Grand Line.

The outer waters of Impel Down.

In front of the Gate of Justice!

The naval warships belonging to Commodore Smoker are now parked in front of this huge gate that symbolizes justice.

Mu Fan stood on the deck, holding the handle of Shura's sword with one hand, facing the sea breeze.

He looked at the huge Gate of Justice in front of him, and felt a little sad.

Last time.

The last time he passed through this door, he was still the most powerful major admiral in the history of the navy.

Now he is in front of this door again.

There is a sense that things have changed.

But this is more challenging for Mu Fan.

The acquaintances of the Navy Headquarters will be very shocked when they see him again soon!

After all, in the eyes of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

He, Mu Fan, is seriously injured and useless!

It was not beyond Mu Fan's expectations.

Smoker was afraid that Straw Hat Luffy would be rescued by the Ogre King and others, so he chose to withdraw from Impel Down with all his strength in the subsequent battles.

After all, the Demon King Ivankov, the Sea Knight Jinbei and the Sand Crocodile are not���

After finally catching Straw Hat Luffy,

Smoker would not let the Straw Hat be rescued easily even if he did not catch him personally.

The arrival of Magellan, the poisonous man who promoted Director Cheng, gave the Prison Corps an overwhelming advantage. So Smoker took the opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield and led his subordinates to escort Straw Hat Luffy back to the Navy battleship to continue to the Navy Headquarters.

At that time,

Mu Fan had already changed back into the uniform of the Navy Warrant Officer and returned to the Navy battleship to wait.

Smoker and Tashigi asked a few questions about CP0, but they did not get out of hand at all.

However, what surprised Mu Fan was that Smoker, who was always known for his reckless character, hesitated when he was about to pass through the Gate of Justice.

He immediately chose to contact the Navy Headquarters and asked to speak directly to the Navy Marshal Sengoku.

However, the response given by the Navy Headquarters was that Marshal Sengoku did not have time for the time being and could only wait first.

This was within Mu Fan's expectations.

Now there is not much time left before the public execution of the pirate Fire Fist Ace.

As the Admiral of the Navy, Buddha Sengoku must be carrying out the last round of defense.

And Mu Fan can almost conclude that

, apart from the Admiral of the Navy, the busiest person in the Navy Headquarters at this time should be Admiral Akainu.

As for the other two admirals, one should be sleeping or taking a nap.

The other one, I don’t know where he is slacking off.

Although the relationship between Mu Fan and Admiral Akainu is not good, and even a little out of tune in some places, it must be admitted that

Akainu’s professionalism is absolutely no problem. He is definitely the most responsible and radical of the three admirals.

However, the problem is that Akainu is too radical.

Under the control of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, how absolute can the so-called absolute justice be?!

Absolute obedience to the Celestial Dragons! ?


"Hey, Warrant Officer, what do you think of the CP0 who kidnapped you?" Commodore Smoker was obviously a little impatient because he had not received a call from Marshal Sengoku for a long time.

For him, missing or being late to participate in the unprecedented war that was about to begin was unacceptable.

But now there is a problem.

That is Straw Hat Luffy.

After leaving the battle and calming down, Smoker realized that something was a little wrong.

This Straw Hat Luffy is not only the grandson of the Navy hero Vice Admiral Garp.

He is also the son of Monkey D.

Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army and the world's most vicious criminal!

The Navy has no problem catching pirates, or even executing them.

But the problem is that the Straw Hat has a bit of a strong backstage.

In addition, the Navy Headquarters is at a time when a war between the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, is imminent.

If the Straw Hat is taken to Marineford for public execution, both the World Government and the Navy Headquarters will consider it.


That's why Smoker is so confused.

But since he handed Straw Hat Luffy over to him, he couldn't find any trace of CP0.

It's really strange.

""Commodore, I'm just a newcomer, what can I say? Before today, I didn't even know there was such a thing as CP0 in the world!"

Mu Fan said casually, pretending to be stupid.

He was not worried about any accidents at all.

Because the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku would not have time to respond to Smoker in a short time.

And based on Smoker's personality, he would never allow himself to join the battlefield after the war started.

So this guy would soon make up his mind, pass through the Gate of Justice, and go to the Navy Headquarters.

"Uh, I was so distracted that I forgot you are a newcomer!"

"Never mind, it's just a straw hat, even if the Revolutionary Army does something, it's too late"

""Pass the order and inform the gatekeepers to open the Gate of Justice and return to the headquarters immediately!"

As expected.

Smoker did not hesitate any more.

Because he rushed to Marinford before the war started, so that he could deploy defenses with the main force.


The Gate of Justice that covered the sky and the sun opened!

Mu Fan, along with the navy warship, passed through the Gate of Justice and officially set off for the navy headquarters!

The last time Mu Fan left the navy headquarters, he was still a rear admiral.

But this time, he has become a naval rebel.

After passing through the Gate of Justice and entering the vortex sea, the warship can no longer turn around and can only go to the navy headquarters, Marinford!

As for the subsequent development of the city of advancement.

Mu Fan can't take care of it.

He is not here to do charity. He has tried his best.

Next, it is the highlight, the war at the top.

Only I don't know where his destiny is.

Was it collected?

Or was it worn by some vice admiral or admiral?

However, destiny recognizes its master!

The navy battleship passed through the Gate of Justice and sailed for about half an hour.

Finally, there was news from the Navy Headquarters.

Buddha Sengoku was furious when he learned that Smoker had brought Straw Hat Luffy to the Navy Headquarters without authorization.

Not only did he scold Smoker, he even threatened to demote the latter.

But the die was cast.

In the end, the Navy Admiral Sengoku could only order Smoker to speed up and go to the Navy Headquarters first.

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi,

Smoker greeted CP0's ancestors very cordially.

Mu Fan said on the side,

‘Good scolding, CPOs are not good people! '

At this time, Mu Fan has successfully infiltrated the Navy Headquarters.

The rest is to wait.

It won't be long before he will set foot in the Navy Headquarters, Marinford again.

It won't be long before he will return to the world's attention as Mu Fan!

The Navy rebels, return to the Navy Headquarters, and kill everyone.

Just thinking about it, Mu Fan feels a little excited.

Otherwise, hold a simple engagement ceremony with the Empress in Marinford?

The Battle of Marineford is the background.

It seems that she can also deserve the title of the world's most beautiful woman!...

Mu Fan thought carelessly.

But he didn't stay happy for long.

Because a top navy warship came by.

He was so scared that he immediately pulled his hand back from the handle of the Shura Sword.

He moved and hid behind Smoker....

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