This is just like the pelvis of women is naturally different from that of men.

Because lips are soft, when leaving a kiss mark, the spread of lips is large, and the mark left will be smaller.

Male lips are harder than female lips, so the mark left will be larger.

Because the kiss mark was left "intentionally", the victim died.

It can be seen that the kiss mark on the neck of the victim's body is very obvious, the capillaries on the skin are highly ruptured, and the blood stasis is serious.

The shape of the kiss mark is clear at a glance!

"It's almost the same as I judged."

Yang Xu nodded, "The perpetrator wanted to deliberately frame the victim's wife Niu Xue. I even suspect that this person can not only kill people with kiss marks, but even Niu Xue's ghost pressing on the bed was caused by the perpetrator!"

It is very likely... Zhou Chen nodded.

The profession of a killer is to kill.

As long as they can kill people, they will do anything.

In order to kill people, even needles and thread and toothpicks can become their killing tools!

Because of the encirclement and suppression of killers, Zhou Chen even knew that killers have many ways to kill.

For example, the person-murder method, the blind-eye murder method, the disguise murder method, the closed-room murder method, the disappearance of the murder weapon method, the alibi murder method...

There is also a most terrifying murder method, the coincidence murder method!

Use various disguised coincidences to kill people.

Even some old criminal detectives face the coincidence murder method, and it is difficult to distinguish whether the victim's death is natural or homicide.

The death of the victim in front of him is very similar to the alibi murder method.

But the problem is.

The victim died in his own bed!

"No traces at the scene?"

Zhou Chen retracted his gaze and looked at Yang Xu.

He was asking about the traces of the perpetrator.


Yang Xu shook his head very confidently, "I spent two days investigating, and one of the days I spent investigating the 997 scene, but I just couldn't find anything."

"Something must be wrong."

Zhou Chen's eyes fell on the victim's neck kiss mark again, and his eyes became sharp, "The kiss mark was indeed left by a person, and this cannot be disguised. There should be traces at the scene, but you didn't find it."


Yang Xu didn't have the dignity of a police king at this time, and he would not refute Zhou Chen.

Because he himself knew very well the Locard Material Exchange Law.

As long as someone commits a crime, they will definitely leave traces at the scene, themselves, the area, the victim... consciously or unconsciously.

This law has never been overturned.

As long as the law is not overturned for one day.

That means Yang Xu didn't find any traces!

"Fortunately, you are not a pig teammate, and you did a good job in the early stage, otherwise I would have to lose a lot of brain cells."

This is Zhou Chen's affirmation of Yang Xu.

"It's useless." Yang Xu shook his head.

"Let's go to the scene first."

Zhou Chen walked towards the door, "See if I can slap you in the face."


Yang Xu was not angry but laughed happily, "Please slap me in the face!"

If the slap is successful, the clue will be revealed!


PS: I will update eight chapters with 18,000 words today. I can't bear it anymore.

Continue tomorrow! .

Chapter 97 Your expression is asking for a beating (1 update)

"Very rich."

Zhou Chen stood outside a villa, and his slightly surprised eyes fell on the small villa in front of him.

"The victim, Park Seok-hwa, is considered very rich, with personal assets of about 40 million."

Yang Xu nodded, "He is engaged in toy trading and opened a toy company. Toys may seem inconspicuous, but the profit is very high. Children like them. Nowadays, children's money is also the easiest to make."

He is a person with children and has the most say.

"How many children are there in the family."

Observing the villa, Zhou Chen asked casually.


Yang Xu grinned, "Three little cotton-padded jackets."

"Brother is steady, a ruthless man!"

Zhou Chen was shocked, turned his head to look at Yang Xu, and envied, "But your expression is asking for a beating."

Jealousy made him want to be unsportsmanlike, and then he was heartbroken and could hardly breathe.

Yingying monster only knows how to play now, and doesn't know when he can give birth to a child.

No, let alone giving birth to a child, he is still a little brother who needs his sister's support.

Look at them, triplets.

Nowadays, men's concepts are different from the past.

In the past, they thought about passing on the family line, but now they all want a little cotton-padded jacket.

They are even more powerful, giving birth to three little cotton-padded jackets at once!

"Don't be like this, you will have one in the future."

Yang Xu couldn't hide the pride on the corner of his mouth.

It's really asking for a beating!

Rolling his eyes, Zhou Chen walked towards the villa compound.

He didn't enter immediately, but walked slowly outside the villa building, investigating, "Have you investigated the grievances and hatreds of the victim?"

Grudges and hatreds are not difficult to understand.

Killing people is not free, you have to pay.

Assuming that someone really hired a killer, there would be an employer.

Based on this, the victim may have some grudges.

Otherwise, who would spend a lot of money to hire a killer to kill you?

Yang Xu understood what Zhou Chen wanted to ask and nodded, "I checked it, but the time was too short, and there were no suspicious points on the surface. This kind of thing is a waste of time, you know it."

Zhou Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

The investigation process of each case, especially the investigation of grudges, is indeed the most time-consuming.

Because the timeline of the victim's grudge is not known at the beginning.

Maybe one day, maybe one year, maybe ten years.

Let alone ten years, even a grudge from a year ago would be difficult to investigate.


Zhou Chen stopped, squatted, and looked at the cement 'wall' on the side of the villa.

The 'wall' was about one to two meters long, like an apron around the villa.

As he squatted, he stretched out his finger and gently 'wiped' the ground.

No dust?

"I noticed this, too."

Yang Xu's eyes sparkled, "The victim's wife said that their family would hire domestic service staff to clean the villa regularly."

So that's how it is... Zhou Chen stood up.

The villa is very large, and it's very tiring to clean it.

It's normal for rich people to hire people to clean regularly.

There are no problems around the villa, and there are no obvious 'traces'.

Zhou Chen frowned.

It's because there are no problems and traces that it's weird.

How did the killer get into the villa?

Inside the villa.

Zhou Chen continued to investigate.

Because it's a small villa, the land area is more than 300 square meters.

The upper and lower floors are both more than 300 square meters of space.

There is a hall, kitchen, study, gym, utility room and bathroom on the first floor.

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