Chapter 511

When the evil dragon moved, the long black chain was all pulled.

These black chains are forged with no metal material. Each has a thick waist. Although after tens of thousands of years, there is no trace of rust, but it is still black and shiny. The chains were pulled to the extreme, and they all tightened. In an instant, countless red runes appeared. A strong binding force covered the evil dragon’s body. The evil dragon’s body was covered by a huge blood-red egg-shaped cover. .


A long roar that shook the sky!

Zhang Mu felt dark in front of him, and he was dizzy on the spot, completely deprived of his five senses, and fell straight to the ground. The evil dragon didn’t use any skills, just a pure roar, and Long Wei plunged Zhang Mu into a forced dizziness, which was really incredible.

“Damn it!”

Zhang Mu’s senses were all missed for more than ten seconds, and finally he woke up, but there were waves of torrential sounds in his ears. Waves visible to the naked eye layer by layer from all directions are pouring in layer by layer, and endless energy is beginning to condense.

With such a powerful energy change, even the blind can clearly feel that the energy in the entire sealed space is being summoned by the evil dragon. There is no doubt that the evil dragon needs to use this power to smash the seal and escape.

The entire space is supported by energy. Once all the energy is pumped away, the space hidden 10,000 meters deep under the sea will definitely not be able to withstand the huge Ali, and the final result must be a complete collapse!


“and many more!”

Zhang Mu shouted a few words.

The evil dragon was unmoved, more energy was concentrated, and the earth shattered every inch, and the black chains used to lock the evil dragon were pulled up from the ground. The tighter the pull, the stronger the bondage. The evil dragon was tightly wrapped in a blood-red energy cover, and the seal seemed to be much stronger than imagined.


A roar of tearing eardrums, hit by terrifying energy from the void, suddenly produced a black thunder light, which hit the red cover like a laser cannon. The thick blood-red cover shook, and it was weakened by one point in an instant. Before half a second, another lightning struck.

The third way!

Fourth way!

Fifth way!

The number of thunder and lightning is increasing. Although the seal is very strong, the power of the evil dragon in the seal space is constantly bombarding the blood red cover. Every black lightning strike will weaken the blood seal by one point. This seal is absolutely unstoppable. Evil dragon.


Zhang Mu began to stand unstable, and a huge rock with a diameter of more than 60 meters fell head-on. Zhang Mu drew out the Demon Slayer Sword, the golden sword glow skyrocketed, entangling the two energy of the wind system, and slammed the sword on the huge rock, cutting the huge rock in half from the middle.




A particularly strong thunder and lightning broke a piece of black metal on the spot. The entire seal ground shook violently, like a major earthquake. The earth kept cracking, the rocks above it were constantly breaking, and more and more huge rocks were falling down. The fierce energy flow was sharper than the blade. Cut into several pieces.

Can’t stay anymore!

Zhang Mu has no way to stop the evil dragon from being born!

Now self-preservation matters!

Although the evil dragon had no killer, once the seal was broken, the entire space would collapse. This place is 10,000 meters under the sea. If Zhang Mu is buried alive, Zhang Mu will never survive. Zhang Mu didn’t have the teleportation scroll anymore, so he could only turn on the spacecraft, use the spacecraft to return to the hole drilled by the moon, and try to return from the hole to the top. As long as it is not buried alive under 10,000 meters, even if it is directly exposed to the seabed at a depth of tens of thousands of feet, Zhang Mu can barely bear it with the strength of Zhang Mu’s body.

Zhang Mu inspired the skill Dragon Xiangshu, walked through the Shenlong Forest, and picked a few Shenlong Fruits casually. It’s really a shame that it is impossible to take away all the Shenlong Fruits all over the mountains. Up to now, there is one point that can be taken away.

“Swallow the sky bag!”

Zhang Mu tore off the waist bag and threw it into the sky. A powerful attraction spread from the sky-swallowing bag. Four or five dragon trees, a large number of crystals, were pulled up by the roots, and they were drawn into the sky-swallowing bag at the same time.

At this time, the evil dragon broke dozens of seal chains, and powerful energy swept the earth. All the Shenlong fruit trees in all directions trembled. Thousands of Shenlong fruits were pulled apart by external forces and all appeared in the air.

Dragon fruit!

Zhang Mu was shocked.

These are all treasures! All flew away!

Under the traction of some kind of force, the dragon fruit all slammed into the evil dragon giant. When it fell on the huge body of the evil dragon, they all burst open, and the essence and blood power was injected into the evil dragon. The body immediately became plump and full, and blood vessels reappeared in the fractures of the head and neck.

It’s no wonder that there will be a huge number of dragon fruits in the sealed land. The dragon trees are deliberately prepared by evil dragons. Each dragon fruit is rich in essence and blood. The evil dragon is sealed in the state of corpses, and the energy of the essence and blood in the body is exhausted. Therefore, It needs to be supplemented with foreign objects when it is resurrected. Shenlong fruit is grown from its own essence and blood. These things can quickly replenish the depleted body, allowing the evil dragon to quickly restore vitality and blood, and restore more power.


The evil dragon roared again.

