Chapter 7 Carrying past twenty years old

one billion...

It ran out in just two months.


Wang Quan changed his life against the sky, in order to cure cancer.

He used part of the money to purchase and develop more scientific research machines.

Crazy research on new drugs.

at this time:

The Imperial Scientific Research Department also sent various experts to assist in the treatment.

Two months passed:

In the case of crazy money burning:

Wang Quan's cancer has slowed down.


Still can't fully heal.

at this time:

Relying on the 100-times super brain, Wang Quan excavated all kinds of knowledge from his previous life for sale.

Among them, the biggest profit is the tablet computer.

With these incomes, we can barely maintain the treatment.

this day:

A psychiatrist counseled him.

“Wang Quan, I have an immature idea!”

Wang Quan closed the book and said with a smile:

"what idea?"

The psychiatrist, twitching, secretly whispered in his ear:

"Folk remedies!"

Wang Quan was silent.

The psychiatrist said coyly: "I know that asking you to use folk remedies is an emergency."

"It's an insult to science and your IQ."

"However, there are people in my hometown who have cured cancer with folk remedies."

"Why don't you give it a try?"

The psychiatrist is very worried about Wang Quan.

Not only because Wang Quan used to be as strong as an ox, which made her happy.

It's not because Wang Quan has money and gives too much.

She just simply didn't want this scientific research genius to fall.

Wang Quan was silent.

The charming psychiatrist sighed: "Actually, it's better not to use it."

"I heard that folk remedies have also killed many people."

"You are a scientist, you have to believe in science."

Wang Quan laughed:

"Give me folk remedies."

"I'm going to give it a try."

Psychiatrist, eyes wide open.

Wang Quan, do you agree?

after an hour:

More than a thousand folk remedies are all piled up around Wang Quan.

These recipes:

One-third uses various Chinese herbal medicines.

One-third uses herbs to cooperate with metaphysics.

The last third is pure metaphysics.

Technology is not enough, how can metaphysics come in?

Wang Quan smiled wryly.

He first looked at the folk prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine.

After reading:

"Activate the 100-times super brain!"

"Deduce a better plan."

He has studied Chinese medicine before.

Ultrain deduces folk prescriptions without pressure.

A full minute.

Ultrain deduced a new recipe.

"Boil it into medicine, give it a try."

this day:

Wang Quan ignored the doctor's objection.

Stop chemical medicine and take traditional Chinese medicine instead.

A dose of traditional Chinese medicine has no effect.

Two doses of traditional Chinese medicine.....

The doctors were anxious: "Your body is deteriorating rapidly, use chemical drugs quickly!"

Wang Quan shook his head: "According to the folk prescription, I have to take ten doses of traditional Chinese medicine today."

"There are only two copies now."

"Continue to observe."

five servings...

Still nothing changes.

Finish the tenth serving.

after an hour.

Wang Quan was disappointed.

It seems that Chinese medicine does not work either.

"Prepare to inject chemicals."


Chemicals worth tens of millions have been carefully prepared and will be ready soon.

Just when they are about to inject.

One research institute exclaimed:

"Cells stop deteriorating!"

"Tumor cells divide fifty-fold faster."

Wang Quan smiled.

The others were dumbfounded.

The psychiatrist jumped up happily.

She hugged Wang Quan tightly: "It is effective, more effective than chemical drugs."

Three days in a flash:

Wang Quan insisted on taking traditional Chinese medicine.

The effect of traditional Chinese medicine is twice as powerful as that of chemical medicine.

more importantly:

It costs less.

Doctors calculate:

If Wang Quan has been taking traditional Chinese medicine, he can persist for five months.

"not enough!"

There is no success in changing fate against the sky.

Wang Quan was not reconciled.

He studies the remaining folk remedies.

Those remedies are mixed with various metaphysics.

Medical experts advise:

"Metaphysics is a remnant of the feudal era, it is people's psychological placebo."

"It's useless."

"You are a scientific researcher, why do you believe in metaphysics?"

Wang Quan said with a smile: "The chemical medicine is getting weaker and weaker for my treatment."

"Chinese medicine can extend my life for five months."

"I don't want to die."

"I'll try metaphysics, and I won't delay other treatments."


Wang Quan took out 100 million of the remaining hundreds of millions of dollars to set up a fund, and distributed it to his sister and parents in this life every month.

The rest of the money will be invested in the research of evolutionary chemical medicine and traditional Chinese medicine medicine.

Seeing this, the bigwigs in medicine could only let him torment.

at this time:

Wang Quan studied metaphysics with peace of mind.

The Imperial Scientific Research Department collects a large number of books on metaphysics.

There are even manuscripts of ancient books unearthed from ancient tombs.

Leave it all to him.

Since then:

While constantly improving the prescription with Ultrain, Wang Quan is also working hard to study metaphysics.

The days passed.

There is only one month left before his 21st birthday.

At this time, Wang Quan was as skinny as a stick.

He lay on the bed, only his mouth could speak.

All other limbs were out of control.

The effect of various drugs is getting weaker and weaker.

He will die any moment.

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