of 500,000 Baileys.

Not high,

but not ordinary naval soldiers can kill.

Therefore, Smog directly promoted Mufan to become a warrant officer.

This rank is naturally very average.

But it is also the ultimate that Smog can do as a commodore.

Generally, if the Navy wants to become a full lieutenant, it needs direct instructions from the Navy headquarters.

And unless there is a background, the credit will be strictly checked.

The promotion conditions are very strict.

And this is why Mu Fan is envied and jealous by countless people within the navy.

Since graduating from the Naval School, he was promoted, too quickly.

“Brigadier General, we are not convinced!”

Just as Smog and Mufan were heading to the communication room.

Five veteran Cao Chang under Smog stood in front of them, shouting grievances.


Smog took a cigar and glanced at the five people who were in the way, and then turned his gaze to Mu Fan:

“You guys will see the solution yourself, don’t go too far.”

He then continued to the communications room.

Mu Fan, on the other hand, was surrounded by five Cao Chang groups.

“Seven, we don’t have anything else to do, since you have become a warrant officer, let’s fight and get out!”

Among the five Cao Chiefs, the one at the head was not angry.

All five want to become warrant officers, and the credit is only on the line.

At present, there is only one vacant warrant officer in the ranks, and the five of them have been fighting each other all the time.

But who thought that he was actually cut off by a newcomer.

Isn’t it to kill a pirate with a bounty of 500,000 Bailey?

If you have a chance, they can too!

Therefore, they are very upset!

This gas must be derived!

Mu Fan looked at the five guys in front of him, and his heart was somewhat helpless.

It is worthy of Smogg’s subordinates, and they all have a strange courage.

But Mu Fan also expressed understanding.

After all, who would like an airborne leader who snatched his place ?!

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Sea sailing is boring, and who doesn’t like to watch it?

Even Dusty, who is now an ensign, came to watch the battle.

Mu Fan once instructed Dasqi a little swordsmanship, and he could be regarded as acquainted.

But at this time, the latter must not recognize him.

“Hey, talk to you, don’t think that we are afraid of you if you are a warrant officer, either let us fight to dissipate our breath, or go and ask Brigadier General Smogg to resign and give up the position of warrant officer!”

The five Cao Commanders continued to shout.

Many people in the navy who ate melons around expressed optimistic support for the five Cao commanders.

Compared with the new guys, they are naturally more optimistic about the five battle-hardened veterans.

Moreover, these five Cao commanders are not weak, they are definitely no worse than ordinary warrant officers, but their merit is almost impossible to promote.

At this time, Dasiqi was also more inclined to the five Cao Chang would win.

After all, it’s five to one.

She held up her glasses, intending to see what Mu Fan would do.

In fact, she still has a little expectation in her heart.

Because looking at the scabbard Mu Fan carried, it seems to be very good.

The new one is a swordsman!

I don’t know how the swordsmanship is, whether I am qualified to accompany her to compete!

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