The Great Voyage, Bloodbat Island.

Rog set foot on Blood Bat Island, named after the island's mountainous terrain and the presence of vampire bats in many dark caves.

Rogge was surprised, but felt reasonable.

After all, this bat fruit itself is a bat, which is quite normal on Blood Bat Island.

Rogge walked into the caverns of Blood Bat Island.

Searched for the Phantom Beast Species Devil Fruit.

The knife he had just swung against the CP0 warship was a blow with the power of a black knife.

As for why it didn't use the overlord color to be domineering.

It's all because he hasn't learned it yet.

Compared to the overlord color, the domineering is covered on the supreme fast knife.

Black knives are relatively easy to master.

Rogge was forced to have no choice but to practice Xi overlord color sword technique to increase his proficiency first.

While practicing Xi black knife.

Squeak squeak !!

As soon as Rog entered the cave, he heard the screams of numerous vampire bats.

Rog saw so many vampire bats appear.

Not only did he not panic, but he was much more stable.

He had known about the island before he landed on it.

The island is inaccessible due to its vampire bats, which are twice the size of normal bats.

This also greatly reduces the probability of the bat fruit being found.

If it's a safe place.

The Red Earl was imprisoned there for more than twenty years.

The Phantom Beast Seed Fruit had already been taken away by others.

It's just that these vampire bats after seeing Rogge.

One by one, they flocked to the area, and their ultrasonic capabilities were incomparably powerful.

Rogge's position was captured in an instant.

Then a vampire bat, which was twice as big as usual, frantically attacked Rogge.

It's just these little bats.

How could it be Rogge's opponent.

"Get out!".

Rogge roared, and the crimson overlord-colored domineering aura on his body instantly enveloped the entire cave.

In an instant, the weaker bat exploded directly in front of him.

Slightly stronger bats.

It was instantly stunned and fell to the ground.

For a while, countless bats fell like raindrops in the caves of Bat Island.

In the entire cave of Blood Bat Island, it was like a bat rain.

There were numerous bat drops.

Rogge looked ahead at a path formed by the body of a bat.

Directly searched for the bat fruit in the cave.

He knew that CP0 was behind the World Government, and that they were so powerful that they were likely to catch up with him again.

Although he is not afraid of the CP0 and the forces of the World Government to fight them.

However, there is only one Devil Fruit in the form of Bat Fruit, Phantom Beast, or Vampire.

It is also the key to his elimination of the old age on the template.

He couldn't have given it to anyone else.

Fortunately, his luck was not bad.

Soon in the depths of the cave, a devil fruit in the shape of a dark purple tomato was discovered.

Contrast according to the image of the bat fruit in your mind.

Rogge recognized at a glance that this must be the one he wanted.

Rogge decisively plucked the Devil Fruit.

But he didn't eat the Devil Fruit.

Now he is still a little hesitant.

After all, eating a Devil Fruit is equivalent to having one more weakness in itself.

In One Piece World, every Devil Fruit capable person is afraid of the sea.

This made Rogge hesitate.

In the end, I decided to take the Devil Fruit out first, and think about it before deciding whether to eat it or not.

But just as Rog stepped out of the bat cave.

A skyrocketing fireball suddenly appeared in the sky and blasted directly towards him.

"This is the Yan Emperor, the first of the three calamities of the Hundred Beast Pirates, he actually appeared here!".

Rogge looked up and saw a pitch-black leather coat, two pairs of pitch-black wings behind him, and a blazing flame ember behind his head.

In the Great Voyage, this is a great man.

He is the deputy of one of the Four Emperors, the Hundred Beasts Kaido, and the reward is as high as 1.39 billion pirates.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to attack me Rogge, even if the Hundred Beast Kaido comes, you will definitely be defeated in my hands!"

Rogge pulled the Red Devil from his waist.

With a slash, he slashed directly at the Flame Emperor released by the embers in the sky.

The crimson sword qi soared straight into the sky, cutting through the flames of the embers in an instant.

Straight towards the ember's body.

However, as the Ember of the Three Calamities, he is not only the strongest.

His personality is also different from the arrogance of the other two disasters.,His personality is quite calm.。

Directly used the Devil Fruit ability to transform into the form of an animal-based, dragon-dragon fruit, and an ancient toothless pterodactyl.

In his pterodactyl form, he has the ability to fly at high speeds.

But the speed at which Rogge swung his sword was also surprisingly fast.

Even if Ember of Fire turned into a pterodactyl, it was almost missed.

In an instant, large swaths of flesh fell from the sky.

The injuries were so severe that Ember could only retreat into human form.

The large swath of flesh on his arm vanished, which made Ember look at Rogge with great attention.

If he hadn't chosen to dodge just now, Rogge's swordsmanship would have been able to cut his body in half.

It's just that compared to the Flame Ember, Rogge frowned and looked around.

He can easily perceive it by scoring S-level seeing and hearing domineering.

There was more to the aura around than just Ember of the Calamity.

Whether it is inside the island or outside the island, there are many breaths.

One of them is unusually powerful.

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