Let a police king play with a "nothing".

Even if you are a member of the National Security Bureau, what can you do?

Are you worthy?

Zhou Chen turned his head, glanced at Yang Xu lightly, and asked a question.

Yang Xu was stunned when he heard this question, and then his face changed instantly, and then he was shocked.

"Are you sure that the suspect's DNA collected is definitely the suspect?"

What does this sentence mean, and why did Yang Xu change his face?

Since the entire community, street, and city, all surveillance did not find the suspect.

There is no record of the suspect's entry and exit.

A fun question arises.

Are you sure this person is still alive, or really in this city?

But the file clearly records the suspect's life traces.

You said this person is dead and not in this city.

What the hell are those records?

That's why Zhou Chen said this.

Is the DNA collected by the police really the suspect targeted by the police?

Is there a possibility.

Someone is impersonating the suspect and has been living in the suspect's home?

If the suspect is indeed impersonated by someone.

Then the DNA collected by the police will definitely not be the suspect's!

"You mean..."

After a while, Yang Xu's face became extremely ugly, "The suspect that our police thinks is not the terrorist we are looking for, and it is even possible that he is dead? Instead, a terrorist has used the suspect's identity and has been living in the suspect's home in the past?"


"The easiest way to distinguish is to verify."

Zhou Chen looked at Yang Xu, "Take the collected DNA to find the suspect's relatives and verify it yourself."

Four hours later.

Zhou Chen, who was sitting at a roadside stall eating skewers, looked at Yang Xu who was walking quickly with a gloomy face not far away, and sighed in his heart, "It's comfortable to have a police king brother, who knows everything at a glance!"

"The report is out."

Yang Xu, who came closer, looked ashamed, "DNA comparison shows that it is not the suspect suspected by our police!"

In other words, from beginning to end.

The suspect locked by the police was a wrong one.

It was not the terrorist they were looking for at all.

This explains why the community surveillance, street surveillance, and city surveillance did not capture the suspect.

Just as Zhou Chen guessed.

This person is very likely to have died long ago, or is not in the city.

The person living in the suspect's home is the real terrorist!

"Eat something."

Zhou Chen picked up a barbecue and a naan, rolled the barbecue into the naan and handed it to Yang Xu, "After eating, we can work."

What work?

Since a terrorist has been living in that room, there must be traces left.

He must be found!

Twenty minutes later.

Zhou Chen and Yang Xu returned to the room.

And Yang Xu looked at Zhou Chen differently.

No longer seeing the other party as a young man.

It's like looking at a... colleague.

A colleague whose criminal investigation ability is not weaker than him, or even stronger than him!

There is a saying: Respect is something that is exchanged for strength.

No matter what world or era.

The principle of respecting the strong has never changed!

"Let's start from the beginning." Zhou Chen looked at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu nodded.

He prepared a laptop computer and three surveillance video recordings of the community, street, and Skynet.

Then he handed it to the young man in front of him.

Comfortable... Zhou Chen grinned.

As long as you say a word, people know what you are thinking and what you want to do.

As expected of the police king, it is really useful!


After watching the surveillance video, Zhou Chen frowned.


Through the video, it can be well analyzed that although many people enter and leave the community and enter the residential building where the suspect is.

But these people have "trip" records, and no one has entered and left the suspect's home.

How did the terrorist enter the suspect's home to live?

Wait... Zhou Chen walked to the entrance and squatted.

Looked carefully at the ground in front of the gate.

"I checked it, there are normal traces of entry and exit."

Yang Xu knew what Zhou Chen was suspicious of, frowned and said: "This person must live here."

"Doesn't he need to eat and drink?"

Zhou Chen raised his head, puzzled, "Don't buy rice, noodles and vegetables? Don't buy daily necessities? Don't even go out? Even if he orders takeout every day, there will be traces, so where did these traces go?"


Zhou Chen and Yang Xu looked at each other.

They thought of a possibility at the same time.

This terrorist is still in this residential building! .

Chapter 61 Knowing shame and then being brave (1 update)

Zhou Chen imagined a scene.

A terrorist lives in a residential building.

He knows that there is an empty house in this building.

For some purpose, he does not live in his own home on weekdays, but lives in an empty house where no one is.

And he hides all the items belonging to the terrorist in this house.

Even if something happens one day, the police will only suspect the original owner of the empty house, not him.

On weekdays, he can also go out with his original identity and buy daily necessities.

After returning to the residential building, he will live in the empty house to hide his tracks...


"This trick of hiding the truth is quite amazing."

Zhou Chen couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

Now four days have been wasted.

Four days can allow a person to do too many things.

For example, tip off their accomplices that their country has discovered them.

For another example, use four days to come up with an escape plan and wait for an opportunity to escape.

Or at this moment.

This terrorist slipped away right under the noses of the police...


A slapping sounded.

Zhou Chen was stunned and looked at Yang Xu who slapped himself.

Seeing the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the anger and humiliation in his eyes.

Because he knew the whole "case".

He knew that Yang Xu arrived the day before yesterday and found nothing after a day of investigation.

In fact, three of the four days wasted had nothing to do with Yang Xu.

It was the incompetence of other police officers handling the case.

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