National Spiritual Sacrifice: 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 27: Su Mo Makes A Move, Instant Silver Fourth Stage Beast! !

Su Mo, known as the Supreme tree god, has finally arrived!

The phantom of the thousand-meter-high sacred tree sprinkled golden light, directly illuminating the entire flame realm.

At the moment when he was shrouded in the golden divine light, all the respect of the earth dragon was directly transformed into pure flame elements, which disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

Of course, this ability is naturally not the effect of divine power, but the power of Su Mo's own fire law.

Under the law of fire, all other elements will be transformed into the power of fire. If Su Mo wants to, he can instantly transform everything within ten miles of Fang Yuan into fire elements.

This is the power of the law.

Only the power of law can resist the erosion of the power of law, so in a certain sense, Su Mo who uses the law of fire is absolutely invincible.

But this kind of ability can't be used in front of other gods, if you use it, you must silence it.

Not even the flame Realm Su Mo can be used.

After all, these two skills are definitely beyond the control of Ji Ling at this level.

This is also the reason why he said before that if the opponent's silver-level powerhouse reaches ten people in this battle of gods, the sacrifice spirits in his group chat will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

If you can use Realm, let alone ten, even if there are hundreds or thousands, they are all for food delivery.

If the law of fire is used, gold and even platinum can only die.

But because of these restrictions, Su Mo can only use the power of fire, the power of wind, and his Chiba blasting blade, which are super-classic but still considered conventional skills.

If only these skills were used, before Su Mo slaughtered the other party's thousand sacrifice spirits, many sacrifice spirits in his group chat would definitely die.

" god!? Kaba, meet my god!!!"

At this moment, Kaba, who recovered from the divine light, looked at Su Mo's divine figure in the sky with great excitement.


At the next moment, a golden figure in front of the phantom of the sacred tree condensed by Su Mo slowly appeared in front of Kaba.

"You did a great job!!!"

Su Mo, who turned into a golden figure, looked at Ka Ba with satisfaction and nodded with a smile.

Sure enough, when wisdom reaches a certain level, it will have a decisive impact on the battle situation

Su Mo actually came before the Earth Walking Dragon woke up, and even the Earth Walking Dragon was awakened by Su Mo.

He mainly wanted to see how the overall combat effectiveness of the own tribe was.

Of course, in his calculations, the Horde will definitely lose.

He just wanted to see how far Batu and others could do it.

Sure enough, as he expected, none of Batu and others escaped from the battle. Although they lost, this spirit will definitely be of great use in future battles.

Even Su Mo didn't expect that Kabbah could find out the weakness of Dixinglong and save everyone.

After hearing Su Mo's approval, Kabbah knelt down on the ground excitedly.

"It's all because your humble followers have your guidance and gifts!!!"

Kabbah spoke quickly.

And Su Mo nodded when he watched his movements, and then looked directly at the ground dragon who had been fixed in the void by the flame realm not far away.


Race: Earth Dragon (Rank 8)

Level: Silver Fourth Stage Day

Ability: Power of Earth

Strength: 40000 (1 strength = 1000kg)

Speed: 20000

Soul: 40000

Skill: Light Wave of Earth Element (bronze top grade)

Description: A talented and powerful ground dragon with extremely weak dragon blood, and the chance of awakening is low!


The strength is not bad, if only strength is counted, it is stronger than Su Mo.

It's a pity that Su Mo is not an ordinary strongman, he has a powerful flame realm, and even the law of fire.

So at the next moment, Su Mo moved, and he waved his right hand slightly.


In an instant, a dazzling golden light burst out from the giant tree in the sky. The next moment, a fiery red leaf erupted directly above the phantom of the sacred tree.

These moments swept through the Shattering Void, and hit the ground dragon's head in just an instant.


With the sound of breaking into the body, the head of that terrifying ground dragon with a length of more than forty meters was directly penetrated.

The violent flame power carried in the blade directly burned its brain to death.

Being imprisoned, it didn't even utter a scream, its huge body trembled suddenly, and finally smashed hard on the ground.


With a loud noise, the huge body directly smashed the ground into a deep hole.

Seeing this scene, Kabbah and Saraka, who was holding a huge sword not far away, couldn't help swallowing.

Both of them looked at Su Mo's sacred tree phantom at the same time. Just one leaf can instantly kill such a powerful ground dragon. If these millions or even tens of millions of leaves erupt at the same time, the power will reach What a level of horror! ?

But when they thought that Su Mo might be the omnipotent true god, the two suddenly realized.

But Su Mo looked directly at the dragon egg not far away after walking the dragon in seconds.


