Luffy and the others looked at Wei Wei expectantly and asked,”How do you feel now?”

“I feel like I’m ridiculously strong now!” Weiwei couldn’t hide the excitement in her tone.

【Setaka’s appearance can be referenced from the war goddess Sivir’s skin, Victory.

Nami asked curiously,”What are her specific abilities?”

She shook her head slightly,”It depends on the development, I’m not very skilled at it now.”

Vivi, who wanted to change the subject, handed the diary to Robin,”Okay, Robin, take a look at this diary. There should be Chinese characters on it, right?”

Robin nodded, then opened the diary and began to translate.

【I didn’t expect that I would actually pick up a natural rock fruit in the desert. 】

Hearing this translation, Nami said excitedly:”It seems that this diary is indeed that of the saint. The name seems to be Wuming?”

Chopper said in a positive tone:”There must be clues to the treasure later.”

“Is there a possibility that the treasure is actually the devil fruit I ate?” Weiwei reminded a little embarrassedly.

Weiwei, who ate the devil fruit, knew too well the value of the devil fruit she ate.

Nami retorted excitedly:”Impossible! Absolutely impossible! There must be a big treasure hidden here that we don’t know about.”

【The natural devil fruit is definitely extremely precious, but I know the mythical beast type is the answer to the version, am I right? Nika fruit.

However, I can study this natural devil fruit first. The rock fruit is not too bad. After I have the ability of the rock fruit, my strength level should be able to reach the emperor level. 】

Hearing that someone said that the natural type is not as good as the mythical type, Crocodile retorted somewhat unacceptably:”What is the Nika Fruit? The strongest devil fruit is the mythical beast type Nika Fruit? Fake! This is absolutely fake! The natural type devil fruit is the king!”

Robin analyzed calmly:”It may be true. After all, none of the four emperors in the New World has the ability of a natural type devil fruit.”

Crocodile retorted unconvincedly:”Then why don’t you say that the three admirals of the navy are all natural type devil fruit users?”

Nami:”Do you think there is a possibility that the strong one is the Nika Fruit, not the mythical beast type?”

Zoro, who had been silent, said:”I believe what the owner of the diary said. After all, he is already ahead of the whole world in the research of devil fruits.” Robin also nodded:”Indeed, the owner of the diary has such a deep research on devil fruits, he must know some inside stories that we don’t know.”

Luffy sighed with some envy:”I don’t know where the Nika Fruit is, and which useful guy ate the Nika Fruit.”

In fact, Luffy has always been dissatisfied with his devil fruit ability. After all, after eating a devil fruit, he cannot come into contact with sea water, and the rubber fruit is really not a powerful devil fruit.

Those who are lucky eat the Nika Fruit, and those who are unlucky eat the Rubber Fruit.

Luffy sighed when he thought of this.

He ate the Rubber Fruit accidentally that year, and as far as we can see now, the Rubber Fruit is at least not as good as those Nature-type and Animal-type Mythical Beast Devil Fruits.

Sanji also said enviously:”Yeah, I don’t know which bastard is so lucky to eat the Nika Fruit.”

Crocodile reminded casually:”Kids! Don’t you realize that the emperor-level combat power is the point? There was no emperor of the sea 300 years ago.”

Nami retorted calmly:”The owner of the diary knows what the sea will be like 300 years later, and he only knows the Four Emperors. What’s the big deal.”

Nami said:”Robin, continue translating.”

Robin nodded

【Although there are captives building the city, they are still too slow. Moreover, I have clearly planned it out, but those captives still can’t do it well.

Forget it, I’ll do it myself and have enough food and clothing. I’d better use the power of the devil fruit to build the city. A city that belongs to me will rise from the ground! Its name is Shurima!

As for why it is named Shurima? Of course it is because the Desert Emperor and Shurima are more suitable! 】

After translating to this point, Robin couldn’t help but exclaimed:”Does the owner of this diary want to usurp the country? How dare he call himself the Desert Emperor?”

Crocodile retorted:”It shouldn’t be the case, or he failed. After all, the Kingdom of Alabasta is still doing well now.”

Weiwei said:”According to the records of the king’s diary of our royal family, Queen Setaka has no partner, and it even seems that the owner of the diary is deliberately downplayed. I think the rebellion should have failed.”

Crocodile sneered disdainfully:”It’s ridiculous! According to the description of the owner of the diary, if he really wants to usurp the country, what can you do in the Kingdom of Alabasta to stop him?” Weiwei


Unwilling to admit defeat, Wei Wei said,”Let the facts speak for themselves. I will definitely write about it later.”

【After Shurima was successfully built, I deliberately made Shurima a religious holy city, and then continuously cultivated bards and missionaries in this city.

Every year, the bards and missionaries who left Shurima would spread the myths I left behind, and everything went on in an orderly manner.

But I don’t know what happened. Recently, some different voices have appeared in Shurima. Some people with ulterior motives spread the news that the Super Kalu Duck troops have collapsed on their own in the city.

Those captives who had originally regained their freedom seemed to want to return to their homeland, so they rebelled again under the instigation of those who had ulterior motives.……】

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