National Tide 1980

Chapter 32 Bleeding

This tone and posture are really scary. It is impossible for Zhu Daneng and others not to be scared.

However, they would be very unwilling to spend more real money just like this.

Everyone's faces turned ugly.

As a result, during the stalemate, the kid with the adhesive tape on his nose got impulsive again this time.

The brain on his temples jumped up, he clenched his fists, and screamed with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, I don't believe it. Do you mean what you said? The police station is run by your family? The materials bureau is run by your family? Do you have evidence that we are making money from black money? I'll just let you say it? By the way, that's it Half a day, where are you from? What do you do? You are so loud!"

Hey, don’t mention it yet, this question makes a lot of sense.

Finally, someone realized that it was time to inquire about Ning Weimin's identity.

But not only was Ning Weimin not afraid, he was just waiting for these words.

He had already prepared his last move, and he just took this opportunity to use it.

"Who am I? No need to tell you, you just need to know that I live in the compound of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The best small building is our home."

"Of course the police station does not belong to our family, and neither does the Materials Bureau. Fortunately, I can really talk to them all."

"Let's just talk about your Materials Bureau. Doesn't the General Bureau have a deputy director named Liang Xingguo? He is forty-five years old and was just promoted this year, right?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. I also know a man named Xu Jinhai, who is in charge of the business office of your branch. You should know him, right? It's too easy for me to deal with you. It's just like crushing a few animals. Like ants.”

"Yes, I have no evidence, and you don't have to admit what you did. But some people will believe what I say, and I guarantee that I can cut off your money. Not only can I ruin your jobs. I also You can ask the police station to deport those blind people."

"I really want to see if you have no job and no extra money. If you just drink the northwest wind from now on, can you be full..."

The leaders mentioned by Ning Weimin are all right!

He specifically asked Lan Lan to find out about these situations for him through contacts within the material company.

He can even tell the appearance, characteristics and daily habits of these directors.

It was for this reason that I waited a few days before taking action.

Therefore, whether it was Zhu Daneng or his subordinates, their hearts almost burst, and they all shuddered involuntarily.

Their feelings are like the low-end civilization learning that they are being targeted by a high-end civilization in the novel "The Three-Body Problem".

We need to face a dimensionality reduction attack with no ability to fight back!

"No, no, no, don't be like us. We'll give you the money, we'll give it! Why don't we cherish the opportunity?"

Zhu Daneng was so excited that he jumped, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and collapsed thousands of miles away.

Not only did he bow and smile and say nice things, he also gave the "sticking plaster" a hard slap in the face.

"Asshole! You are crazy! You want to die, don't bring trouble to the big guys! If you say one more word today, I will cut off your tongue."

But the kid was hit by a guy, and he didn't make a sound this time. He covered his head and could only tremble.

After that, Zhu Daneng hurriedly took out all the money in the cash box and asked everyone to dig into their pockets to make up the money.

If an outsider came in at this time, he would see the banknotes that Ning Weimin had just swept away all over the floor.

Then you have to suspect that Ning Weimin is a robber, robbing the scrap station.

"That's all! I'm sorry, seven hundred and seventy-three..."

Zhu Daneng was sweating profusely and said with a crying voice.

As if he was afraid that Ning Weimin would think it was too little, he gritted his teeth and simply took a few of his brothers' watches over and put them on his chest.

When he put the watch on, his hands were trembling as if his life was at stake.

The looks in other people's eyes were also very ugly.

It's obvious that everyone's flesh aches and their muscles and bones are broken!

Good guy, even cash and four watches are worth at least one thousand now.

Not only did Ning Weimin feel happy, but the smile lines on his mouth were also a little unbearable.

He really wanted to reach out and grab the money and watch, but he still couldn't.

Because of the same reason, you can't forget your own personality, you have to implement it to the end.

"Forget it! I'm not going to kill them all. What I want is your attitude. You can take back this watch and these zero votes..."

Ning Weimin pretended to be generous and only put away the large group on the counter.

Seeing nearly 200 yuan worth of colorful change and four watches on the counter, unable to reach out, I felt doubly regretful.

But Zhu Daneng and the others were overjoyed and looked at the remaining belongings in disbelief.

"You really don't want these?"

"Tch, what are you talking about! I'm not a trust store, so why do I need your watches? I don't set up a stall, so why do I need your 80 cents?"

Ning Weimin was full of dissatisfaction.

Zhu Daneng and the others immediately swarmed over and put on their own watches first.