Item: Earth Dragon Egg (Rank 8)

Attribute: soil

Quality: Good (Common, Good, Excellent, Perfect, Legendary, Mythical)

Description: An earth-moving dragon egg of poor quality, with extremely weak dragon blood, the chance of awakening is low!


This dragon egg is also the eighth grade, the same level as the dead dragon mother dragon.

"If it can be increased, it can at least reach the fifth rank. If it can awaken more powerful attributes, it can definitely develop into an extremely powerful subordinate!"

After Su Mo thought about it for a while, he waved his right hand and directly branded a mark on the dragon egg.

This seal is in the form of a young tree.

Seeing the imprint of the little tree as a saint, Saraka and Kaba instantly understood what Su Mo meant.

I just want to offer this dragon egg to him as a sacrifice at the same time.

Su Mo, who had done all this, didn't speak any more, and didn't make any movements. The phantom of the sacred tree and the golden figure exploded instantly, turning into golden light spots all over the sky, covering the land tens of kilometers away from Fang Yuan.

And when these golden light spots came into contact with Batu and the hundreds of seriously injured wild titans, they instantly merged into their bodies, directly healing all the injured people's injuries.

At the same time, even the power consumed is directly restored.

"What's wrong with me!?"

Batu Youyou woke up and stared in a daze at the flame Realm covering ten kilometers from Fang Yuan in the distance.

"Dage, are you alright!? That's great, it's my god, my god saved us!!"

After hearing Batu's words, the squad leader Barak walked over excitedly.

And Barack is Batu's pro-Little Brother.

"What? My god is here!?"

After hearing Barak's words, Batu's expression changed immediately and he quickly knelt down in the direction of the flame Realm in the distance.

Thousands of other members of the Shenshu tribe also knelt down on the ground.


And it seems that in response to them, the flame Realm covering ten kilometers of Fang Yuan also dissipated directly at The next moment.

As a god, Su Mo naturally wants to keep his own mysterious.

If you can see your own words casually, then you can still be called a god! ?

"Congratulations to my God!!!"

Sensing that Su Mo had left, Batu shouted and bowed down.

"Congratulations to my God!!!"

"Congratulations to my God!!!"

"Congratulations to my God!!!"



Saraka, who saw this scene in the flame realm, quickly knelt down on the ground.

Kabbah also slowly fell to the ground because he lost the support of Su Mo's divine power.

After all, apart from those practitioners who have comprehended the power of wind, or some powerful elements that can fly, if they want to fly in the air, they can only practice to the silver level to use the power of qi and blood to condense the wings of qi and blood to fly.

The current Kabbah has not reached this level.

"Kaba Gong sent my God!!!"

"Saraka sends my god respectfully!!"

The two respectfully lay down on the ground and worshiped in the direction where Su Mo disappeared.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Batu, who had recovered from his serious injury, came with all the tribesmen, and then the two stood up.

"Batu, are you alright!?"

After seeing Batu's recovery, Saraka spoke excitedly.

"It's okay, thanks to Kaba, if it weren't for him, we might not have been able to wait for my god to come!"

Batu waved his hands and lowered his head and said seriously to Kabbah.

"Everyone is a member of the Divine Tree Tribe, there is no such thing as saving someone, and even if I don't make a move, my god will not be late!"

Kaba smiled and said,

As soon as his words came out, everyone around felt a bit of warmth in their hearts. Yes, everyone is a member of the Shenshu tribe. If you talk too much, you will be divided. Of course, this kindness, all of them Everyone remembers it in their hearts.

"By the way, I almost forgot, where is the Earth Dragon!?"

Suddenly Batu remembered that there seemed to be an Earth Dragon.

"Hey, it has been obliterated by my god over there!!"

Saraka grinned, and then pointed to the dead dragon whose head was pierced not far away.

Everyone was excited after seeing this huge ground dragon.

"Hahaha, the sacrifice is finally available this time, Saraka, you find a few people from the supernatural legion to guard the mine, and the rest will follow me back. After tomorrow's sacrifice ceremony is over, I will bring Lead a large force to mine!!"

Batu looked at the huge corpse of the ground dragon, and it immediately grew in size happily.

"No problem, people are here!!"

Saraka nodded seriously.

"Others, come back to the tribe with me!!!"

Batu raised the weapon in his hand and gave a loud shout.



time flies.

After Batu and the others returned to the tribe, they began to prepare for the next day's sacrificial activities.

But this time there are two kinds of best products, which are naturally the corpse of Dixinglong and his dragon egg.

However, for Su Mo, there is another more important thing, and that is the upcoming spirit sacrifice war.

Calculated according to the time, the spirit sacrifice war will start directly after the own sacrifice is over.

