Someone is not only plotting against Longguo.

He is also plotting against Guoan's sword.

It's no wonder that Zhou Chen fell into the trap.

He is a human, not a god.

Others may plot against him intentionally or unintentionally, but they will inevitably be plotted against.

How did Zhou Chen find out that he was plotted against?

First, the person on the other side of the phone should be Ning, the youngest son of the Wa State King Wu Dan.

Why did the other party threaten Zhou Chen to admit that he killed his father and brother?

Or was it based on the premise that Zhou Chen was a Longguo person?

Even if this Ning could become the first warlord of Yandian and the king of Wa State in the future.

Who gave him the courage to threaten Longguo's investigators?

Can a small warlord afford to offend Longguo? Is he worthy?

His father is dead, and his brother is dead.

For this Ning, wouldn't it be better to arrange someone else to take all the blame?

Why did Zhou Chen have to take the blame, and why did he not hesitate to mobilize 40,000 soldiers for this?

He threatened Zhou Chen with his life and asked him to admit that he was the one who killed Wu Dan and his son?

Don't you think it's weird?

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

Let's think about the whole process of this cross-border kidnapping case.

First of all, the 26 students were kidnapped, and Long Guo must have taken action.

But after sending ordinary investigators, they were attacked and all of them were killed, Long Guo was furious.

He directly asked Guo An to take action, and Zhou Chen came to Yandian.

Have you noticed that all this seems to be controlled by an invisible hand?

It's as if the other party's actions are deliberately trying to attract Long Guo's sword.

Maybe the other party doesn't know who the sword is.

But he knows how to anger Long Guo.

How to let Long Guo's sword cut towards Yandian.

This person even calculated that Zhou Chen would use the local evil forces to investigate the whereabouts of the 26 Long Guo students.

He knew very well that people who are proficient in criminal investigations would habitually inquire about information from the people in the dark world.

It's like the police using some gangster informants to find information.

The other party also calculated this and arranged it in advance.

Using some means to deliberately release some "information" to let those local evil forces in Xidian know that the Wa State King is preparing to get involved in the black industry chain of human organs and wants to get a share of this industry.

It implies that the 26 students may have been kidnapped by the Wa State King from Longguo.

When Longguo learned of this news, would it investigate?

The answer is yes.

Zhou Chen discovered that there is an underground prison in the new prison in Xidian and organ transactions exist.

Will it continue to investigate?

Seeing that the Xidian special forces have been dispatched, they will also suspect the Wa State King Wu Dan.

Since Wu Dan is found to be suspicious, will he be let go?

And all this is in the other party's calculations.

A trap has been set up, waiting for Zhou Chen to jump in.

The Wa State King Wu Dan is dead, and his eldest son is also dead.

The other party's purpose is obvious.

Want to put the blame on Zhou Chen for the death of Wu Dan and his son.

This is why Wu Dan's youngest son forced Zhou Chen to confess.

He even tempted Zhou Chen in words that he would let him go as long as he admitted that he did everything.

Will verbal promises work?

It works.

Zhou Chen looked at the surveillance camera that he was crushing in his hand.

As long as he admitted and agreed.

There are not only videos, but also audio recordings.

As for being coerced, the threatening process will definitely be edited out.

All that is left is the evidence that Zhou Chen admitted that he killed the Wa King.

This is also why a little son of a bullshit warlord in Yandian dared to threaten investigators from a superpower like Longguo.

If it were a little warlord with a slightly normal brain, would he dare?

In other words, the warlord's youngest son Ning on the other side of the phone.

It is very likely that he was also threatened by the other party and had to do this.

Only such reasoning is completely reasonable.

The most important point.

Suppose Zhou Chen admitted that he killed Wu Dan and his son, what would be the consequences?

It would be very, very terrible!

For example, Zhou Chen went to Sakura Country and killed the military leader, military commander, and defense minister of Sakura Country.

Then he admitted that he did it, and was recorded.

If this video of Zhou Chen admitting to killing is exposed.

This is no longer a personal problem.

Because Zhou Chen now represents Dragon Country.

Dragon Country actually killed the military leader of another country?

Do you know how terrible the consequences will be?

If it is really exposed, it is very likely to push Dragon Country to the forefront and be used as an excuse to be really against Dragon Country.

Forget about admitting or not, everyone knows the principle of yellow mud falling on the crotch.

Sam Country also falsely accused others of their laundry detergent as nuclear materials, but didn't it still launch an aggressive war?

When some countries want to be really against you and discredit you, what kind of weird excuses can't be used.

What's more, there is a video in front of us.

As long as Zhou Chen admits in the video, when people release the video internationally.

This is the real evidence. The mud on the crotch can't be washed off.

It's conceivable that the other party's plan is sinister and vicious, and wants to make Longguo fall into an irreparable situation!

It almost flipped over, but fortunately I reacted quickly... Zhou Chen's pupils contracted, and he glanced at the phone that hadn't been hung up, and said word by word, "I'll give you a chance now, tell me who he is?"

"Do you think it's possible?"

The other party's somewhat furious voice came from the phone, "Wait to die... Uh... No, don't, you promised me... Bang..."

Zhou Chen's expression changed.

Hearing the other party's shouting, he also heard the sound of gunfire.

The sound of a human body falling to the ground was also heard.

If he was not wrong.

The person who just talked to him, Wu Dan's youngest son.

Dead! .

Chapter 568 Dragon Slaying (2 more)

Zhou Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

If the King of Wa State and his two sons were dead.

What would happen to the 40,000 Wa State Army?

If I die, will my wife in the computer be announced to the world by my sister... Zhou Chen trembled.

So scary!

At this moment, the phone that had never been hung up came with a voice.

"Dear Dragon Countryman, hello."

The other party said this in English.

Has the manipulator behind everything finally appeared... Zhou Chen sneered, "I'm not feeling well now, can you understand?"

He also spoke in English.

"Of course, my Dragon Country friend."

The other party laughed, "Haha... I can understand your anger and pain in such a terrifying existence, falling into death. Unfortunately, this is your end, and it is also the funeral we prepared for you!"

"You guys?"

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