"Really cunning."

Bai Tianen showed a playful look on his face.

"But your answer is within my expectations, so let's move on to the second question."

"Second question!"

"About 16 years ago, there was an island called"God's Valley" in the West Sea. I believe Mr. Kuzan should have heard of the so-called God's Valley incident! It was also the famous battle of the Navy hero Vice Admiral Garp!"

Kuzan's pupils hidden behind his sunglasses shrank slightly.

"What do you want to say?!"

"I wonder if Mr. Kuzan knows the truth about the Valley of the Gods incident? Of course, this is not the second question I want to ask Mr. Kuzan. Mr. Kuzan can choose not to answer."

Kuzan was silent. For some reason, he had a bad feeling in his heart at this moment. It seemed that the next question might subvert his three views.

"My real second question is——"

Bai Tianen paused for a moment, then spoke every word very clearly:

"On the island of God Valley, the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, once started a massacre game called 'Human Hunting'!"

"The total population of about 100,000 people on the island was taken as the hunting target, and they were collectively called"rabbits". Among them, 150"R-level rabbits" and 13"SR-level rabbits" were additionally divided according to the different races and status of the indigenous people.’"

"The people who hunted them were 200 hunters from the world's nobles, that is, 200 Celestial Dragons!"

"So I want to ask Mr. Kuzan, are the Celestial Dragons who play"human hunting" for fun just?"

Hearing this, Aokiji's breathing trembled slightly.

He had never thought that the man he admired the most, the battle that made him famous, actually had such a hidden story.

‘No wonder Mr. Garp never showed any pride when others mentioned his identity as a naval hero.……’

Of course, he would never admit it in front of Bai Tianen.

"What happened 16 years ago, what is the truth? We cannot rely on just your one-sided statement!"

"You are probably overthinking if you think you can shake the justice I uphold with words!

Bai Tianen smiled indifferently.

"What does it have to do with me whether your justice is shaken? I am simply asking you whether the actions of the Tianlong people are in line with justice."

"Another message for you"

"Before the God Valley incident broke out, the Celestial Dragons held the"Human Hunting" game roughly once every three years!"

"On average, every three years, they would select a non-member country and turn the people of that country into their hunting targets!"

"After all the population of the island was massacred, the island naturally became a territory under the name of the World Government!"

"Their activities were not completely stopped until the God Valley incident broke out!"

"So Mr. Kuzan, I am really curious, do the Celestial Dragons protected by the Navy really represent justice?!"


Complete silence.

In fact, he didn't need to believe what Bai Tianen said.

Because from his perspective, Bai Tianen's origins and identity were unknown, and the authenticity of his words was also full of unknowns.

However, Kuzan was a mature navy with the ability to make correct judgments.

When he first joined the navy in the early years, he might have sneered at Bai Tianen's words.

But in recent years, with his promotion to lieutenant general and various important tasks, he has vaguely sensed the real corner of this world.

It is really impossible to ignore Bai Tianen's words.

"Mr. Kuzan? Mr. Kuzan? You haven't answered my question yet. Are those Celestial Dragons really just?"

Kuzan was startled and woke up from his deep thinking.

He took a deep breath and slowly said:

"I've said it before, I may not give you the answer you want."

"The authenticity of the incident you just described has yet to be verified. I will not make any comments before the truth is confirmed.

Bai Tianen sighed,"Another expected answer."

"Then the last question comes."

"I hope you can give a positive answer to this last question."

However, Kuzan still maintained his aloof personality,"I still say what I said before, I may not give you the answer you want."

Bai Tianen shrugged, but still asked:"The third question"

"Suppose, in the future, you realize that the truth hidden under the hypocritical justice of the Navy is completely different from the justice you uphold in your heart, and even contradicts it."

"At that time, will you consider quitting the navy and joining us?"

Kuzan immediately became alert and asked coldly,"Who are you?!"

Bai Tianen grinned and said casually,

"Just a group of pirates determined to kill all Celestial Dragons!"

"Pirates? As pirates, it's not surprising that you would say such things."

Having said that, Kuzan, who used to have a hot temper and would give pirates an ice sauna when he saw them, had no intention of taking action at this moment.

It was not simply because Bai Ling was guarding him.

As a candidate for admiral of the navy, how could he be afraid of fighting the enemy?!

The more important reason is...

Kuzan stared deeply at Bai Tianen.

This boy who looked like he was less than 10 years old was no longer an ordinary child in his eyes.

As the other party said, this is a genius in mind and wisdom!




The sound of shells being fired and explosions suddenly rang out, and a huge crater appeared on O'Hara Island.

"The Demon Slayer Order looks like it's about to start.

Bai Tianen put his hands over his eyes and looked into the distance. The huge warships anchored at sea had flames coming out of their huge gun muzzles.

Every time the gun muzzles flashed, an explosion would almost occur simultaneously on O'Hara Island.

"Time is running out, and it's almost time for us to leave."

Bai Tianen called to Sauro and Olivia, who were almost in a daze because of his previous words.

"You two, are you still in a daze? It's time to run for your lives!"

Olivia woke up and looked at Bai Tianen with a complicated expression,"What did you just say?……"

"We can discuss those things later. Right now, it’s more important to save your life, right?"

Olivia seemed to want to say something, but Sauro reached out and grabbed her.

"What the young man said is right. It is more important to stay alive now!"

After saying that, Sauro ignored Olivia's struggle and directly stepped forward with his long legs, and began to move towards the interior of the island.

Before leaving, Bai Tianen said to Aokiji with great meaning:

"The Demon Slaying Order has begun. I hope that everything you see later will not shake the justice you uphold in your heart."

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