Then, their worry became whether Ning Weimin could keep his word.

They were afraid that there would be further trouble later, so they naturally wanted to get something right before Ning Weimin left.

"Then let's take a look at this matter..."

"Isn't this all settled peacefully? If you are sensible, I have to give you some respect. Even if this matter is over, let's not offend each other in the future. But you must also know that these few dollars are cheap! What does it mean to you? Keeping your job is more important than anything else, and you can earn it again within a few days..."

"Yes, yes, then you really won't...I mean, you won't give us another guy behind your back...hehe."

"What are you talking about! Oh! Are you afraid that my words will not count? Don't worry, a gentleman will whip his horse as quickly as he speaks."

Ning Weimin also realized at this time that this was the last hurdle before he could escape.

Just walk out of this door and you're done.

So in order to completely dispel the doubts of these people.

He couldn't be too anxious, so he simply acted magnanimously, handed Zhu Daneng a Chinese stick, and discussed the truth.

"To tell you the truth, my father told me since I was a child that I can neither be bullied by others nor bully others casually. You must first be reasonable when doing things."

"Because this is the capital, a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. In this world, no one should be too awesome. Here, we only deal with those who are disobedient. Don't think that you look down on others because of your behavior. It's just ordinary people who are going to be in trouble. , you can get a few rich relatives to some extent."

"To be honest, this is why you are unlucky. No matter how awesome you are, you still have to be moderate. You can't let others live!"

"Tell me, since I clearly know this truth, why can I still make the same mistakes as you? Since I promised, I will definitely do it..."

What does it mean to convince others with virtue?

Zhu Daneng and the others simply fell to the ground.

Everyone in Ning Weimin nodded frequently when being spoken to, like a group of primary school students in front of a teacher.

This is almost what I was thinking in my heart.

People are different!

Look at people, this makes sense.

Being born rich is your destiny!


After a lot of kneading, Zhu Daneng was finally made like dough.

Ning Weimin walked out of the Eastern Suburbs Scrap Depot with a swagger as they saw him off.

But in fact, not only was his hand shaking while holding the cigarette, but his back felt wet.

If nothing else, it takes a lot of effort to knead the dough.

Being a spiritual pastry chef is more strenuous than working on a real job.

As it turned out, it wasn't over yet. When he got into the passenger seat and just wanted to relax, the driver got into trouble again.

"Hey, I said, it's true that you chartered a car, but you can't deny me lunch. What time is it? Look at this place..."

Fortunately, the car had already started at this time, and the engine sound was loud, otherwise the gang would have been defeated immediately.

A layer of white sweat broke out on Ning Weimin's forehead, and he quickly sat up to comfort him.

"Master, Master, I'm sorry. It's not my fault. You can choose the place at noon, and we can go back to the city to eat. You can do whatever you want. I also want to thank you for honking the horn on time today."

The driver looked great.

"Hey, buddy, that's quite generous. Thanks. Just... let's just go to Capital Restaurant, how about it?"

"No problem, but can we eat later? I also want to go to the eastern suburbs garbage dump two miles away."

But upon hearing this, the driver's face changed again.

"Garbage dump? Where are you going? It smells bad."

"Hehe, I... I'll get some things to take away. Isn't that all here? I'll also pick up some scrap copper..."

"What? By the way? You can imagine that. This is a new car that our rental company just updated the year before last year. I'm just hauling scrap metal for you. No, no, no! Are you okay?"

"Master, master, can you do me a favor? I won't let you suffer. In addition to the money for chartering the car, how about I give you ten yuan? No tickets, it's yours. Really, really, just run here. Come on, make sure your car is cleaned up when you get back..."

"Then what you said, it won't be too long..."

"Don't worry, I'm also afraid of the smell. It'll take half an hour at most. When you get there, just get in the car and smoke steadily, just wait for me. This half box of Chinese is yours..."

"Then...that's it. Good guy, I'm not telling you, I've never seen you like this. You are well-dressed and generous. But you spend twenty yuan on a taxi for a day just to go to the garbage dump. And the scrap station? It’s too evil for you!”

(Note: According to official data, in 1977, Beijing’s civilian taxis began to use a large number of domestically produced vehicles without obvious operating signs. The number of operating vehicles increased from 422 at the beginning of the year to 580. Among them, the newer models include the “212” Jeep 147 vehicles. 13 "Huhai" brand cars. 15 "620" station wagons. The number of buses increased from 89 to 125, all of which are "Jiefang" brand.)

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