The destructive sexual energy formed a violent wind, all matter was drawn in, and it was twisted into powder in an instant, and the black chains were torn every inch, and there was no more restraint. At this point, the evil dragon is free.

The entire cliff collapsed.

Zhang Mu couldn’t find the boat, so it would be useless to find the boat from the current situation. Because the moment the evil dragon was born, the entire seabed space would begin to collapse, and the holes in the altar could not be found. Zhang Mu grasped the swallowing bag, and there was a ship in the swallowing bag. It was a special warship of the Special Operations Department. This was a special ship that Zhang Mu had brought along as a precaution.

But how do you escape?

Zhang Mu sat in the driving seat of a special warship. Although he had never driven a special warship before, the special warship, like the Dawn, had the function of neurosensing driving. The moment Zhang Mu took his seat, the warship immediately scanned him.

“Identity Confirmation: Xihai Investigation Commander!”

“Authorized to drive!”

A cylindrical object protruding from the left and right sides of the seat, all gelatinous silver material, Zhang Mu inserted his hands into the soft and cold material, and instantly connected to the special warship. Use will to inspire the engines and enchantments of special warships. Special warships have strong barriers, light and thin hulls, agility and swiftness, and fierce firepower. In such an environment, there will be no resistance at all.


Looking for an exit!

The rock above the head is not composed of ordinary materials. The sunken rock on the bottom of the Devil Sea is incomparably strong in itself, blended with the power of a seal, and is as hard as steel, and at the same time it is eight or nine kilometers thick. By stimulating the power of the five-color fossils, the perforation was successfully created on the seal. Zhang Mu had a special warship in his hand. Although it was equipped with a powerful magic cannon, it was of no avail, and it was not enough to blast the rock formation and escape.

The evil dragon’s flesh and blood was completely restored, and the lost parts of the body began to show signs of growth. The most important part of the evil dragon comes alive, and the remaining four parts are not so important. Even if it is not taken out of the seal, with the powerful regeneration ability of the evil dragon, as long as there is sufficient resource base, it will regenerate in a year or a half. The evil dragon regained the power of its heyday.

“Sleep for tens of thousands of years, long enough!”

“The seal is pitifully weak, break it open for me!”

The evil dragon screamed again, and the vast sea-like energy condensed into a drill, slammed into the rock formation, and instantly penetrated through the rock formation, unexpectedly born in the thick rock formation to make a way. The evil dragon shook his body and directly followed behind to make an impact.

The evil dragon uses energy to forcefully break through the rock formations!

Probably the only chance to leave, Zhang Mu didn’t even think about it, and immediately piloted the special warship and followed behind the evil dragon. Although the evil dragon tore the rock formations and smashed most of the falling rocks, countless more rocks came one after another, smashing the enchantment of the special warship head-on, causing strong shocks and even deforming the enchantment.

Zhang Mu continued to increase his speed, and at the same time he was fully fired, a large number of elements ran away, shooting aimlessly, breaking the rocks piece by piece. Some elemental cannons even accidentally hit the evil dragon, but the evil dragon didn’t care at all. An attack of this intensity was no different from scratching it.

“The evil dragon is about to be born, and the energy of the evil seal is about to explode. Hurry up and hide into the battleship, open the enchantment, and leave the battlefield!”

In his busy schedule, Zhang Mu inspired the sound transmission scroll to send a sound transmission to Leng Yun.

A huge rock with a thickness of several hundred meters appeared in the front, and the special warship directly hit it. The huge rock itself was not threatened. The rock strength was not strong enough to blast away the special warship, but the rock was several times heavier than steel. Then, the special warship was blocked from advancing, and the evil dragon went away in an instant.

not good!

Zhang Mu felt that he was about to be buried alive.

Suddenly a powerful force struck, and all the rocks in front of them turned into powder in an instant.

It’s an evil dragon!

Actually helping oneself escape!


The special warship ejected a stronger energy flow, suddenly broke the speed of sound, passed through a long distance, and instantly entered the ocean environment, finally escaped, and successfully escaped.

At the same time, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Demon King and the Wind Chaser are fighting the Three Sages of Naga. Relying on the constant eruption, the evil energy became stronger and stronger, the power never exhausted, and the life never exhausted. If one person fights two, he still has the advantage. The Wind Chaser and the Scarlet Moon Saints fought against each other, and the Naga army was also involved in the battle. It must be said that the Naga army has a very strong combat effectiveness. There is no winner or loser for the time being.

The Naga tribe uses a powerful army to gradually gain an advantage in battle.

“If you find a ritual place to destroy it, the Demon Emperor is nothing to worry about!”

The three Naga saints were all looking for it, but the place where the Demon Emperor performed the ritual, collapsed into a big abyss, and I didn’t know how to break it. The Demon Sovereign laughed, only he knew how to break it, but once the ceremony was started, unless the Demon Sovereign could be suppressed, the Naga Clan had no chance to implement it.

At this moment.

Suddenly, the entire Devil Sea shook.

“What happened?”

“The energy in the seal is decreasing drastically!”

“No, the evil dragon is coming out!”

The Demon King was shocked.

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