National Tide 1980

Chapter 60 Three sacks

On the way home, it was very different from how I described it when I left.

Originally, when he came today, Kang Shude was sitting behind Ning Weimin's car seat with a handbag.

But when he came back, although Ning Weimin was still riding his bicycle, Kang Shude was sitting on the back of a flat-bed tricycle.

And regardless of how much it costs to hire a car, walking this way will also be much slower.

However, the Ning guards followed him all the way, smiling so brightly that they almost reached their ears.


In fact, it was for no other reason than that behind Kang Shude, on the flatbed truck, there were three large bags of calligraphy and paintings packed in boxes.

Speaking of buying paintings today, Ning Weimin felt so happy.

He pointed at the wall and gave instructions as if ordering food in a restaurant.

The three people in the gallery were so busy talking to him that they were almost overwhelmed.

How did he get the money from selling the paintings, and how did this guy spend it?

Shen Zhou and Shi Tao exchanged 7,600 yuan for it, but in the end, only 1,100 yuan was left in hand.

Just spending money like water like water made Director Song stupid!

To be specific, Ning Weimin not only rounded up all the Huang Binhongs in the store who were over four feet tall.

Other famous artists also specialize in large-scale, unique and representative paintings, and buy them in large quantities.

For example, Qi Baishi's "Tiger Traveling in the Mountains" and "Fish, Shrimp and Crabs Swimming Together", Xu Beihong's "Eagle Spreading Wings" and "Eight Horses", Zhang Daqian's "Ten Miles of Mingjiang" and "Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Longevity", and Wu Changshuo's "Wisteria Oriole" by Pan Tianshou, "Zhong Kui Marries His Sister", Huang Zhou's "Wind in the Great Journey", Fu Baoshi's "Morning Blossoms Picked Up at Dusk", Li Keran's "The Yangshan Dynasty"...

These high-quality calligraphy and painting works that seemed to have never appeared in the calligraphy and painting market were all purchased by him generously.

In addition, there were two works that he recognized that had been featured in "Collection" magazine and had sold for more than 100 million yuan.

Pan Tianshou's painting "Infinite Scenery" was sold for 287.5 million.

and Fu Baoshi's painting "Majestic Mount Maoshan" sold for 187 million.

That is something that must be included in your pocket!

To put it bluntly, these two items are the only ones on the auction block, plus Huang Binhong’s “Qishan Pictures” sold for 245 million yuan.

It's enough to ensure that he can eat and drink for the rest of his life... Bah, there's so much to enjoy.

So think about it carefully. Just one painting of Shen Zhou and one painting of Shi Tao have been sold for tens of billions. How can this kid not be happy?

Who says there is no good thing in the world that makes you fat after one bite?

Even if he had fun for three days and three nights, it would not be too much!

As a result, Stephen Chow's signature cheeky smile appeared on Ning Weimin's face ten years earlier.

Even when he got home, he was still so happy, as if Fan Jin had lost his mind.

Naturally, Kang Shude became more and more upset the more he looked at him.

"You kid, can you stop laughing? Why do you look so awkward to me?"

The old man finally couldn't stand it anymore and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Ning Weimin didn't care, and kept smiling playfully while tidying up his paintings.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it. It comes from the bottom of my heart. I can't help it even if I want to. Just let me enjoy it, okay? I may not be as beautiful as I am today in the rest of my life."

Kang Shude became even more disdainful after hearing this.

"As for that, are you doing it just for these paintings?"

"I can't even say anything about you. We were originally here to sell paintings. But it's good for you. You got the money, and you sent it back to others, but you bought back so much."

"Why did you forget about selling those two paintings? Aren't you afraid that all the hair in your house will grow?"

Ning Weimin explained with kind words.

"Old man, don't say that, as if I am a prodigal who wastes money."

"You have to believe me, these things are not ordinary, they have great stamina. I thought I didn't buy enough. If it weren't for the purpose of scratching things and learning from you, I wouldn't want to save a penny, so I would have bought them all. "

"Long hair? They can't grow hair. After a while, I will get rid of all the fish tanks. From now on, I won't even have a urinal in the house. I have to go out and buy a few large camphor wood boxes to put them in." After two years, I will find a unit to house them."

"Believe it or not, as long as I am careful and display and hang them every six months, these things will still be the same thing after ten or eight years. They cannot fly or break..."

But his plan made the old man even more scornful.

"What? You still want to get an apartment? Just to put aside these junior things? How dare you think about it. Don't you even look at what you are buying? There is no one older than me. .”

"Especially Qi Baishi, it's the 'Zen of the Wild Fox' and 'tacky and smoky'. During the Republic of China, his fans were twice as cheap as others, two yuan a piece, and no one wanted them. You are actually willing to spend two or three hundred to buy him, It’s such a waste of money.”

"In terms of comparison, Qi Baishi is not as good as Wu Changshuo and Wang Xuetao. But even for Wu and Wang, it will take three generations before their paintings can be regarded as something. Let me put it here, calligraphy and painting, and porcelain Likewise, the more ancient the better. Wang Shimin will never be able to defeat Wen Zhengming, do you understand?"

"I said you kid, don't learn from me. I can't teach you just because you change your mind in a blink of an eye and don't listen to others' advice. Even if I help you earn a big fortune, you still have to Sooner or later, I'll let you make it clean."

