Chapter 124 The Highest Bounty in History!! Intelligence that drives the giants crazy! 【Subscription! 】 】。

New wars are spreading!

18 islands around the Holy Land.

Including Chambord Islands, Victoria Island, Capital of Seven Waters, Punk Hassad….. Even the ruined Isle of Justice is not peaceful!

Navy Headquarters, Undersea Prison, Isle of Justice! There is a high-speed waterway between the three.

It is the most important official channel in the first half of the previous period! The Isle of Justice was bombarded by the Order of the Slayer.

But the route remains.

The three are equivalent to three entrances and exits! And it is close to the holy place.

The city is currently guarded by Magellan under the World Government! Hundreds of warships were sent at the same time.

and many lieutenant generals sitting in unison.

“Let the Advance City run out of so many prisoners, I deserve to die for my crime, this time, I will never let the Advance City fall, I guarantee it with my life!”

Magellan said to the envoy of the world government!

At the same time, some powerful envoys remain here. Say once something goes wrong.

Their presence.

Reinforcements can arrive as quickly as possible!

Push Forward City is currently a very important stronghold! Attack can be attacked, retreat can be defended.

Can guard a domain security.

As long as the Allies don’t come out of the nest. Under the cover of a Neptune lair. I want to take the Advance City. Almost impossible!

“In addition, prisoners can be allowed to participate in the war, and those who have done five meritorious deeds can be exempted from punishment!”

CPO’s envoy said!

“What? Some people are murderous demons, so should such people be released if they have made meritorious achievements? Although the prisoners of the sixth layer have escaped, the fifth and fourth layers are also the guys who are placed on the sea with a bounty of over 100 million! And there are a lot of them! ”

Magellan was shocked when he heard this!

He couldn’t imagine! It’s time to make a difference! These people let them out!

Isn’t that more like letting the tiger return to the mountain? No exaggeration!

Many famous prisoners have been held here for decades! Although the top has been successfully jailbroken!

But the rest is not to be underestimated! In particular, the number is much more than the sixth layer. This is the time of the Sea Thief!!

For decades.

Even if the Navy only catches a hundred a year. Even dozens of bounties over a hundred million.

There are almost a thousand of them accumulating! And the navy is very strong!

There are more than just prisoners actually arrested. Because it’s not just pirates.

Some of the kingdom’s criminals, the island’s fanatics and much more. As long as the law is broken.

will be arrested! This power. No one can underestimate it!

As for the promised conditions not to be fulfilled? Those prisoners aren’t idiots either! Discovery is not realized.

Then they would rather sit and wait for death to come!

“Director Magellan, perhaps you don’t know how bad our situation is now, the Allied forces are very large, we must do everything we can, anyway, they will not survive in the end, it is estimated that there will not be much, to carry out the orders of the Five Old Stars!”

CPO said arrogantly.


Since the five old stars have already decided. Magellan even felt something was wrong.

It can only be executed!

After all, the seriousness of the incident. He knew, too. The Allies are born!

Compete with world governments.

The World Government is defeated!

Navy Headquarters changed hands! Currently the Whitebeard Pirates Regiment.

Also seems to be surrendered under the Allied flag! This force is terrifying!

When Magellan first heard the news. The whole stunned for a long time before coming back to God! This is better than the original advance of the city prisoners to escape! It horrified him even more!

This is the change that affects the whole world! And the prisoners hear the changes in the outside world! It’s boiling up too!

“I knew that when the prisoners of the sixth floor successfully escaped from prison, the world would no longer be peaceful, but I did not expect that the world government would suffer defeat!” Unimaginable! ”

“Made! Really want to go out and see the outside world! ”

“Your opportunity has come… As long as you are willing to wear this circle, are willing to fight for the world government, and obtain certain battle achievements, you can get free! ”

“Really fake!?”

The prisoners go crazy! Such an opportunity.

They had absolutely no reason to refuse.

“Lord Magellan, the Allied fleet has appeared!”

Suddenly the jailer came and reported! His face was full of horror.

“So fast!? It seems that the intelligence mentioned that the Allied forces have the ability to transfer troops on a large scale is true, and the naval headquarters war has just ended, and it is eager to take the advance city? Want to take full control of this high-speed flight? ”

Magellan’s face darkened!

The war came more quickly than he thought!

“Report the number and location of enemies.”

“More than 2,000 warships were visually inspected, surrounded from three directions from the southeast, south, and north, and only one direction was not surrounded!”

“More than 2,000 warships!?”

Even Magellan couldn’t help but take a breath at this moment!

That’s an exaggeration!

Even if each ship carries 1,000 people, there are 2 million troops! Magellan instantly felt a mountain of pressure!

