Rayleigh nodded affirmatively.

Then he told Kaido in detail that the correct name of the red historical text is the road sign historical text, and there are four of them.

However, Rayleigh did not tell Kaido the specific location of the four red road sign historical texts.

Kaido did not bother to ask.

He just needed to follow Roger's route again, or walk a few more times, and he would always find it.

"If you have seen the Golden Bell, then the next stop is Fishman Island?"

Rayleigh asked.

Kaido nodded, without any intention of hiding it.

"One of the three ancient weapons, Poseidon, the Sea King, you should have seen it too, right? Was she born when you went there?"

Rayleigh shook his head.

"I'm afraid this trip will disappoint you."

"When Roger and I went there, it was the year 1496 in the Haiyuan calendar."

"At that time, the mermaid princess had not been born yet, so we asked a mermaid who was very accurate in fortune-telling. She said that the mermaid princess would not be born until ten years later."

"According to a rough calculation, the mermaid princess should be born at Haiyuan���1506"

"You are going there six years too early, so you will definitely not be able to see him."

Kaido's eyes flickered slightly.

"Did you go too early?"

It's not that he didn't trust Rayleigh, there was no need to hide this information from him.

"However, the ship coating has been mostly completed. If we stop now, all the previous efforts will be wasted."

"So I decided to go there and check it out."

At this time, Bai Tianen had finished reading the newspaper and came over.

""Master Lei Li!"

Good fellow, this kid hasn't even officially become a disciple yet, but he's already called me a master. How shameless!

"You have been to the final island, Raftel. Can you tell us what is there in advance?"

Rayleigh was delighted when Bai Tianen called him"Master Rayleigh", but he could not help but remain silent after hearing his follow-up questions.

"There... is a huge treasure."

Rayleigh considered his words and looked at Kaido.

"However, this treasure may not be what you want, Kaido"

""Ugh, ugh, ugh!"

Kaido smiled.

"Since you can confirm that it is a treasure, it is impossible that I don't want it!"

Rayleigh shook his head with a wry smile, and Roger's childish and simple dream echoed in his mind.

The treasure of Raftel is indeed what Roger wants most.

It's just that due to physical reasons and age factors, as well as the prophecy from 800 years ago, Roger did not bring the treasure out.

Rayleigh looked at Kaido.

In his impression, the dream that Kaido might have is most likely war, ruling the world and the like.

The treasure that exists in Raftel, for someone like Kaido, I'm afraid it really can't be considered a treasure.

But this is Rayleigh's guess after all.

And with Kaido's character, even if he explains what the treasure is, he won't believe it before he sees it with his own eyes.

So Rayleigh said something else instead.

"I suggest that even if you have collected all four red road signs, you'd better not go to Raftel within 20 years."


Kaido frowned and asked back

"Because the time is wrong!"

Rayleigh took a sip of wine.

"800 years ago, a man left a prophecy, and the treasure was prepared for this prophecy!"

"Therefore, even if you find Raftel and get the treasure at the wrong time, it is meaningless."

Kaido looked a little unhappy.

He sneered:"Hehe, I didn't expect that the great Pluto Rayleigh would also believe in the so-called prophecy!"

"Otherwise, why do you think we didn't bring the treasure out?"

Rayleigh smiled calmly:

"The mermaid princess will be born in 6 years, and will not reach adulthood until at least 22 years later."

"Such a unique and accurate time, do you think it is just a coincidence?"

The smile on Kaido's face gradually faded.

"Fatalism? That's a really unpleasant argument."

"No! It's not necessarily fatalism!"

At this time, Bai Tianen suddenly interrupted:

"Godfather, you might as well think from a different perspective"

"Suppose, the birth time of the mermaid princess can always be predicted!"

"And 800 years ago, someone, or rather, Joy Boy, in order to achieve a certain goal, specially set up his treasure so that it would only work after the mermaid princess had reached adulthood."

"Isn't this just a pre-arrangement? It can't be called fate.

Bai Tianen spread his hands, indicating that it was not so mysterious.

"As for the legend of Joyboy's salvation, isn't that natural?"

"With the world government's brutal rule over the world today, have there been few protests around the world?!"

"Taking all the people in the world who are resisting the world government as the base, there will always be one or two outstanding leaders standing out from such a huge population, right?"

"Joy Boy specially arranged his treasure to take effect after the Little Mermaid Princess had reached adulthood, just to create an opportunity for the three ancient weapons to exist at the same time!"

"As long as this leader is good enough and can seize this opportunity accurately, he can hold the three ancient weapons and Joyboy's treasure in his hands!"

"At that time, no matter what kind of fruit ability this leader has, what race he is, or what his identity is, he can call himself the reincarnation of Joy Boy, call himself a liberation fighter, and call himself the Sun God!"

"As for whether he is the real reincarnation of Joy Boy, does it matter?"

"The purpose of leaving behind the so-called prophecy is nothing more than to strengthen everyone's belief in resistance, so that everyone can have a goal and hope."

"Suppose, in the next twenty years or so, Joy Boy has not been reincarnated and has not saved the world, then will this prophecy definitely disappear?"

"Wouldn't it become a prophecy of salvation in 1600? Or a prophecy of salvation in 2400?!"

"Or maybe in a non-prophetic era, someone saved the world with his own strength without relying on the backup plan left by Joy Boy, what should we say about this?!"

"A Liberation Fighter who surpassed the Liberation Fighters? A new Sun God who surpassed the Sun God Nika?!"

Hearing this, Kaido fell into deep thought.

‘Indeed, if we think along the lines of Tian En, everything is so simple and pure.’

‘Think about it from another angle’

‘Is it possible that the prophecy simply united people's hearts and made everyone believe that it was time to overthrow the world government?’

‘Then everyone worked together, risked their lives, and rebelled against the World Government without fear of death, and finally succeeded in overthrowing the World Government, thus artificially fulfilling the prophecy?!’

‘It's not impossible!

The more Kaido thought about it, the more it made sense.

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