To put it more arrogantly: there is no one who can fight!

"Brother is the best!"

Mu Youyu hugged Zhou Chen coquettishly and gave him a hug.

"Don't leave!"

Zhou Chen was disgusted, "I'm very sensitive to the word "stick" now!"

It’s all because I’m too pure and can’t beat Lao Si Ji!

Later, the two siblings came to Tiananmen Square.

Short film shooting begins...

Done in two hours!

It seems like a joke, but it's actually quite a joke.

Then I hired someone to do background music and edit special effects.

Finally, there is the voice of the wooden larvae.

One afternoon, done!

Back home.

A little excited, Mu Xiaoyu yelled for Zhou Chen to hurry up.

Zhou Chen plugged the USB flash drive into the TV and clicked play.

Soothing and sweet music played.

Subtitles appear on the screen and reappear over the city.

"You and Me in the Parallel World"

The scene changes.

There are two girls in Tiananmen Square.

One was wearing an ordinary down jacket.

One was wearing an expensive and gorgeous black windbreaker.

From the back view, you can tell them apart at a glance.

Two girls, one ordinary and pretty, the other noble and dignified.

Viewed from the front, it is jaw-dropping.

They have exactly the same face and body, like twins.

It’s better to look like it’s printed from a mold!

at this time.

They were all looking at the Tiananmen Gate Tower with a look of reminiscence on their faces.

"Six years."

The girl in ordinary clothes turned her head and looked at her beside her, "It seems that you are doing well in the capital."


The girl in expensive clothes nodded slightly, "It was not easy at first, but fortunately, I persevered for my dream."

"As expected of myself."

The ordinary girl suddenly felt proud, "She is indeed a beauty who can become a big star!"

"I didn't expect that I would still be so cute after taking another path."

The noble girl sighed, "What about you, how are you living in your hometown?"

"What else can I do?"

The ordinary girl curled her lips and said, "I work from nine to five and live an ordinary life. You also know the standard of living in Harbin. It's good if you can pay off the mortgage."

"I finally bought a fully paid house in the capital." The noble girl smiled.

"Wow, that's amazing."

The ordinary girl was surprised, "I have bought a house, and I must have a car, right?"

"Yeah, the one I liked very much at first."

The noble girl took out a car key.

After graduation.

Her dream is to become a star, have her own house in the capital, and buy a car she has long admired.

It's not that I'm pursuing luxury, I'm just fulfilling my dream.

"Wow wow wow, I dreamed about this car a few days ago."

Looking at the car key, the ordinary girl was almost drooling with envy. Then looking at the noble girl's sincere blessing, "Congratulations, your dream has finally come true."

"What's the point of congratulations? It's been hard work."

The noble girl shook her head, "In order to prevent myself from going astray, I can only climb little by little and look for opportunities little by little. It took me six years to achieve what I have achieved today. In fact, in this life, choices are really important. If I had made it back then If you don’t give up and return to your hometown, many things will be different. Maybe, like me, you will stand on the Avenue of Dreams.”

"That's true."

The ordinary girl nodded, "It was because of my impulsiveness that I liked him so much. At that time, my heart was always focused on him, and there was only one thought in my head. I really wanted to fly far away with him, from south to north... …”

"Do you regret it?" The noble girl looked at her.

"When reality hit me, I did feel a little regretful and unwilling."

The ordinary girl smiled happily and looked at the tower in the distance, "But I don't regret it!"

··· 0Request flowers····· ·····

"As long as you don't regret it." The noble girl smiled.


The ordinary girl took out a red invitation, opened it and showed it to her, "I have something to show you."

When the noble girl saw the opened invitation, saw the name on it, and saw a wedding photo.


The girl in the wedding photo is herself.

The boy in the photo is her first love.

Back then, she chose to separate from him for the sake of her dreams and career.

"When I make money, I'll spend it all on you."

"I will always be kind to you."

"Don't leave, okay? I don't want you to leave..."

The words my first love said back then are echoing in my ears at this moment.

.... ... ...........

Tears wet the face of the rich girl.

She looked at the ordinary girl with a happy face and said, "Congratulations, your dream has come true!"

"Yeah, our dreams have come true."

Ordinary girls smile happily.

The noble girl also laughed.

Together they looked at the Tiananmen Gate Tower and the sunset...

Life is like this.

You will eventually understand.

Dreams are more important than love.

You will also understand.

Love is more valuable than dreams.

Qiantu or him, which one do you choose?

"You and Me in a Parallel World".

The play ends!

"What about you?"

After watching the short film, Mu Youyu asked his younger brother, "One side is 500 million, and the other side is sister. How do you choose?"

"Five billion."

Zhou Chen joked seriously, "If you hesitate for a second, it would be disrespectful to the five hundred million."

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"

Mu Youyu threw herself at her brother, but was gently held in his arms.

"You're so stupid."

Zhou Chen kissed her little face, "I've wanted to tell you a secret for a long time."

"What?" Mu Youyu looked at him infatuatedly.

"I liked you a long time ago."

Zhou Chen looked at her, "It's a pity that you didn't dare to do that at that time, you were not yet an adult!"


Mu Youyu laughed and lowered her head.

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