Jiang Ning ignored them, and his eyes fell on the round stainless steel decoration on the ground, which should have fallen out of the body, and it happened to be the pass of Li'an Mansion.

Lu Yu and Zhang Chao thought it was useless, so they didn't take it away at all.

Jiang Ning knelt down and picked it up. It looked like a backpack decoration. He probably got it from some factory and distributed it to the members.

Back upstairs, Zheng Weili opened the door immediately upon hearing the commotion, and was taken aback when she saw the two of them coming back together, "Why did you come back so late, did you hear any news?"

Seeing that Huo Yishen didn't say anything, Jiang Ning nodded and said: "I just walked out of the community, and I happened to see a team collecting protection food, so I quietly followed and found that they had entered Li'an Mansion."

After listening to her story, Zheng Weili was shocked, "You mean, their den is in the community?"

Li'an Mansion is very big, there are more than 20 residential buildings alone, how many people are there in it?

Was this gang developed by the residents of the community, or was it invaded by the evil forces outside?

If it is encroachment, are the original residents still alive?

They not only collected protection food, but also went directly to the survivors' homes to rob under the guise of going out to collect supplies.

This is why the 18th floor will be targeted.

Zhang Chao and Lu Yu's brains were buzzing. They thought they were gangsters with dozens of people at most, but who knew...

There are only 5 combatants on the 18th floor, even if they are cut into pieces, it is not enough for them to stuff their teeth.

So, subconsciously looked at Jiang Ning and Huo Yishen, "What should we do next?"

How to do? The worst is cold salad.

Jiang Ning pretended to be stupid, then looked at Huo Yishen beside him.

Being loved by everyone, Huo Yishen thought for a while, "Don't be impulsive, I will step on the spot tomorrow."

The 18th floor didn't sleep, and the 17th floor was even more frightened.

Mother Zhong was scared out of her wits, "Mom, when I came back just now, I almost stepped on a corpse on the 16th floor, and the door downstairs was also smashed, what's going on?"

I thought there was a disaster at home, but fortunately my mother-in-law was unscathed.

There was no danger today, but Grandma Zhong was still frightened, she sighed and said, "Something has happened."

After listening to her mother-in-law's words, Mother Zhong couldn't catch her breath for a long time, "Is Zeng Nianlun crazy? He agreed to face difficulties together, but in the end, he was just a coward, but he still stabbed a black knife in the back?"

There is also the Xu family in 1702, which was really misjudged at the beginning.

"Mom, what do we do now?"

Mother Zhong was very worried. Her husband and son were both at work, and she and her mother-in-law were the only ones left at home. If the 18th floor really wanted to ignore them, what would they do?

These two rat droppings have ruined the whole pot of soup.

"It's useless to be afraid, you've been busy all day, wash up and sleep early, and think about what to do tomorrow."

Grandma Zhong didn't close her eyes. After making sure that her daughter-in-law was asleep, she quietly went to the kitchen to heat up a pot of water.

Open the door and pour water into the crack of 1702's door.

The weather was extremely cold, and the water quickly froze when poured on it.

Grandma Zhong stood in the aisle and sighed deeply in the darkness.

It doesn't matter whether she dies or not, but the hidden dangers cannot be left to the children.

It is enough to live to this day, many younger than her will die soon, but the children are still young, especially Zhong Ping has just graduated and found a job, and has not yet married a wife and had children.

Alas, when will the natural disaster end?

After she regained her composure, Grandma Zhong closed the door and went back to her room, wrapped in a quilt and not falling asleep all night.


Sleeping in a daze, woke up by the sound of banging downstairs.

Both humans and dogs are used to it, as long as they don't pry the door on the 18th floor.

He wrapped his head in a quilt and continued to sleep.

After waking up, Jiang Ning heard voices in the hallway, opened the door and found that Lu Yu pricked up his ears to listen to the movement downstairs, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yu laughed a few times, "The Xu family in 1702 refused to open the door yesterday, and today they moved suddenly."

Jiang Ning didn't care, "I guess I'm afraid that those people will come back to seek revenge, and I'm worried that they will be hurt."

"It's better to move away, to save more backstabbers."

Lu Yu will tell her what he heard, "I just heard Grandma Zhong say hello to them, and the Xu family seems to be moving to the shelter."

That's right, in response to the unprecedented cold wave in the south, the government re-planned shelters.

Houses in the south do not have heating, and can only use the most primitive heating method.

A large number of survivors gathered in the refuge. The densely packed people were warm, but it was full of various smells, and it was difficult to stretch out their hands and feet, let alone lie down and sleep, and there was hot water for bathing.

People will collapse if they don't sleep, but when they wake up after sleeping, there may be nothing left on their bodies except themselves.

The landlord's house had no food left, not to mention the fact that there were so many people in the city, so the nature of the asylum was based on the purpose of temporary relief and transition, and it was stipulated that all survivors who came in had only one month's residence authority.

After the deadline, you can only go to the public heating area, and the public heating area is only heated during the day, and turning off the heating at night can freeze people into icicles.

Therefore, many people would rather go outside to receive relief food and go up the mountain to cut firewood for warmth than to go to a shelter. At least there are quilts at home, so they can sleep with firewood.

Lu Yu asked Jiang Ning, "There is only Zhong's family left on the 17th floor, what should we do now?"

"Before the Zhong family moved in, we talked about it."

Jiang Ning was expressionless, "Where there is no danger now, let's see how the Zhong family can protect themselves, don't put your hopes on us."

The 18th floor is a man or not a god, and I don't know how long I can live.

While chatting, Huo Yishen opened the door and walked out, "A-Ning, are you going to check in today?"

Huo Yishen is not from Fengcheng, and he doesn't even know where Li'an Haoting is. It happened that Jiang Ning also wanted to step down again, so he nodded in agreement.

Keep a low profile when stepping on the spot, Jiang Ning puts on old clothes, Huo Yishen also keeps a low profile, but...

Uh, he is too tall, with a good body proportion, a pair of long legs against the sky, no matter how low-key he is, he stands out from the crowd.

Jiang Ning was curious, "How tall are you?"


This height is outstanding in the north, not to mention in the south, it is really an eye-catching existence among the crowd.

Jiang Ning was a little worried, "How about I go by myself?"

The corners of Huo Yishen's mouth twitched slightly, "It's okay, I won't hold you back."

Speaking of this, Jiang Ning is hard to say, anyway, he is very skilled, even if he is discovered, he will not be trapped.

So, two of them were handed over to 1803 for breeding.

The demons have been cultivated, and the survivors of the Jinrong Community have sharp eyes. Even if the two of them are low-key and disguised, they can still be recognized.

No one dares to approach them.

Paper can't contain fire, and the story of yesterday's fight has already spread.

It's scary, but they are very united this time, and without exception, they all hope that they can win, even if this idea is unrealistic.

On the 18th floor, evil is evil, but as long as you don't provoke them, they don't harvest heads or take protection food.

If those who collect and protect food are killed, they can also make a proper payment. After all, there are only a few people on the 18th floor, and how much can they eat?

Unfortunately, Jiang Ning had no idea what they were thinking.

Even if you know it, you won't care, it's just a group of people who can enjoy the shade under the big tree.

If you want to count on them, you should wash up and go to bed early, and your dreams will come true.

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