Following closely, Zhou Chen raised two pistols and fired at the same time.

Bang, six shots in one second!

He wanted to fire eight shots in one second, but unfortunately the two broken pistols were not powerful enough.

Three shots in one second for each pistol was the limit.

Even so, when Zhou Chen emptied two magazines.

16 people fell inside and outside the private room.

When Zhou Chen replaced two new magazines, he opened fire.

There were 25 minions on the other side.

Five seconds, 25 bodies.

Don't ask if Zhou Chen killed innocent people indiscriminately or if he deserved to die.

He came to kill people, not to reason!

Wei Xinghua was stunned.

He kept quiet all the time, and his men rushed to save him, from surprise to horror, to all his men being killed.

His mood was like a roller coaster, up and down, and finally sank into an ice cave, his whole body was cold, and his back was cold.

Witnessing Zhou Chen's killings, he saw cruelty, cold-bloodedness, brutality, and the indifference that trampled on life.


All of these made Wei Xinghua shudder from the bottom of his heart.

His bladder twitched uncontrollably, and then... he became incontinent.

Zhou Chen dropped his pistol, his eyes devoid of human emotion, and looked at Wei Xinghua calmly.

As if he had said, he was not in a hurry, and he had plenty of time to play with Wei Xinghua.

Facing Zhou Chen's gaze, a chill ran straight from the soles of Wei Xinghua's feet to his forehead.

He was so scared that he could not control his body, and his mouth made a trembling sound.

"You have these men?"

Zhou Chen looked at the corpses lying on the ground at the door, "No more?"

Wei Xinghua's body was shaking like sifting bran, and he couldn't speak.

"If there are no more, let's play a game."

Zhou Chen walked in front of Wei Xinghua and smiled.

"Remember to scream when it hurts later!".

Chapter 555 The Inhuman Bad Man (2 more)

Wei Xinghua did scream.

The shrill, miserable, and creepy wailing could be heard throughout the Red Swan.


The security guards, service staff, and even some of the customers in the Red Swan.

From the sound of gunfire to the screams afterwards, everyone ran out in fear and stood outside the building to watch.

The screams continued, steady, and continuous.

Zhou Chen was not in a hurry, breaking Wei Xinghua's bones bit by bit.

From his feet, thighs, hands, and arms.

No matter how the other party begged, begged for mercy, and even took out more than 100 million in savings.

Zhou Chen's expression never changed.

Even if Wei Xinghua said that he knew about the 26 Dragon Country boys being kidnapped to the north.

Zhou Chen remained unmoved and continued to break the other party's bones.

"Why, why do you do this to me...ah...don't..."

Wei Xinghua screamed in pain.

But in front of Zhou Chen, he was just an ant, unable to even struggle a little bit.


After beating the opponent 30 times and breaking his last rib, Zhou Chen finally spoke, "Do you still remember how you treated the Dragon Country people? Do you ever say that you like to ravage the Dragon Country pigs the most?"

Maybe many people don't know how cruel the criminal gangs in Yandian are.

For example, some men and women are deceived to come to Yanbei.

First, they will be "educated".

The so-called education is to be beaten.

Girls may be more miserable, being raped and gang-raped.

And this education is actually to make these "piglets" obedient.

Piggy needs to be raised.

You can eat meat only after you grow up!

The follow-up is a very common routine.

The first step is extortion.

Extort the relatives of those piglets and ask for "ransom".

They will get their communication methods from the piglets, and then send videos of beatings, torture, rape, etc.

There is only one purpose, to make money!

Suppose those relatives have no money and can't make money.

The second step is fraud.

The criminal gang will teach the piglets how to commit fraud.

They have special "notebooks, notes, terminology, materials" for the piglets to learn and follow the operating procedures in the notes to cheat.

The consequences of not obeying are starvation, beatings, mutilation, rape, etc.

Those who can learn and cheat may be lucky.

Those who can't cheat and are regarded as waste will be worse.

The third step is to eat meat.

Everyone in the world knows that human blood is expensive and in short supply, and it can be sold for money.

There is also kidney surgery, which is not difficult.

Then, criminals start to draw blood and sell it for money.

As for cutting kidneys, they must find people in need and people who match successfully, but it is difficult to sell them.

Everyone on earth knows that the Dian Dian is so small, many people dare not go there, how many people go there specifically to exchange kidneys?

The saying that you will have your kidney cut when you go there is pure nonsense!

The fourth step is population.

It is also called human trafficking, criminals will sell people.

Women with good looks will be sold to some entertainment venues as prostitutes.

Men can be gigolos and do hard labor.

If they can’t even do this, they can sell it abroad if they have channels.

Assuming that they can’t even sell this…

Step 5: Organs.

The operation of this step depends on the ability and channels.

See if they can contact some international ‘organ black markets’.

First, there needs to be a doctor who knows how to match organs in the criminal gang.

In the ‘organ black market’, some organs in demand are often released, and matching tables are issued.

The criminal gangs will match the piglets, and if the matching is successful, they will contact the "organ black market".

Of course, some criminal gangs are more capable, and may have "business dealings" with criminal groups that specialize in organ trafficking and transplantation, and can also sell organs to these criminal groups.

So the rumors on the Internet that as long as people are deceived, their organs will be sold.

That's bullshit.

Whether you can sell it depends on whether you have channels and whether the matching is successful.

Otherwise, do you think criminals are perverts and cut your organs for fun?

So sometimes people have to learn to think and use their brains more.

If you believe whatever others say, what's the use of brains?

This is the whole process that people who are deceived into the criminal gangs in Yandian will go through.

Of course, it's just a rough process.

There are some more cruel and darker processes... It's disgusting to talk about it.

For example, being made into a human pig!

But, in the above processes.

Not everyone can go through these steps.

Many people will die in these processes!

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