He looked stupidly at the corpse with most of its head shattered by bullets.


The women screamed, and the tattooed man and his three men came to their senses.

"Shut up or die?"

Zhou Chen's voice was very soft and cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, the room was silent for a moment, as quiet as a haunted house.

The eyes looking at Zhou Chen were so frightened.

It's like looking at death!

"You haven't answered me yet."

Zhou Chen calmly looked at the tattooed man in front of him, "My patience is very limited."

The tattooed man's eyes were filled with fear and he was covered in cold sweat.

Hearing Zhou Chen's words, he shivered violently, feeling extremely frightened.

However, the tattooed man's expression was so desperate.

Because he knew he was dead.

I finally discovered that the identities of the two people who were shot yesterday with their subordinates were not simple, and they were definitely not ordinary people.

It is very likely that it is... a special existence!

"I, I just collect money to do things."

His heart was pounding like a tattooed man playing drums, and he spoke with a trembling trembling at the corner of his mouth, "We are a group of thugs!"

What is ‘beating home’?

People today may not have heard of this term.

Even people who are on the road today rarely understand this word.

But twenty years ago, "house beating" was a dark and evil occupation.

Most of them are composed of a group of gangsters, gangsters, and thugs.

The purpose of this profession is that they will work for whomever gives them money.

for example.

Smashing, hurting, threatening, kidnapping, extorting, hurting...even killing!

How to do it depends on the employer's requirements and the amount of money.

Some time ago, a 'friend' on the road found them.

Gave them a million.

The requirements are also very simple.

Just yesterday, I asked them to follow a car.

If they find someone following the car, they can take action.

Kill the people in the car!

For one million, you dare to shoot and kill people in the street?

This is nonsense, I know how many people don’t talk about a million in this life.

Have you never even seen one hundred thousand cash piled up?

A group of national security agents rushed into the box like wolves and tigers.

He escorted four big men and left with a corpse.

It goes without saying what fate awaits them.

After taking a look at the shivering seafood merchant, Zhou Chen turned around and left.

But in my heart, I am mourning for many male compatriots.

Some cars look new, but in fact they already have cylinders broken, so they cannot be driven after being refurbished.

But these cars can often be sold for the price of a new car, or even more expensive than a new car.

It just so happens that there is a group of people who do not keep their eyes open and try to challenge professional players.

The results can be imagined!

Night, eight o'clock in the evening.

An ordinary residential area, in front of a residential building.

Four special agents walked into the residential building, entered the fourth floor, and came to the door of a residence.

The two special agents took out the 'door knocker' and looked at each other.

3, 2, 1...boom!

The door slammer hit the door hard.

The seemingly solid security door opened with a sound under the impact of the door slammer.


Two other special agents who had been prepared rushed into the house instantly and cooperated with each other.

at this time.

A man who was lying on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone was so frightened that he sat up from the sofa.

However, the muzzle of a pistol was pressed against his head.

The next second, a police baton hit his chin.

The man rolled his eyes and collapsed like a puddle of mud.

The chin is actually a weak point in the human body.

Hitting a person's chin will not only cause intense pain, but the force will also be directly transmitted to the cerebellum, causing damage to the cerebellum and making the person faint.

If the damage to the cerebellum is severe and it compresses the eye nerves, it may even cause blindness!

The two special agents looked like they were veterans and professionals.

He neatly knocked the man down and dragged him out of the room like a dead dog...

Outside a residential building.

Zhou Chen, who looked calm, was smoking a cigarette while watching his subordinates place the unconscious man in front of him.

"Zhuang Jun, male, 33 years old, unemployed, idle in society, has a criminal record and a criminal record..."

A special agent read the suspect's information in a cold voice.

This Zhuang Jun was the one who gave those 'beaters' one million to attack Gou Sheng and Lao Liu.

No need for Zhou Chen to give orders.

A special agent raised his foot and kicked his leather shoe under the armpit of the unconscious Zhuang Jun.

Armpits are also a human weakness.

After being struck, it causes intense and excruciating pain.


A scream rang out from the mouth of the unconscious Zhuang Jun.

He was awakened by raw pain.

However, before he could get up and figure out the situation.

Bang, the sole of Teqin's foot stepped on Zhuang Jun's face, knocking him to the ground.

Slowly squatting down, Zhou Chen looked at Zhuang Jun who could only land on his side with a frightened look on his face.

"Tell me, who asked you to go find a killer to kill someone?"

Chapter 32: Dragon Kingdom is my home court (4 updates)

A gentleman should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and the dog's life is the most important thing.

This sentence is well reflected in the suspect Zhuang Jun.

He confessed without hesitation.

One day, a relative who was doing "big business" abroad found him.

This relative was very aggressive and spent money like water in front of Zhuang Jun.

During that time, I often took him out for fun and fun.

As the saying goes, cigarettes can pry open a man's mouth, money can hook a man's heart, and eating seafood together can make men become like-minded.

In just three days, Zhuang Jun and the relative had become intimate to the point of being open-hearted.

Then the relative said to him: I have a friend who has offended someone recently. He is worried all day long and wants to solve the trouble, but unfortunately there is no channel.

When Zhuang Jun heard this, he patted his chest and said: You don't have what I have. I know some people who specialize in solving people's problems. As long as you give them money, there is no problem they can't solve.

The relative asked with a smile: Is it okay to kill people?

Zhuang Jun said: Of course it's okay. As long as the money is in place, the police will be useless.

The relative said: It's not that exaggerated. They are not policemen, but just a few gangsters. They may have guns, but... his friend wants to kill these people. If he can do it, he is willing to pay 1.5 million.

As for how much it costs to hire someone to kill, let Zhuang Jun decide for himself.

Anyway, the rest of the money is his.

Zhuang Jun's eyes were red at that time.

One million and five hundred thousand, how much money is that?

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