“Leave one direction, that means let us retreat in disbelief?” I want us to give up advancing the city, don’t think about it!! Bringing all the warships to shore, releasing the bait, luring the Neptune to appear, and fighting naval battles in the windless zone are what we do best! We must let these thieves taste the bitter end. ”

Magellan said coldly.

With the roar of the ship’s guns! War broke out!.. –Near the sea of Isle of Justice!

The island has been razed to the ground!

The judicial branch of the world government is evacuated from here! Nothing more.

But there are some people in the capital of the Seven Waters.

Choose to live in this barren land! The otherwise calm sea is suddenly broken!

Two fleets appear on the surface of the sea!

“It’s the Allies!”

“It’s the world government!”

“Sink them! This important strategic position must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy! ”

“Fire, fire!!”

Boom!!! Cannon fire roars!

The passing sea train did not dare to stop at all! Leave quickly!

And they are aware of it.

The fire of war here has burned to the capital of seven waters! It’s just a matter of time!

“Get out of here, even if within 24 hours, the Allies will not attack, but once the world government completely takes over, it will be difficult to leave!”

“Those who want to defect to the Allies, move as soon as possible!”

“Yes, that’s right!”

“If you want to leave, you can leave on my merchant ship, and the speed of coming will be too late!”

“I’m leaving, I’m leaving!”

Everyone is aware of the Chambord Islands!

In the days to come!

It will definitely become a place of contention for soldiers!

“An era is over, a new era is coming, the two kings of the world, and finally have to decide a victory or defeat!!”

A reporter sighed!

“The world government has issued a new bounty, and the conditions that will make the new world giants riot: you see!”

“Sizzle!! Oh, my God! This bounty is also too high to be outrageous! ”

“This should be the highest bounty ever recorded!”

“Compared with this news, this bounty is not the most frightening!”

“No force can escape the collision of these two great vortexes!” Until one of them devours the other! ”

“What? The stationed navy received an order not to allow anyone to enter or leave the Chambord Islands? How can this be?! ”

“Are civilians involved in the war?”

“OMG!! Something big happened, the navy of the harbor was put down by Roger Pirate Regiment deputy captain Pluto Reilly, and the port can sail again! ”

“What’s going on here?! Even the legendary pirate of Pluto, who is comparable to the whitebeard, has appeared?! ”

“No matter how much it is, get out of here first!”

“That’s right!”

“Pluto Reilly, what do you mean by that?”

A rear admiral asked in a cold sweat! The World Army is still on its way!

At present, the local generals are not strong! They blockade the port!

Single-handedly pierced by Reilly.

“No one can restrict the freedom of others, such a simple truth, how can anyone not understand!” Anyone who dares to stop anyone who wants to go to sea can try it! ”

Reilly smiled, holding a long sword, pointing at the entire Navy!


The Major General had to stop all operations! Report the matter to Shangfeng. He didn’t want to die yet!

This monster has no generals and no four emperors. It simply can’t be dealt with.

Impulsive words. Only your life will be lost in vain!

Similar to the situation of the Advance City, the Chambord Islands, and the Isle of Justice. Playing out on several nearby islands at the moment!

There are even local troop strengths.

He also ran to attack the Kingdom of Goya and the Kingdom of Arnov! But of course.

Can’t get in!

But Victoria Island was lost. It’s too close to the Red Clay Continent!

The five old stars are iron hearts to take the next island! In-depth research!

When the World Army has not completely withdrawn. Just send out the strong.

With lightning speed!

Swept up normally just to store troops! Not many military buildings were arranged.

And most of the troops were drawn to Victor at the Navy Headquarters! But the World Army can take it!

Wren can also find a way to get it back!

In short, the world government should not be too comfortable. So in a very short time.

It staged an island landings and a change of ownership. You fight down, I snatch it back!

I snatched it back, he snatched it back!

In this way, the 18 islands are constantly burning! There are even multiple islands where top powerhouses collide! But there is no existence like Wren and the Five Old Star Supergauge! These top powers are not easy to fall!

Wren and the Five Old Stars above were also reluctant to let them fall casually! As long as the situation is not good!

Those who should retreat temporarily retreat for the time being!

Big deal next time make a plan to fight again!…..

Navy Headquarters was taken down past a little half a day later! Holy Land Mary Joa!

Sengoku, Kong, Red Dog, Zefa and other powerful people have retreated to the Holy Land! Along with the uncomfortable Blackbeard!

The Holy Land is bleak!

Sengoku and the others also looked heavy. After all, I lost the battle! And it’s a big loser!

Lost several top strongmen, countless troops!

No one can be happy!

