Of course he knew why Zhou Chen came.

"So now you tell me, did I kill your subordinate?"

Zhou Chen asked calmly.

Faith remained silent, and his eyes gradually showed a murderous intent.

However, this murderous intention was not directed at Zhou Chen!

"You're going to die, you know that."

Zhou Chen smiled, "But your death is not because of me, right?"

Faith clenched his hands, his eyes filled with hatred and strong murderous intent.

"I can promise you, and even swear an oath, that I will not target the civilians of country F, nor will I destroy country F, but I will kill some people, and you must want those people to die too. Of course, you don't have to believe it. Me. But I think you can give it a try, at least it’s better than dying in vain.”

Zhou Chen asked with a smile, "So before you die, do you want to cooperate with me?"


Faith's eyes were frighteningly bright, staring at Zhou Chen.

He actually saw sincerity in the other person's eyes.

Faith smiled and held out her hand.

Zhou Chen also smiled and held his hand.

“Happy to work with!”

Ten minutes later.

Faith, whose neck was broken, lay quietly on the ground.

Even though he was not breathing, he still had a smile on his face.

"You are not a good agent, but you are a good commander!"

Looking at the corpse, Zhou Chen raised his hand and performed a military salute.

He walked out of the warehouse and into the drainage tunnel... Disciple.

Chapter 135: Willing to die (3 updates)

I was walking slowly on the street in the morning, looking at the scenery around me.

Baledik, as a city in the northern part of country F, is a famous water town and a world-renowned tourist attraction.

Extraction group: 975632410

However, Zhou Chen was not really enjoying the scenery, but waiting for someone.

Step by step into a small park, Zhou Chen sat on a public bench.

Breaking off the bread in his hands, he fed the pieces of bread crumbs to the flying pigeons.

About seven or eight minutes.

A man slowly walked up to Zhou Chen and sat down slowly.

"Does it hurt?"

Zhou Chen did not go to see him.

"It doesn't hurt."

After being disguised, Robert, whose true appearance was completely unrecognizable, grinned and said, "My heart feels warm!"

Someone once did an experiment. At close range, a mobile phone can block bullets.

But this doesn't really block it, it just weakens the power of the bullet.

"Zero Two Seven" But under the triple defense of mobile phone, muscles, and ribs.

It can stop bullets.

So Robert is not dead!

"My name is Rosen... my real name!"

Robert's voice deepened.

In the field, I never tell others my real name.

Unless this is a person who is extremely trustworthy and can trust the other person with his life...

"Is there enough time?"

Zhou Chen asked while feeding the pigeons.

"That's enough, I hid my sister."

Robert...no, it was Rosen, baring his teeth, "It will be too late by the time they react."

It's indeed late.

Zhou Chen deliberately ‘shot’ Rosen in front of the surveillance camera in order to show it to some people.

Then the three cameras were smashed so that Rosen could escape without surveillance.

Cut open the gas tank and start the microwave oven timer. After the microwave oven starts working, the metal inside will explode with sparks, igniting the gas.


Wait for the fire to be extinguished.

When country F security personnel discovered that Rosen was missing.

A long time must have passed.

That was enough time for Rosen to go to his sister and hide her.

If he can't do that, then he doesn't deserve to be a Secret Service agent.

Zhou Chen had bought all this time for him.

Also give Rosen a chance.

Let him come and get the chance to die!

"Suffered a lot?"

Zhou Chen threw away the bread and patted the crumbs on his hands.

"Can't bear it."

Rosen smiled bitterly, "You should know the methods of the security personnel. If you fall into their hands, they can even tell you how many times you wet the bed as a child."


Zhou Chen nodded, "Your sister has become your weakness?"

"Yes, I am just a sister, my only relative."

Rosen's smile became even more bitter, "Defend the family and the country, the family comes first, the country comes after. Even the last home and relatives are gone, you say..."


Zhou Chen continued to nod, "Are you ready?"


Rosen suddenly laughed and closed his eyes.

He was treason after all.

People must be punished for the wrong things they have done.

What's more, the wrong thing he did was treason.

This time he came here and he was willing to die!


It wasn't a gunshot, but the sound Zhou Chen made with his mouth.

He made a shooting gesture and tapped Rosen's forehead.


Rosen opened his eyes in shock and looked at Zhou Chen stupidly.

"You've already died once."

Zhou Chen took back his hand and calmly looked at the pigeons flying around, with a sunny smile on his face, "From now on, your life belongs to the country!"

Tears flowed from Rosen's eye sockets.

At this moment, he was crying like a child!

The DGSE Foreign Intelligence Investigation Bureau, with its Counterintelligence Bureau, is located in the center of Baledik City.

A building that looks like a business building on the outside.

The entire building is 17 stories high and has five floors underground.

The upper floors are loose, and the underground is tight.

There are guards patrolling the building 24 hours a day.

And there are more than 200 special agents working inside.

Of course, this does not mean that the Counter-Espionage Bureau has only so many people.

But most of them are on duty outside, checking the territory of F country every day, searching for foreign spies and agents, and checking any suspicious persons.

At the same time, they have the power to mobilize military forces, special police, and special forces to cooperate in arresting suspicious persons.

Don't look at it as just an agency under DGSE.

The power of the Counter-Espionage Bureau is very terrifying, controlling the entire foreign intelligence and espionage work of F country...

Director's Office.

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