Chapter 566: Father and son kill each other, brothers kill each other (4 updates)

Zhou Chen's super hearing allowed him to hear countless footsteps, dense footsteps.

It is not difficult to tell from these 'heavy' footsteps that these people are fully armed.

Forty thousand Wa troops?

Why did they suddenly appear outside the castle, and why were they fully armed?

Also, the person who planned all this and designed a series of traps.

What is his purpose?

Zhou Chen looked at the headless corpse lying in front of him with cold eyes, and fell into deep thought.

No need to dodge snipers?

No need, because the sniper seemed to know that Zhou Chen couldn't be killed.

Moreover, the sniper's purpose was to kill middle-aged people.

Kill and silence!

But now, Zhou Chen felt that he was about to finish spreading flowers.

He knows very well that he is strong and capable.

But it is not powerful enough to fight against 40,000 fully armed soldiers with one person.

If Zhou Chen can do that, then he is not human.

It's God!

"Want a dog leash?"

Zhou Chen sat on a chair, took out a pack of cigarettes, smoked and complained, "Why don't I take out my phone and take a video?"

Don’t panic when something happens, just post a video online first!

But at this moment.

Waves of cell phone ringtones rang from the headless corpse in front of him.

A weird smile appeared on Zhou Chen's face.

Who could it be?

He stood up, took out a mobile phone from the body, and clicked to connect.

"Let's make a deal."

A cold and serious voice sounded from the phone.

"What deal?"

Zhou Chen puffed away the clouds and smoke.

"The 26 Dragon Kingdom students will return to Dragon Kingdom one by one."

The other party said coldly.

"Then?" Zhou Chen asked.

"Then, the 40,000 Wa State troops outside the home fort will evacuate."

The other party made a condition, "However, you must admit that Wu Thant and his son were killed by you. Just admit it, and I will still let you go."


Zhou Chen sneered, "It looks like I made a profit?"

"We're all smart people."

The other party sneered, "It's meaningless to ridicule, you just need to tell me the answer."

"No, I feel bad."

Zhou Chen exhaled smoke.


A cold question came from the phone receiver.

"Why did you lick your face and ask why?"

Zhou Chen flicked the cigarette ashes and said, "I kidnapped 26 students from the Dragon Kingdom to design a trap to attack the investigators of the Dragon Kingdom. They also misled me to kill Wu Dan, the king of the Wa State, in order to make me confess." Kill them and their son... Are you okay? What gives you the confidence to say shameless things so confidently?"

The other party was silent for a long time, "The problem is, even if I do this, what can you do to me?"

"Ha ha."

Zhou Chen laughed, "Do you think you are arrogant, thinking that others don't know who you are, and you are hiding behind the scenes so arrogantly that no one can find you?"

"What if?"

The other party sneered, "Do you know who I am?"

"U Thant has two sons, one named Vida."

Zhou Chen, holding his cell phone, looked at the headless corpse on the ground, "The other one seems to be called... Ning!"


The other party was silent for a while, "What do you want to say?"

"Just now, Vader and I talked a lot."

Zhou Chen still looked at the corpse, "He told me that you want to help him become the king of the 40,000 Wa State Army. You will not hesitate to help him kill his father, kidnap his younger brother, and finally let him kill me and frame me." Am I the one who killed his father?"

"That's right."

The other party sneered, "That's what I originally thought, and that's how the plan was arranged. What's the problem?"

"There's a big problem."

Zhou Chen shook his head, "There is no love for no reason in this world. Even if parents love their children, it is because the children are their blood. If the parents find out that the woman is not their blood, they will withdraw all their love in the next second. But I am very curious. , Why do you want to help Vida, a man who is obviously not intelligent enough, to become the king of Wa State? "

"Of course I want the benefits."

The other party seemed to be explaining to an idiot, "Otherwise, do you think I would help him for no reason?"

"No, you're not helping him."

Zhou Chen sneered, "You never helped him from the beginning to the end. You just wanted Vader to die and found a scapegoat."


The other party stopped mocking, and his voice gradually became cold.

"Yeah, scapegoat."

Zhou Chen said: "I will bear all the faults of killing the King of Wa State for you, and help you pave the way to become the King of Wa State. You know, I once met someone who wanted to use me as a swordsman. Although He is an illegitimate son, but he is much smarter than your real son. At least, he will not use others to kill his relatives, and he is not as cruel as you. In order to get power that does not belong to you, he will even take his own. Neither my father nor my brother will let me go. Am I right... Ning?"

The other party was silent.

"々` Just now, I originally thought that you kidnapped 26 Dragon Kingdom students."

Zhou Chen curled his lips, "But now I realize that because you didn't kidnap those students, you weren't the one who designed this trap. If it were that person, he would never be stupid enough to call me. You were just You lied to me and made me believe that those 26 students were in your hands, and you lied to me to help you fight all the charges. But you were stupid and were too anxious. You should not have mobilized all the 40,000 Wa State troops. Threaten me."

After a long time, the other party's voice had a tone of embarrassment and anger, "So what if you guessed something? As long as I give the order, you will die (Li Hao), the death is very bad, do you think I will let you put it down?" Is the news getting out?"

"I'm curious too."

Zhou Chen asked instead without answering, "Why do I have to admit to killing Wu Dan... Oh, I understand. That person's purpose should be Long Guo. Or... me?"

The other party was silent again.

"So that's it."

Zhou Chen suddenly realized, with a strange expression on his face, "Someone actually set a trap specifically for me?"

As he spoke, his eyes began to look around him.

Then, he landed in front of a mirror in the bedroom.

When he arrived, Zhou Chen had already checked the entire room, but found no abnormalities and no cameras.

But now, he is no longer sure.

Zhou Chen walked step by step to a wall inlaid with mirrors.

He raised a finger and placed it on the mirror.

Boom, the mirror exploded! .

Chapter 567: The sinister plan (1 update)

The mirror shattered, revealing a fist-sized space behind the wall.

There is a working camera placed in the space.

Zhou Chen stretched out his hand to hold the camera.


The camera shattered in his palm.

I have to say that this person who hid the camera has something.

Many people understand the principle of the ‘double-sided mirror’, but only a fist-sized space can see through, making it difficult to be discovered.

It turned out to be a cross-border kidnapping case.

Zhou Chen didn't expect that he would be plotted to this extent.

He didn't even think that not only someone was plotting against Long Guo, but also someone was plotting against him!

Whether Zhou Chen's 'identity' is in the Dragon Kingdom or abroad, confidentiality and security are very high.

Every time he goes abroad, he never uses his 'face' to ensure that his true identity is not exposed.

Except for a few people within the Dragon Kingdom who knew his identity, no one else would know that he was a special agent.

It is not difficult to find out.

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