National Tide 1980

Chapter 36 Choice

The bronze ware kicked out by Ning Weimin is indeed remarkable.

The inscription on the inner wall has been identified by experts as five characters - "Zha Zhen Zun, the Marquis of Zhi".

With these five words, the identity of this thing can be officially determined.

The final identification result given by the expert was just like Kang Shude's preliminary conclusion, almost exactly the same.

They said that not only was this wine vessel indeed a wine vessel, but it was also used by the king of Yan State under the feudal system of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Because the word "彽" is a new word created by Zhao Gongxi who was entrusted by King Wu of Zhou Dynasty to distinguish it from the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty and to replace the previous "Yan".

The word "彽hou" is also a unified title, referring to the king of Yan State.

Therefore, the age and origin of this wine master are very clear.

Because of this, Ning Weimin greatly admired his master's ability to identify treasures.

This cultural relic also caused a huge sensation in the archaeological and cultural relic circles.

The leaders of the cultural relics bureau and experts from all walks of life said that it is very rare to find such a bronze vessel with almost complete form from the private sector!

Although its value is not as high as that of Siyang Fangzun and Simuwu Ding, it is still listed as a national first-class cultural relic and is quite precious.

So this thing was not only photographed, but also included in the art textbooks of primary and secondary schools.

It will also be housed in the National Museum of Fine Arts after a ten-day public exhibition.

Needless to say, as the person who handed over the cultural relics, Kang Shude will definitely be commended and rewarded by the relevant departments.

At a specially held commendation meeting in the district, there were many hot gazes below.

The old man brought the big red flower to the limelight for the first time, and received the certificate of honor and five hundred yuan with a happy face.

Even Li Guangdong, the deputy director of the subdistrict who negotiated with the superiors, was praised by his superiors.

It has basically been decided that he will officially take over the team of the retiring old director, and things will be straightened out soon.

It's a pity that receiving the bonus will undoubtedly mean that Ning Weimin's dream of working as a taxi driver has come to nothing.

But this matter needs to be explained clearly.

In fact, it's not that Director Li didn't help or try his best. The key lies in the mismatch between units at all levels.

You know, the credit for discovering cultural relics falls on the district cultural relics bureau and the streets.

However, the Capital Taxi Company is a municipal unit, which is not worthy of the name.

It just so happened that the last party responsible for receiving the items was the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and the museum that collected the bronze statue was also a national-level museum.

This means that no matter what happens in the city, no matter what happens inside or outside, it is completely ignored by others.

How could someone help you worry about this?


So Ning Weimin had a good idea about becoming a taxi driver, but it was doomed from the beginning.

But surprisingly, the district officials were quite reasonable.

Perhaps he felt a little unbearable for not being able to realize Ning Weimin's wish.

Or maybe it's because it is their responsibility to solve the problem of employment of educated youth, and it is a task that must be completed.

So the district dealt with special matters and actually provided Ning Weimin with two job opportunities to choose from.

One is to go to the Polar Bear Food Factory on Anlelin Road and work as a worker in the soda shop.

The second is to work as a waiter at the Chongwenmen Hotel in the southeast corner outside Chongwenmen.

It can be said that these two jobs are not bad, because no matter which unit is the industry leader with the best salary in the district.

Just say "Polar Bear", this factory is famous.

It was a large comprehensive food factory that merged with the "Jingcheng Ice Factory" and dozens of cold drink factories, with nearly 2,000 employees.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has almost monopolized the supply of cold drinks, jams, cans and artificial ice in the entire capital.

Their products were directly supplied to state banquets from the founding of the People's Republic of China until 1990, and they have received praise and praise from countless foreign leaders.

Soda, in particular, was a product designated by the Beijing government at that time.

It does not contain any additives, it is made purely from orange jam and orange oil, and the price is very affordable.

The ex-factory price set by the Light Industry Bureau is 0.119 yuan per bottle, and the retail price is also fixed at 0.15 yuan per bottle.

Therefore, for a long time, people in Beijing only recognized "polar bear" when it comes to cold drinks.

No soda company can make money from the people in the capital city.

Of course, it goes without saying that the "Polar Bear" factory's efficiency is particularly good, and the treatment and welfare of its employees can keep up.

In fact, the income of workers in this factory has always been one-third higher than that of other factories of the same level, catching up with and surpassing central enterprises.

Daily labor protection supplies and things given out during holidays.

It's enough to make the people of the "Polar Bear" arrogant and stand out in front of any other unit.

Especially this year, the factory also built three new buildings with its own funds to solve the housing problem of employees.

This is the first of its kind among non-state-owned enterprises.

Deep down in his bones, he is rich and wealthy.

As for Chongwenmen Hotel, it is only 500 meters away from Beijing Railway Station.

It was a modern hotel opened in the district specifically to accommodate passengers transferring on and off the train.

In fact, it was the Hardman Hotel in the future.

It just opened in 1974. It has a construction area of ​​15,000 square meters, a seven-story building, 360 guest rooms, and 1,725 ​​beds.

Compared with old-style hotels, Chongwenmen Hotel has initially formed a one-stop service for tourists in terms of food, accommodation, entertainment, and communication.

Not only have hard beds been replaced with soft beds, but public bathrooms have also been set up.

Sofas, soft chairs, fans, TVs, telephones and other equipment were also added to the room.

And there is a very unique place here.

That is the time-honored "Bianyifang" in Beijing, which is famous for its braised roast duck, and a hotel jointly opened a branch.

Speaking of Beijing Roast Duck, although it is also a time-honored brand in Beijing.

But compared with "Judequan" and "Bianbiafang", it can be considered a rising star.

In fact, "Bianbiifang" has been opened since the Yongle year of the Ming Dynasty, and "Judequan" has been around since the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty.

In terms of age, it is not an exaggeration to say that "Bianbiafang" is the descendant of "Judequan".

There is a difference of four hundred years between the two.

When it comes to taste, both have their own merits.

"Judequan" is an innovative hanging oven roast duck that combines the barbecue techniques of the Qing Dynasty hanging oven bureau.

Later, due to the unexpected publicity effect brought about by foreign affairs activities, it became famous and was widely praised by foreign guests.

But "Bianbi Fang" is no less impressive.

It is the most traditional braised roast duck, which is well-known and has a rich heritage.

It is also a representative of Beijing cuisine.

Therefore, it is precisely because of its special geographical location in the city center close to Beijing Railway Station.

Because it can provide extremely authentic catering services with Beijing characteristics.

Chongwenmen Hotel has been crowded with customers since its opening, and has become a well-known hotel that receives high-status travelers from all over the country.

In this era, there were no foreign-related hotels in the capital.

Chongwenmen Hotel has surpassed those old hotels left over from the old days.

It has become the most profitable hotel in the area and also has the best conditions.

If you work here, you will not only earn the same income as you do, but the work will be easy.

Moreover, it also boasts good food and drink and the ability to take a shower at will.

So which unit to choose to work in became a question that Ning Weimin needed to consider carefully.

The deadline given by the district is for him to make a decision before the end of May so that he can report to work in his new unit.

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