As long as we investigate, it will definitely work.

Just as the sound of a passing goose is left behind, the wind leaves its mark, and so are people.

Under the full force of the national machine of Guoan, and with the cooperation of the police,

It took only three days to investigate the past of the victim's family clearly.

At this time, Zhou Chen was holding an investigation report.

The content of the report showed that a case occurred sixteen years ago.

And this case involved a person, and was suspected.

The victim, Guo Xiaoli!

Sixteen years ago, Guo Xiaoli, who was only fourteen years old, was taken away by the police from a junior high school for interrogation and investigation.

The investigation content suspected that Guo Xiaoli was involved in a case of causing disability.

The victim was Guo Xiaoli's classmate, a fourteen-year-old girl.

But she was already in the hospital, with severe burns, disability, brain nerve damage, and suspected traces of rape and abuse on her body.

The cause of the case.

110 received a call, and the reporter claimed to be a vegetable farmer.

The victim was found in the shack that was burned down in his vegetable garden.

The person who called the police saw the victim lying motionless on the ground.

Naked, his body was charred, and he was dying. He could die at any time.

The police sent the victim to the hospital after arriving.

After a physical examination, it was found that the victim's tongue was cut off, his eyeballs were dug out, his eardrums were pierced, and even the fascia of his wrists and ankles were cut off, and there were suspected signs of rape...

After the police investigation, the victim was only fourteen years old, a junior high school student, timid and quiet, but very beautiful.

But she never offended anyone, not her classmates.

On the contrary, because of her cowardly character, she was often bullied by her classmates.

And the people who bullied her were some girls and female classmates.

Then the police targeted some female classmates and a gangster outside the school.

After investigation, the most suspected perpetrators were Guo Xiaoli and the sixteen-year-old gangster.

Here comes the interesting question.

If the victim was raped, how could the suspect Guo Xiaoli rape another girl?

Because this is the turning point of the case.

It is also the key point that makes Guo Xiaoli free from suspicion.

Because no one would doubt that a girl would rape another girl.

Ordinary people would think that girls don’t have this ability at all, right?

The most interesting thing is that after the final physical examination, the police found the body fluids of the gangster on the victim girl.

In the end, the gangster was identified as a criminal suspect by the police.

After being arrested, the gangster never admitted the crime he committed.

But it was useless. The evidence was conclusive and the body fluids in the girl’s body could not be faked.

Sixteen years ago, the gangster, who was only sixteen years old, was a minor.

In the end, he was only sent to a juvenile detention center and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Because there is a law on the protection of minors, the maximum sentence for juvenile offenders is life imprisonment.

As for Guo Xiaoli, although she is suspected and once bullied the victim, she is ruled out of suspicion...


Putting down the investigation report, Zhou Chen fell into deep thought.

Clues from various information and reports converged.

Start reasoning and analysis.

As the various information in the report was pieced together, the whole case became clearer and clearer.

He thought of the case in front of him, the tragic state of the victim's family of three before death, all bitten all over.

He also thought of the burned bodies of the victim's family...

Half an hour later.

Suddenly, Zhou Chen's face showed a look of "it turned out to be like this".

Was Guo Xiaoli responsible for the case back then?

And some people finally found out the truth.

So sixteen years later, they came to take revenge?

Zhou Chen sighed.

"God has his way, and no one can escape!".

Chapter 15 The so-called truth (5 more)

S City, XX Prison, Warden's Office.

Zhou Chen sat on the reception sofa, looking at a prisoner's information.

The warden, the political wretch... A group of high-level prison officials smiled.

No one disturbed him, and they accompanied him quietly...


Prisoner: Wang Shaocheng, 32 years old...

Who is he?

Sixteen years ago, the gangster was sent to the juvenile detention center for multiple crimes such as injury, disability, rape, etc.

But the juvenile detention center has an age limit, and it is only a place for education, rescue, and reform for young people who are over 14 years old but under 18 years old.

When a juvenile offender reaches the age of 18 and has not yet completed his sentence, he will be transferred to prison to serve his sentence.

Now Wang Shaocheng has been changed from life imprisonment to fixed-term imprisonment, and he can be released in another 22 years.

Life imprisonment is not necessarily life imprisonment. If he behaves well within 13 years of serving his sentence, he can be sentenced to a fixed-term sentence of 25 years.

Now 16 years have passed.

Not only was Wang Shaocheng's sentence changed to a fixed-term sentence, but he also had 22 years left in his sentence...


Why did Zhou Chen come to see Wang Shaocheng?

Because he felt that Wang Shaocheng was wronged, a false case of injustice.

At the same time, he also came to find the truth.

Through Wang Shaocheng, find the real murderer who killed the whole family!

"Is there an interrogation room?"

Putting down the prisoner's information, Zhou Chen raised his head and looked at the warden calmly.

The other party was a third-level police inspector, but when faced with Zhou Chen's question, he nodded quickly.

"Prepare a room, I want to see Wang Shaocheng."

Zhou Chen stood up and walked out of the warden's office.

Ten minutes later.

The prison interrogation room.

A bald prisoner wearing a prison vest was brought in by two prison guards.

Zhou Chen looked at the other party.

Fair and fair, not tall, small eyes, big ordinary person.

He is Wang Shaocheng.

He sat down in a chair as two corrections officers tried to put handcuffs on him.


Zhou Chen waved his hand, indicating that the two prison guards could go out.

The prison guards looked at each other, but still obeyed and left.

Wang Shaocheng glanced at Zhou Chen with some fear and sat quietly.

Sixteen years of imprisonment have taught him a lot of 'rules'.

When Zhou Chen got up and walked towards him step by step.

Wang Shaocheng was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head, his eyes drooped, and he did not dare to raise his head, his face was pale.

"Don't be afraid."

Zhou Chen raised his hand, and as if by magic, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter appeared in his hand. He smiled and said, "Can you smoke?"


Wang Shaocheng raised his head in shock, looking at the cigarette case and lighter in front of him with some disbelief. He hesitated a little and nodded.

"I haven't smoked for a long time."

Zhou Chen lamented, "I originally wanted to quit in this life, but I couldn't quit."

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