I thought Zhou Chen wanted to find out something earth-shattering.

But you told me this when I took off my pants?

Five minutes later, Zhao Xiangguo called, his tone was so cold and solemn, "What did you find out?"


Zhou Chen was confused by the director's tone, "What did I find out?"

"You don't know?" Zhao Xiangguo was stunned.

"Boss, don't play dumb."

Zhou Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What do you want me to know?"

"Forget it, it's better if I don't know."

Zhao Xiangguo breathed a sigh of relief, "I found out what you asked me to find out, but I can only tell you that they developed a new generation of supercomputers not long ago. The details are too confidential and cannot be disclosed. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhou Chen didn't answer, his heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley.

I understand, I finally understand the purpose of these spies.

They are coming for the new generation of supercomputers of Longguo! .

Chapter 37 Not a Monster (1 more)

I hope it's not too late... Zhou Chen, who came back to his senses, complained in his heart.

Everyone got in the car quickly and headed for the Supercomputer Research Institute.

Zhou Chen finally figured out what this group of spies was going to do.

It was indeed a way to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

The spies didn't expect that this tiger would come so quickly and be so ferocious.

According to the spies' plan, the suspect Guo Houyu was a bait.

The bait to lure the tiger out of T City.

As a result, this bait did not work as it should.

It was eaten by the tiger in a few seconds!

"How many people are left in the institute?"

In the business car, Zhou Chen took the cigarette handed over by his subordinate Hu Li, lit it and took a puff.

"Six brothers." Hu Li said.

Zhou Chen frowned, his brain was in a state of rapid analysis, like a koi in a pond madly fighting for food, boiling.

He began to reassemble the entire spy incident and details one by one.

Analyze from the beginning...

Originally, Gousheng and Laoliu were responsible for monitoring, and at the same time, there were special agents responsible for monitoring the Supercomputer Research Institute.

Gousheng and Laoliu were injured.

The spy's goal was to lure out the special agents who were monitoring the institute and attack the people inside the institute?

The spy didn't expect that the reaction of the National Security would be so great.

Zhou Chen rushed to T City as soon as possible and personally took charge of the institute.

He originally wanted to alert the enemy, but ended up luring out a dragon.

If you were a spy, would you be confused?

Then, the spy deliberately threw out Guo Houyu, the subordinate, to lure the National Security to arrest him.

He wanted to delay time and take the National Security personnel to circle around, and it would be best to lure out of T City.

As a result, Zhou Chen arrested Guo Houyu.

The speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping.

Without thinking, you know that there are spies taking advantage of the fact that most of the National Security people are outside to arrest.

They should have entered the institute.

What does this show?

It shows that they want to forcibly take away some technology about the new generation of supercomputers.

And this technology is now in the hands of Director Lin Lao!

Zhou Chen was still doubting whether there might be problems with Lin Lao.

From this point of view, Lin Lao should not have any problems.

It's the people around him who have problems!

"Boss, what should we do next?" Hu Li asked.

"You shouldn't ask me this question."

Zhou Chen blew out a puff of smoke, "A mature subordinate should learn to think independently."

Hu Li: ...

If I could think of it, I would be the director.

However, he only dared to complain in his heart.

Afraid of Zhou Chen?

No, he was convinced!

When Zhou Chen first joined Guoan, he was the team leader and was responsible for leading Zhou Chen.

Strictly speaking, he was the little guy's master at that time.

Seven years passed in a blink of an eye.

He watched Zhou Chen go from a trainee investigator to a formal special agent.

He made merit, made merit again, got promoted, got promoted again, and made merit all the time...

Until not long ago, he became the director of the Ninth Department!

The old people in Guoan knew how strong, perfect, and even terrifying Zhou Chen was.

He was strong because of Zhou Chen's ability.

He was perfect because of Zhou Chen's IQ.

He was terrifying because of Zhou Chen's ruthlessness.

The most impressive memory for Hu Li was the second year after Zhou Chen joined Guoan.

The little guy was only 17 years old, the age of a child.

That year, a colleague died for following a spy.

The colleague had a good relationship with Zhou Chen, and they were always laughing and calling each other brothers.

It was at that time that Hu Li first saw Zhou Chen's appearance after he went berserk.

I still remember that the spy ran to the border in order to escape.

At the same time, a special forces team from the enemy came to the border to pick him up.

As a result...

After going berserk, Zhou Chen ran to the border alone like a reckless man.

He killed the special forces team of the enemy that crossed the border by himself.

Bring the spy back to Guoan!

It was also that day.

A colleague watched Zhou Chen interrogate the spy.

He saw with his own eyes that the bones of the spy were broken bit by bit.

Have you ever seen a living person with all his bones broken?

It was like a worm without bones, which could only move with flesh.

The horrible and disgusting scene made the jury agent walk out of the interrogation room.

He vomited all afternoon and even had psychological problems.

It was also that night that Zhou Chen drank too much.

He went to the morgue and guarded the body of his deceased colleague.

Crying like a child!

Everyone thinks that Zhou Chen is normal.

That's what a 17-year-old should be like.

Not a monster!

"When are you going to get married?"

Hu Li came back to his senses and glanced at Zhou Chen who was smoking.

"Wait another year or two."

The image of Mu Youyu echoed in Zhou Chen's mind, and a hint of tenderness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, the times are different."

Hu Li nodded, "Unlike me, my family urged me to get married, go on blind dates, and have children."

"You said it as if you were that old."

Zhou Chen laughed, "Master, you are only 30 this year, right?"

"Haha, I haven't heard you call me Master for a long time, it's great."

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