He knew very well that if he didn't apologize immediately, he might die in the next second.

The young man did not hesitate to shoot this.

Legoff knew he was wrong, terribly wrong.

Someone dares to come to country F alone.

He even dared to enter the counter-insurgency situation single-handedly.

Who could be the person who dared to face being surrounded by a whole building of special service soldiers and remain so calm?

This is such a violent, violent and complete lunatic!

Legoff wanted to slap himself.

Threatening a madman, are you sure you're not crazy?

"If an apology works, what do you want the police to do?"

Zhou Chen said calmly.

Legoff: ...

We are security personnel.

Police, what is that?

"Since you mentioned Tang Chengwu."

Zhou Chen's calm face became strange, "I did forget to ask you, he seems to be out of your control. By the way, you must not tell me that he is dead, otherwise..."

Otherwise what?

Legoff shuddered and said quickly, "Don't worry, he is living very well now, very well. I can swear on my relatives..."


One of Legoff's thighs exploded, broke, and fell to the ground.


Unable to hold it back, Legoff screamed and fell from the chair to the ground.

"That person is your brother, right?"

Zhou Chen raised his arm and pointed at a body not far away that was white and fat, killed by a high-explosive grenade, "A person who can even use his own brother as a substitute, and he still swears by your relatives that you Are you trying to fart on me?"

Legoff: ...

Pain and fear made his body tremble like chaff.

"Give you one last chance."

Zhou Chen asked: "Where is Tang Chengwu?"

"DGSE secret prison."

LeGoff said quickly, "I didn't lie, I really didn't."


Zhou Chen nodded, "You did not lie this time."

Well-versed in the psychology of micro-expressions, he didn't notice the other person was lying.

"By the way, our old man from the National Security Bureau asked me to bring you something to ask you."

Zhou Chen suddenly smiled, "Do you know how to write the word death?"

"No, you can't kill me. If you kill me, you will be dead. You can't escape..."

Legoff suddenly screamed.

I want to support my body with one hand and one foot, and I want to avoid it.

·· ········Please ask for flowers·· ········


Sniper rifles roared.

Legoff's head exploded like a watermelon.


Letting go of his hand and letting the sniper rifle stick into the glass wall, Zhou Chen smiled and murmured, "Then you still have sex with Long Guoguo?"

But the next moment, he started to feel pain in his balls.

How to leave the counter-insurgency?

I'm just a small division chief. Why does Guoan always put me under pressure that a division chief shouldn't have... Zhou Chen complained humorously.

Look up at the ceiling, eject into the air vent.

I left with a frown on my face, just as I came with a wink.

Wave your hand and take away a basketful of heads...

0 .. ........


There was a horrific explosion in the Anti-International Bureau of Investigation building, shattering several layers of glass.

Fire sputtered and black smoke rose into the sky.

Countless F-country military police surrounded the building to prevent outsiders from entering.

But if the building explodes and catches fire, you have to save it, right?

The fire truck arrived quickly, and teams of firefighters entered and rescued the staff in the building one by one and carried them into ambulances.

The ambulance pulled the wounded out of the cordon and quickly headed to the hospital.

Inside an ambulance.

A white man, whose body was charred and in a coma, opened his eyes.

He grinned at the two medical staff who were rescuing him.


The doctor was shocked and the nurse was dumbfounded.

Before they could react, the white man waved his hand and slashed each of them on the chin with a knife.

The medical staff fell unconscious and collapsed.

The white man stood up, like a leopard, and slashed the driver on the back of the head with the same knife.

He grabbed the unconscious driver and threw it into the passenger seat.

He got into the driver's seat, hummed a song, and drove the ambulance toward a certain location.

Twenty minutes later, there was an unmonitored riverside.

The white man got out of the car, walked to the shore, and jumped into the river.

Forty minutes later.

On a certain bank, Zhou Chen, who had restored his original appearance, walked ashore from the river.

He shook his head, shook off the water on his head, and smiled.

"One-half of the mission, completed!" Shi.

Chapter 140 He is coming (1 update)

Paris, 20th arrondissement.

DGSE, Directorate of Foreign Intelligence Headquarters.

This is a building that stands among numerous residential complexes.

The main body of the building has six floors, but its six floors are comparable to the 15 floors of an ordinary business building.

In bygone days this was known as the Motier Barracks, and also as the swimming pool.

It is called so because the design of the building is very weird, showing a 'circle' shape.

There is also a three-story building in the 'circle', which is where the DGSE command hall and conference room are...

DGSE high-level conference room.

At this time, it was pitch black.

Silence, silence.

It felt like there were countless people sitting in the cinema, watching the movie quietly.

Through the illumination of the laser projector, you can vaguely see smoke filling the conference room.

You can also see a group of people in suits, police uniforms, and military uniforms sitting in the conference room through the only laser light.

But what everyone watched was not a movie, but a surveillance video recording.

The picture was a very ordinary house, a dirty hall.

Play through the picture.

Two Asian men entered the hall and sat down.

One man poured a cup of hot cocoa for another man, and then there was a conversation.

One of the men was exposed for betrayal, and a few minutes later, the F country security personnel arrived...

The next second, the personal information of eight F country security personnel appeared on the screen.

Everyone in the conference room frowned and watched the information.

Finally, a conclusion was drawn.

These eight security personnel are all elite special agents trained by DGSE.

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