"Tch, if I had known that you were causing such trouble, it would be better for me to come alone. It's better than being so confused and futile..."

But the more the old man said this, the happier Ning Weimin became.

He was not angry at all, but even tried to persuade the master.

"Old man, calm down and calm down. I listen to what you say, but don't make yourself so angry?"

"What are you talking about? I really have to advise you. When it comes to old things, you are an absolute expert. But not everything in this world is old. Otherwise, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the blue is better than the blue. So what if it’s better than Lan?”

"Take the paintings and calligraphy I bought. I admit that the age cannot be compared with the ancient ones. But because of this, you can't use the method of measuring ancient objects to judge."

"At least the advantage of modern calligraphy and painting is that the artistic connotation is easier to understand by today's people, and it is easier to be loved and sought after. Moreover, the works of these painters exist in large quantities and at low prices, making it easier for people to invest in order to increase and maintain value."

"To put it bluntly, the reason for the rise of these calligraphy and paintings is the same as the reason why I buy stamps. It is to make the market. As long as the price of ancient paintings continues to rise, these paintings will have a comparison effect and follow suit. Even because Someone intervened secretly, and the price rose much faster than ancient paintings. If you don’t believe it, just wait and see..."

Ning Weimin explained patiently.

But the characteristic of old people is that they are not easily persuaded by young people.

Kang Shude represents more of the past, and it is difficult for many thinking consciousnesses to keep pace with the times, let alone talk about cognition that transcends the times.

So it’s normal not to listen.

"Bullshit, I'm already this old. How long can I wait for you? Ten years, twenty years? Stop fooling me with your nonsense. I only know that things are rare and valuable, and the less they are, the more valuable they are. I've never heard of that. The more things, the better…”

Ning Weimin swallowed, feeling a little helpless because of his master's stubbornness.

"Oh, my old man, it is not an absolute concept that things are rare and valuable. The meaning of more and less lies in comparison."

"That doesn't mean that one or two items are too few, but that one thousand or ten thousand items are too much. The quantity of things must be compared with how much money is willing to buy these things. It also depends on how many of these things are there. How many can be used for actual transactions?”

"Didn't I tell you that in the future, whether something is hot or not, whether it is pretty or not, will involve more human intervention. It will no longer be like in the past, where you will only look for things with your eyesight. The older the object, the better, and then wait for passive appreciation, or It’s the seller who knows the family.”

"In the future, all antique and collectible objects will have the same new name, called 'chips'!"

Ning Weimin can be said to have understood the core essence of the future cultural and entertainment trading market, especially the domestic market conditions.

But even so, it is all in vain.

Because Kang Shude didn't even bother to listen, let alone think about it.

"Blow it, brag it hard, you are my master in terms of bragging! What do you say? Good boy, Sun Hou'er has already started to teach Tang Monk. Well, from now on, you will be considered a teacher..."

So with the old man's attitude, Ning Weimin had no choice but to take the last step.

"Hey, you are losing interest now. Didn't you tell me in the first two days, 'Just keep an eye on it. If you feel confident, just take action. It doesn't matter if you suffer a loss, you will also learn more'? I haven't suffered a loss yet." , why don’t you quit now?”

"Old man, let's put it this way. If you say you're wrong, old guy, I won't even dare to fart. But I'm a little dissatisfied with the new thing. I really want to squirm and challenge you. How about you? How about we make a bet?"

"As for my stamps, if the price cannot double within the next year, how about I give you all my belongings? And from now on, no matter how big or small, I will listen to you, even if you tell me about briquettes The baby is white, so I’ll buy you some white coal briquettes. You say you’re going to hunt dogs, but I won’t hunt down chickens.”

This method of stimulating generals is useful, and Kang Shude is really coming to his senses.

"Hey, that's enough for me. Haikou boasts a lot. Then I'm going to lose. What should I pay you?"

Ning Weimin also opened his mouth to come.

"That's easy to handle. If you lose, you will have to lose one of the three things in your hand to me..."

Unexpectedly, his casual remarks would trigger a violent backlash, and the old man actually became anxious on the spot.

"Bah, what a beautiful thought! You kid. As I said, you are wrong."

"Why do you care so much about the things in my hands? Didn't we agree that the money from selling the paintings will be yours, and the three pieces of porcelain are mine. From now on, we will owe nothing to each other."

"No, I can't bear to let go of those pieces of porcelain."

Ning Weimin had no choice but to change his tune quickly.

"Okay, okay, otherwise, if you lose, can you find another thing for me? And from now on, you will no longer interfere with my persistence in certain things, and you must respect my own opinions. …”

"Well, that sounds about right..."

The old man finally agreed.

"But you have to think about it carefully. You can't take back what you say. Again, don't be careless."

Ning Weimin was extremely magnanimous.

"Don't worry, I have the confidence in my heart and will never regret it. I can't throw away the gold and silver just to keep the few copper coins in front of me."

"Tch, look at how crazy you are. There are just dozens of broken paintings and a pile of broken stamps. You are the one who treats them as treasures. How about the gold and silver mountains? I think you are obsessed with it and are stubborn. Go ahead and dream!"

"Don't tell me. I just love to dream. What if my dreams come true?"

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