As for the leader, Queenie... he is in the building.

Surprised? Unexpected? .

Chapter 82: Psychology of Micro-expressions (4 more)

Zhou Chen was stunned.

He personally led the 9th Special Service to clean up the entire business building from bottom to top.

Like a bulldozer, he pushed it clean.

Now you tell me that the terrorist leader is actually in this building?

Yes, very strong, but... Zhou Chen came to his senses and smiled.

So where is the terrorist leader hiding?

There is only one answer!

The tenth floor of the business building is not used.

So it is very open and has a lot of space.

More than 200 tied people gathered here one by one.

Pointed at by the guns of the 9th Special Service.

The terrorist leader Queenie is hiding among these people!

These people include civilians and terrorists.

But through the confessions of those high-level terrorists.

Even they don’t know who the leader is, what his identity is, and whether he is a man or a woman.

How did this Queenie do it?


At the beginning, it was not Queenie who controlled these terrorists.

It was another leader.

One day, the leader died, and Queenie took over.

But Queenie never showed up, and only used communication means to command them.

And the voices during the call were specially processed, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women.

Just using the mobile phone to command, and you can't see the person, what if the subordinates don't obey?


Those who don't obey will die inexplicably.

And everyone will die miserably.

Not only will he die, but his family will also die.

Kill your whole family!

All terrorists know.

The leader is in the business building, and their every move is under the leader's "monitoring".

Their private "little actions" will also be known clearly by the leader.

Everyone is afraid of this leader, who is very obedient and cautious in doing things on weekdays.

Because Queenie's methods are not only bloody and cruel.

He doesn't treat people as human beings at all!

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Zhou Chen's eyes swept across faces.

Through the confessions of those high-ranking terrorists.

Not only is it difficult to distinguish whether the other party is male or female, it is also difficult to distinguish the age.

Because this leader has only taken over the "job" in recent years.

It can be a young person, a middle-aged person, or even an old person.

How to find it?

Zhou Chen still thought of a way.

Micro-expression psychology!


Zhou Chen asked his subordinates to prepare an "interrogation room".

Then bring all the suspects into the interrogation room one by one.

The interrogation process is also very simple, with only one sentence.

"Where is the gas bomb? "

Micro-expression psychology is a great subject.

Anyone, even if they close their mouths.

Some secrets will also appear in micro-expressions, which will reveal a person's inner heart.

For example, a person is in a daze.

You ask him what he is thinking?

As long as he answers stiffly and repeatedly, his hands will unconsciously move close to the nose and brow bone.

Then, don't believe any of his answers, because everything he says is a lie.

If you are asking a very important question.

If the other person looks to the left, he is recalling and thinking.

If the other person looks to the right.

Please note that he is thinking about lying or trying to hide something.

If the answer is stiff and repetitive, it means that he wants to use an affirmative tone to make you trust him.

Many people may not notice that when you lie.

Especially when this lie is very important.

Your expression will unconsciously become serious and stiff.

You will pretend to be very sincere to make the other person believe it!

A group of suspects were brought into the interrogation room by the special forces and taken out one by one.

Zhou Chen kept repeating a sentence and repeatedly observing everyone.

Until the 58th suspect was brought to Zhou Chen.

"Where is the gas bomb?"

Zhou Chen looked into the other person's eyes.

Why look at the eyes?

Eyes are the windows to the human heart.

And the pupil can show a person's psychological phenomena.

For example.

When you see or hear something that makes you terrified, scared, stimulated, and unbelievable.

Your pupils will involuntarily shrink, dilate or shrink.

Even if you can control your expression and stay calm when encountering things.

You can even control various parts of your body.

But can you control the changes in your pupils?

And now, when Zhou Chen asked this question.

He was using the ability of "Eye of Insight" to look at the other person's pupils.

The result...

The other person's face showed a confused and puzzled look, as if he had never heard of any poison gas bombs.

That expression seemed to be a change shown by an ordinary person who was in a normal state when he encountered a problem he didn't understand.

But Zhou Chen smiled.

He smiled and said something.

"Finally found you...Quinny!"

When Zhou Chen said this.

The other person's expression became more confused and puzzled, frowning and looking at Zhou Chen in confusion.

That expression seemed to be asking: Did you recognize the wrong person, who is Queenie?

But she didn't know.

Zhou Chen asked the first sentence "¨" Where is the poison gas bomb.

Her pupils had already shrunk violently once.

When Zhou Chen said the word ‘Quinny’.

Her pupils shrank rapidly again.

Even though she could portray the image of an innocent ordinary person to the fullest.

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