"But this can be used as a means for me to rise,"

Lu Xiaojiang calmly analyzed.

"Under the premise of not having genetic modification, I can't cultivate it for the time being, and the only thing that can save my life is the laser gun that stores part of the energy

" "The first priority now is to live

" "After that, repair my body, try to develop science and technology, and change the original trajectory of the world"


Several barking dogs came from a distance, interrupting his thoughts.


"It should not be domestic, it may be potentially dangerous, and this place cannot stay for a long time"

After taking a few deep breaths, Lu Xiaojiang got up from the ground.

The night at the dump is dangerous and full of mutant creatures.

He needed to find shelter for himself, as well as some food.

Dragging the robotic arm that had exhausted his energy, he struggled through the pile of corpses.

The shouts were getting closer, making him a little nervous.

The tattered body continued to moan, and even just a few steps made Lu Xiaojiang gasp.

He could only rely on his tenacious willpower to persevere.


Lu Xiaojiang finally walked out of this "tempting" corpse and came to a construction waste.

A few stone slabs discarded indiscriminately simply form a triangular space.

Barely able to accommodate his body.

"Although it is simple, but the victory is safe, there is only one exit, the laser gun in hand and the idle beast can't get close at all"

After a brief respite.

Lu Xiaojiang observed the situation in the outside world.

Only a sound of scattered footsteps was heard, and various debris was heard.

Six scarlet eyes stood out in the dark.

"This should be a mutant beast, with strange extraordinary powers"

Although I know these things in my memory, it is really amazing to see these creatures for the first time.

Taking advantage of the faint moonlight, he could barely see the outside world clearly.

I saw that it was three giant wild dogs with a shoulder height of one meter and a body length of more than three meters.

There was not a single hair on his body.

Sharp fangs even exceed the jaw.

Paired with that tight muscle, it looks strong like a larger version of a lion tiger.

"Damn, I'm afraid the strength of this thing is no longer something that ordinary newly promoted junior simulators can deal with"

Lu Xiaojiang's lips were cowardly, constantly considering the gap between himself and the three fierce mutant beasts in his heart.

"If with the strength of my primary and late stages in the main world, I can definitely crush it, but now my body is just a 7-year-old child, and if I want to deal with these three mutant beasts, I can only use the Nian Energy Laser Pistol

" "However, the energy stored by the laser pistol is only ten rounds, and if I use it less once, it must be kept as a hole card

" "And according to the Sims given by the wheel of life, I did not die at the age of seven, which proves that these three giant beasts will not find themselves"

After thinking about this, Lu Xiaojiang's hanging heart gradually relaxed.

And outside the slate.

The three mutant beasts were eating ferociously.

The fresh corpses of the underground world are undoubtedly the best dinner for them.

The scene was extremely bloody, with flesh and blood flying through the garbage dump with salivation.

Lu Xiaojiang, on the other hand, quietly lurked in the shadows, waiting for the dawn of heaven.

Day 2.

The clear sky and the scorching sun irradiate the earth.

The messy garbage plant smells rancid.

From time to time, there will be some movement.


The sound of a dragging weight is very conspicuous.

"It's really worthy of the wasteland world, even the weeds on the side of the road contain radiation"

It was Lu Xiaojiang who spoke.

He was now holding a bundle of edible weeds and heading towards his makeshift hut.

"If it weren't for the sand table, I might have starved to death in this ghost place, which would be a joke"

At this time, he was a little embarrassed.

The scars on his body were constantly burning under the scorching sun.

But Lu Xiaojiang didn't have the heart to care about this now.

Because he also set up several traps in the dump, he had to check again after sending the hungry weeds back to the makeshift hut.

Today's task is heavy.

If there are conditions, Lu Xiaojiang is certainly not willing to survive in this apocalypse.

But helplessly.

There is no one around him to rely on, and everything requires his own efforts.

"Cultivate the body in the shortest possible time and restore your basic mobility

ability" "After that, develop science and technology to enhance your strength"

This is not a civilized world that is not simulated for the second time, but a wasteland where people can't spit out bones.

This matter from yesterday's wild dogs, he saw it vividly.

If you don't have enough strength, let alone change the trajectory of the world.

Lu Xiaojiang was afraid that the original established fate would not be completed.

Fortunately, God treated him well.

During the subsequent search, he accidentally found a hare.

Contains a small amount of radiation, but no mutation, can be eaten normally.

Seven days later.

Lu Xiaojiang's appearance was completely new.

Although he is still a scrawny boy, his spirit has improved a lot.

"The trauma has all scabbed, just wait for self-healing

" "As for the internal organ damage, it's not something I can handle now"

Forcefully tore off a bird's wing, and stuffed the meat into his mouth like a vent.

For these seven days.

Undoubtedly the most difficult seven days of his life.

I can't eat enough every day, and whether I can eat enough depends on whether God appreciates my face.

Luckily, he was lucky.

The simple traps he made always yielded something to gain, which provided him with rare nutrition.

"Eat and drink, it's time to work"

In the past few days, Lu Xiaojiang has gradually explored his area.

This is a huge garbage dump with an area of more than 500 square kilometers.

Bear the responsibility of dumping waste in the underground world.

And where he is now belongs to one of the giants, Changsheng Technology Company.

Despite its name, the force is actually more like a small underground country.

The population is three million.

Mainly engaged in biopharmaceutical and mechanical technology.

"Play the sand table, give me a plan to repair the mechanical arm"

Lu Xiaojiang, who was full of food and drink, started the deduction.

Poor and white, he has not much power to rely on.

And if this robotic arm can be repaired, it will undoubtedly reduce a lot of trouble for him.

[In the process of deduction, this deduction consumes 10,000 simulation points, whether to determine the deduction]

"There are so many" Lu Xiaojiang was first surprised.

Then I understood.

"Even if it is a semi-waste, but it is also a scientific and technological product of the wasteland world, it is reasonable that I have no relevant knowledge theory

" "determined"

10,000 simulation points were thrown in, and soon Lu Xiaojiang got the results he wanted.

A long list of knowledge followed in his mind.

"It's really amazing, it turns out that this thing is controlled according

to the link of neurons" "Through the precision nano element to link the residual nerves of the severed limb to control the action of the robotic arm."

Lu Xiaojiang was amazed.

The newly acquired knowledge gave him a sense of enlightenment.

"Although it is a wasteland world, the surface civilization is almost completely destroyed, but the crisis has also contributed to the development of black technology in the underground world

" "If you can continue on this mechanical road, the achievements you can get may not be worse than genetic modification

" "And I now want to completely repair the damaged neural link system, and there are still a lot of basic equipment

" "But as long as you supplement enough electricity, you can temporarily use this black technology product"

Lu Xiaojiang's thoughts flickered quickly, with the blessing of the B-grade physique and seven tricks, his thinking ability was originally beyond ordinary people, and now he got the basic mechanical technology according to the sand table, and soon thought of a way.

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