Thinking of this, Su Mo took a deep breath. Fortunately, after the sacrifice, he could get at least one month's faith value for this sacrifice!

According to the current situation of the tribe, four million can be obtained in one day.

And the belief value of 30 days is a full 120 million.

Enough for Su Mo to upgrade four small Realms.

That is to say, it can directly upgrade Su Mo from the Silver Second Stage to the Silver Sixth Stage.

At that time, it will be very simple for own strength to overwhelm the tribe whose group leader appears for the first time.

However, Su Mo began to think.

Maybe I can keep a low profile.

"If you can achieve such an achievement in just seven or eight months, it will definitely cause a lot of people to wonder. After all, if you want to reach the silver level, you need at least three or four years, and if you want to reach the second stage day, It will take more than ten years.

To be able to reach the Silver Second Stage day in more than ten years is already the kind of lucky person who has thousands of believers at the beginning.

For someone like me who had a bad start, it would take at least 50 or 60 years to upgrade from the Silver First Stage to the Second Stage.

And if all this is done in eight months, it will definitely arouse suspicion! "

Su Mo touched his chin, he also knew that keeping a low profile was definitely the most important means for him to survive in this world.

After all, there are real gods in this world.

And there are quite a few, if the own situation is exposed, I will definitely have only a dead end.

Thinking of this, he has already decided on his own fighting style for this spirit sacrifice war.

At the same time, the entire group is already raging because of tomorrow's situation!


King of the gods: "Brothers, are you ready to die!? I have left a suicide note, although no one will remember me!"

Dog and mouse: "You're a waste, I'm ready to kill all directions in the spirit sacrifice war, kill kill kill!!!"

The fleeting time is unfavorable: "Kill the Quartet!? You are a black iron Fifth Stage and kill the Quartet!? Want to fart!!"



Each of the sacrifice spirits is bragging before the start of the war. Don't look at the fact that each of their screen names is better than the other, but they are all a bunch of noobs.

Many people still don't realize how big the gap is between the two sides in this spirit sacrifice war.

Bajie Invincible: "It's about the same as giving away the head. According to my statistics, after a month of hard work in this group, now the bronze level has reached at least ten people, plus the group leader who is likely to reach the bronze Second Stage day, it is eleven.

But according to the information I know, the group chats that started the first spirit sacrifice battle have been developed for at least three years, and then the number of silver-level powerhouses is always four or five. The Bronze Mirror can be reached as long as it is not dead. Although most of them are First Stage, in general, we have absolutely no chance of winning! "

Finally, Bajie Wudi, who understood the situation, spoke up.

He slowly talked about the situation in the group chat, and after comparing with his opponents, he came to the conclusion that there was no accident, they were all dead!

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole group fell silent instantly.

Fuxi Great Emperor: "Fuck, you are not trying to scare us, are you? Four or five silver ranks!? How do you fight!? The power of a silver rank is a hundred times that of a bronze first stage. One person can destroy us."

Dog mouse: "Crack, you are not deceiving us, are you?"



Of course, there are still a small number of people who can't believe it. You know, they have seen several group chats in the world channel have started the first spirit sacrifice war.

It's a pity that they didn't find out that no one had spoken in the World Channel after a month after the group chat that said that the Spirit Sacrifice War had started.

Because, during this period, no group chat could survive the first spirit sacrifice battle safely.

Luo Yu: "Bajie Wudi is right. I have already reported our matter to Sect. After hearing this, my master gave up on me, because even he can hardly train me to a silver level in a short period of time!"

And as the only Jiling in the group who joined a powerful Sect with a platinum boss, Luo Yu also solemnly explained his current situation.

Although under the promotion of his master, Luo Yu at this time has been promoted from the original bronze first stage to the bronze second stage.

This is already the limit. You know, without the help of the master, it will take him at least a year or so to reach the current level.

After all, his current number of believers has only just reached 5,000, and his faith value is only 500 points a day. To upgrade from the Bronze First Stage day to the Bronze Second Stage day, it needs a full 300,000 Faith Points!

According to the number of his believers, it would take at least 600 days. Even with the addition of sacrifices and the growth of believers, the time can only be shortened by three times, that is, it will take 200 days, more than six months.

Now it has been shortened to one month. It can be said that even his master has wasted a lot of hard work.

After all, this world cannot directly transfer Faith Points, otherwise, it would be very easy to give him tens of millions of Faith Points with the strength of his master's gold level.

Therefore, if Luo Yu wants to survive now, he can only pray that the content of the battle is not the kind of game that only ends when a group of people die.


"Isn't that dead!?"

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