Especially when seeing many people collecting corpses for Draco. Their hearts are filled with trepidation!

It can be said that it is precisely because they lost on the front line…. Only then would the holy places in the rear be subjected to such a terrible bombardment! Causing so many Dracos to die.

Usually die a Draco! That’s a big deal!

Now it’s the case.

It is difficult to describe the severity of it in words! The five old stars sit together!

Countless pieces of intelligence converge and diverge!

“More than 100 countries have responded to the call of world governments.”

“Every country sends in the thousands to hundreds of thousands!”

“We are expected to gather tens of millions of troops!”

“The Wren Bounty has been updated at the moment, and the latest bounty is 15 billion Baileys!”

If only the world government and the various departments of the navy!

Of course, there are not so many troops at the moment! But now in wartime.

Many people can become “combat forces”! Plus more than a hundred troops of the member countries. Tens of millions of troops are preliminary estimates! As for the specific tens of millions of degrees!

Is it more than a thousand, or can it be more than a few million! The five old stars were not sure of this point!

“Of course, the more troops, the better!” But mainly the big countries with thousands of years of history, such as Alabastan, these kingdoms have the existence of high-end combat power, and they have some ancient era weapons that are not weak! ”

“The contemporary king of El Baf is one of the few mighty in the world! These top strong people, be sure to send a general to persuade the invitation, the conditions can be opened loosely! As long as you are willing to fight for us, all conditions are easy to say! ”


A national machine is in motion. It’s still terrifying!

Not to mention an organization that rules the world!

The world government has always given some countries the right to participate in the World Conference! But not because of kindness!

But these countries can bring them heavenly gold! Many great powers, it is easy to give birth to strong people!

Even the top strong are not uncommon! These are the strong.

Some became the Four Emperors.

Some became admirals!

But some are clinging to their kingdoms! Become an emperor of the land!

There are many giants in the underworld who don’t like to show their faces!

Many times it is these generals or kings who clearly hold power and strength! Many countries are member states!

It exists on the authority of the world government! Now the world government forcibly summons them! This force will be very powerful!

This force plus the prisoners who pushed into the city. Plus the whole army of the world government!

And there are bound to be pirate monsters and giants attracted by the conditions they prescribe! They are the overall power of the world government!

It will be twice as powerful as at the Navy Headquarters! If only there had been such an appeal!

There is no need for them to back down to this step, because this step seems to be retreating!

It’s very sensible! Because of the power of the Allies. In their opinion.

Even if you can also call on the world through this battle! But after all, their world government is the orthodox ruler! The interests of many kingdoms are closely linked to them!

What do the Allies compare to their world government? Totally incomparable!

They believe they can muster stronger powers! Once the summoning strength is almost the same!

A full-scale general offensive against the Allies will be launched! By then.

They are also the top 4.3 winners!

“Sit down, the Allies joining the war is an unpredictable accident, all the defeats at the moment, now that all the defeats have been produced, we cannot change the past, but we must win this war in the future!”

[The Heavenly Five Old Stars stared at how strong the people present were.] 】

“The Allied forces are difficult to solve, even in this battle, they lost more than one-tenth, but this is still a terrible number, and Wren’s own defense is a big problem.”

Sengoku wrapped his whole body in bandages and said heavily.

“The current strength of the Allied forces is indeed very tricky, and we can’t completely solve this problem, but.”

Dan we impose on the nations of the world

“The conscription is complete, at least to a certain extent, it can be countered!”

“If we want to win, we still have to concentrate more high-end combat forces!”

The Five Old Stars responded.

“If this is the strength of the Allied forces, then we do have a way to deal with the constituent countries, but what if the Allied forces have other reinforcements?”

The Air Marshal raised his concerns.

He was more badly injured.

The body is full of holes, and an arm is lost! Now I’m quite weak to speak!

He was also old. Not so resilient!

“Unlikely! It would have been a miracle that such a force could exist, and if there were still troops, when I was at the naval headquarters, the Allied leaders would have found a way to keep me, instead of letting me go easily! ”

[Shadow] The five old stars said after thinking.

After all, kill a five-year-old star! The impact will be even greater! But the other party didn’t try!

So that should be the limit of the Allied forces!

In the end, even rely on the help of the civilian strong! Not their own troop strength.

“Makes sense, but the trickiest thing right now is the attitude of the monsters of the New World!”

“They’ll say yes, because they all want to get to Ralph Drew and we have detailed information about that!”

Compare the words out. The Sengoku Kapu Green Pheasant Red Dog looked slightly shocked!

Just now this news is spreading around the world!

They thought it was just an excuse to fool people! Didn’t expect it to really be!.

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