Being teased by Zhang Chao, Jiang Ning smiled and did not argue.

If it was really Crow's Mouth, she really hoped that the extreme cold would never come.

After secretly observing, he found that Huo Yishen was as stern as ever, with neither sad nor happy expression.

Coke was a little irritable, and after four hours of training, he still couldn't calm down, and his mouth whined from time to time.

Not knowing when the extreme cold will arrive, Jiang Ning has a bad premonition and prepares electric blankets, duvets, and cotton quilts in advance.

I deliberately put on constant temperature clothes to sleep at night, and the high-intensity training during the day consumes a lot of energy. I originally wanted to stay up late, but I fell into a deep sleep after a long time.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I heard the noisy sound of Coke and the rustling of the walkie-talkie.

Jiang Ning opened his eyes, feeling the biting cold, and the sharp cry of a rabbit sounded in the room.

Turning on the flashlight, I found more than 20 rabbits huddled in Coke's kennel, shivering from the cold.

"Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning!"

Huo Yishen's anxious voice came from the intercom.

"I, I'm here." His lips and teeth were fighting with cold.

He urged on the intercom, "It's getting cold, get dressed."

The air is like a knife, and I feel speechless.

Jiang Ning rolled Coke and entered the space with a nest full of rabbits.

As soon as I came in, I was greeted with warmth.

It took a while for the stiff limbs to recover.

I quickly found the clothes I prepared in advance to put on my body, warm clothes, cashmere sweater, mink coat, a few pairs of socks, warm snow boots, scarves, and warm masks.

Squat down to dress Coke, thermostat clothes, cashmere sweater, mink fur coat, and then big gray and small white, two rabbits wrapped up like balls.

The rest of the rabbits were stuffed into foam boxes with layers of blankets, and it was up to them to survive.

After finishing all this, Jiang Ning did not forget to drink a large bowl of hot brown sugar ginger soup, which made his throat and stomach extremely spicy.

As soon as I came out of the space, my ears were almost blown away by the knock on the door, "Jiang Ning!"

The strength is surprisingly strong, even the stainless steel door can't stand it.

"I'm coming!"

As soon as I came out, the air was as cold as a knife, and my chest was piercingly painful to breathe.

Coke coughed and scratched his nose with his paws.

After bringing the rabbit nest into the room, Jiang Ning rushed to open the door and found Huo Yishen kicking the door.

Just as the door opened, an anxious voice came, "Jiang Ning, are you okay?"

With that said, a piece of fur wrapped tightly around her body.

Jiang Ning was stunned, looking at Huo Yishen who was wearing a military overcoat, he was in a daze for a moment, he...

However, she quickly came to her senses, "I'm fine, it's just that I was frozen all of a sudden, and I feel like I'm deaf in my ears."

"It's fine."

Huo Yishen fastened the fur buttons on her, and then went to knock on the door of 1803.

1803 was awakened by the sound of his kicking the door just now, and was anxiously looking for thick clothes to put on, "Got it, got it!"

Wrapped in two pieces of fur, Jiang Ning successfully turned into a ball.

Seeing that she was a little silly, Huo Yi held her shoulders and shook her, and said with a serious expression: "Go back to the house immediately and light a fire to keep warm."

"Oh." Jiang Ning turned and went back to the house.

Huo Yi deeply warned: "Don't lock the door."

Jiang Ning unlocked it, went back to the room and took out the kettle. Seeing that the door of 1801 was open, he hurried in, "I made some ginger soup, you and Doudou drink some to warm your body."

Doudou was wrapped into a ball and lay on the bed, her little face was pale with cold, she couldn't even speak, and was shivering all over.

Huo Yishen picked her up, took a bowl and poured brown sugar ginger soup into her mouth, "Be careful, it's hot."

After pouring a bowl full, Doudou came to his senses, his mouth was flattened and he was about to cry, "big brother..."

"Don't cry, the tears will freeze and your face will be broken."

Jiang Ning poured him a bowl and hurriedly knocked on the door of 1803.

The three of them were in chaos, their hands and feet were cold, they put clothes on their bodies, and wrapped them in quilts.

The hand holding the hot ginger soup kept shaking.

Especially single dog Zhang Chao, his face was frozen purple.

Mink fur coats, cotton quilts, everything that can be wrapped, the southern dogs are shivering, feeling that their hearts are paralyzed and uncomfortable, and they have to drink a few bowls of hot ginger soup to recover.

"A-Ning, you, you really have a crow's mouth."

Zhang Chao huddled on the sofa, his teeth rattling from the cold, "If you hadn't picked up 1 million, we would all have died tonight."

Thick clothes, quilts and other items to keep out the cold are all for squandering cheap banknotes, but I didn't expect to save my life by accident.

Zheng Weili and Lu Yu kept hugging each other tightly. Her body warmed up relatively quickly, and she shivered to light a fire to keep warm.

Seeing that the three of them were fine, Jiang Ning left in peace.

Seeing that the door of 1801 was still open, she walked in again, "How is Doudou?"

Huo Yishen was at the charcoal stove, "Drink hot ginger soup to warm you up."

Doudou huddled in the quilt, only revealing two bright eyes, "Sister, I'm fine, how about Coke?"


Gouzi, who has been neglected for a long time, finally found a chance to prove his strong physique, but unfortunately, his muscles could not be exposed because he was wrapped too much.

Seeing Coke in mink fur, Doudou was instantly in a good mood, and reached out to stroke the black dog's face.

With a charcoal fire, the house is much warmer.

Jiang Ning got up to leave, not forgetting to remind: "Do not cover the doors and windows too tightly, leave a gap for ventilation."

In the previous life, it was really frighteningly cold, so some people accidentally covered it up and went to report to Lord Yan early.

Huo Yi made two charcoal stoves and handed one of them to Jiang Ning, "Be careful too."

Jiang Ning was stunned, and suddenly remembered that he was still wearing his mink fur coat, so he quickly took it off.

"Keep it, I'm not as afraid of the cold as you are."

No, except for her hands, feet and face, the rest of her body is warm instead of cold.

It is estimated that the constant temperature clothes play a role, and it is very warm and comfortable.

She observed Gouzi, and she probably recovered.

So, he insisted on returning the clothes to him, "Don't make yourself sick, Doudou still needs your care."

Huo Yishen didn't refuse any more, but insisted on giving her the charcoal stove.

The kindness is hard to turn down, so Jiang Ning had no choice but to accept it.

All the staff on the 18th floor survived, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he have the mood to pay attention to the downstairs. There was also a loud noise, and the sound was not too small.

After closing the double doors, Jiang Ning hurried back to the room and took out the thermometer to check.

Good guy, it's directly minus 19 degrees outside.

In this southern coastal city, where the average winter temperature is above 15 degrees and the lowest temperature in history has always remained above zero, and the down jacket cannot be worn more than three times, the sudden drop from 20 degrees to minus 19 degrees, which is close to 40 degrees, is definitely a catastrophe.

What is more terrifying than cold is extreme hypothermia.

A large amount of body heat is lost in a short period of time, causing the temperature of the core area of ​​the human body to drop, causing symptoms such as chills, cardiopulmonary failure, and even death.

That's right, it's not the cold but extreme hypothermia that causes mass death of humans.

Many people don't even have the chance to open their eyes, and they can't wake up in their dreams.

Even, their dreams are beautiful, the rain finally stops, and the urban civilization will recover.


Jiang Ning withdrew his mind, and took the storage box, electric heater, electric blanket from the space...

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