Seeing Cap actually jumping down, Bogart was completely dumbfounded. Cap jumped so decisively that he didn’t even have time to stop him.

“What should I do? Should I jump? But this could really kill me!”

Bogart looked at the bottomless pit in front of him in despair.

“”Forget it, I’ll die, and I’ll just die with my boss.” Bogart gritted his teeth, hardened his heart, and jumped with all his might.


As he continued to fall, Bogart couldn’t help but let out a heart-wrenching scream.

As he continued to fall, the feeling of weightlessness became stronger and stronger. After falling for about a few minutes, Bogart found that he was no longer falling, but flying upwards.

Finally, Bogart emerged from a pool of water. As soon as

Bogart came out of the water, he saw King Kong and Cap beside the pond.

“It’s incredible, I jumped into the deep pit, but I came out of the water.” Bogart exclaimed in his heart.

Cap on the shore laughed loudly:”Hahaha! Bogart, I thought you didn’t dare to jump.”


King Kong also smiled and said jokingly:”How are you not smashed to pieces?”

Bogart, who was teased, asked curiously after getting ashore:”It’s incredible, what is the principle?”

King Kong shook his head:”I don’t know, I only know that the inner world was created by saints.”

Looking at the ring around him that was completely different from the ground, Bogart exclaimed sincerely:”Is this another world?”

They were in a strange cave at the moment. Inside the cave, huge stalagmites and stalactites formed a natural wonder, as if it were a towering building in another world.

In this deep space, Bogart discovered that the pond he was just in was actually an underground lake. The lake water showed a strange fluorescent blue, rippling gently, reflecting the faint light emitted by microorganisms above his head, creating a dreamlike scene. What’s even more amazing is that on the shore of this inner lake, there is an ecosystem. Some microorganisms, strange plants and unknown biological forms that have adapted to extreme environments thrive in this isolated environment.

Bogart even saw a creature similar to a giant worm slowly sliding across the lake, leaving a trail of light, and plants that looked like ferns but glowed faintly. They used geothermal energy to photosynthesize in the absence of the sun.

Seeing Bogart’s face full of amazement at this world, King Kong smiled with satisfaction, and then urged,”Let’s go. This is just the entrance. You will be more surprised when you get outside.”

After King Kong finished speaking, he led the way in front, while Bogart was attracted by the environment on both sides of the passage.

The walls of the cave are inlaid with strange luminous minerals. They emit a faint blue or emerald green light, like stars in the night sky, illuminating this hidden world.

The air is filled with a faint smell of sulfur, accompanied by the rising of geothermal steam, creating a mysterious and slightly depressing atmosphere.

After the three of them left the cave, the inner world of the earth was revealed to the two outsiders, Bogart and Cap, for the first time. The inner world of the earth The terrain inside the world is varied. There are vast underground lakes. The lake surface is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the faint light emitted by the strange creatures around it.

There are also boiling lava rivers, and the hot magma is rolling, showing the restlessness deep in the earth.

In this unique ecosystem, there are some plants that they have never seen on the ground. They have adapted to the environment without sunlight and survive by absorbing geothermal energy and surrounding minerals. Some can even emit soft light, adding a touch of vitality to this dark world.

Cap exclaimed sincerely:”It’s an incredible miracle. No wonder so many people yearn for the sea. Only the sea can accommodate so many miracles.”

Bogart nodded with a complicated expression.

“Yes! Some natural wonders are something the navy will never see in their lifetime. I feel that my life is worth it to be able to see such a wonderful world.”

King Kong:”……”

King Kong, who could not empathize with the two, comforted them,”Don’t be so pessimistic. Even the adventurers you mentioned could not have seen the inner world. After all, this is a miracle left by the saints. You are the first group of outsiders to come here.”

“I’m so honored!” Karp agreed speechlessly.

This was clearly something left by his father, but he became an outsider here.

That unreliable bastard dad!

King Kong urged:”Let’s go, I’ll take you to see our patriarch.”


King Kong suddenly stopped, and then looked at Garp with some entanglement.

After hesitating for a moment, King Kong still said:”Our tribe leader is an immortal, she has lived for nearly 200 years. When you see her, remember to be respectful, especially old man Garp. When you see the tribe leader, remember to call her someone.”

Bogart asked:”Then how should we call your tribe leader?”

King Kong glanced at Bogart, and Shuikou said perfunctorily:”It doesn’t matter what you say, just use a respectful title.”

After perfunctorily answering Bogart, King Kong reminded:”Old man Garp, you have to call the tribe leader”young mother” or”auntie”. This will bring you closer to the tribe leader and will also help you obtain the treasure left by the saint for you.”


Karp slowly typed three question marks. He looked at King Kong in confusion and asked,”What did you tell me to call her?”

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