How did this person manage to enter the victim's home without anyone noticing?

So, is it possible that the victim replaced it himself?

The fact that you can ask this question fully shows that you are not crazy, you just don't have enough IQ.

Because any normal person would not keep such a dangerous thing at home.

And through the surveillance video, it can be clearly found that the reason why this family of three went "crazy".

There is a high probability that it was caused by human beings, but it was definitely not them.

This can be seen from the fact that the family of three sat together at the dining table and ate in harmony.

Based on the above, it can be easily inferred that someone deliberately planned the crime.

Wanted to kill this family of three.

There is no so-called supernatural or supernatural at all.

It's just that the suspect is a little smart.

Back to the topic.

What method did the other party use to replace the crystal pendant.

How could it not leave any trace at the scene?

Zhou Chen's brain was like a CPU running at full power, entering a state of all-round reasoning...

Chapter 12 Eliminate the false and retain the true (2 more)

Summer morning

The morning glow reflected people's faces and the whole earth red.

The sun quietly showed its head and sprinkled its glory on the world...

Zhou Chen, who was chewing a pancake, stared at the residential building in front of him without blinking.

The victim's home was on the sixth floor.

Because it was an old building, the whole building was seven stories high and there was no elevator.

Although there was no surveillance in the corridor, surveillance was set up in the community later.

Through the surveillance perspective, any person entering the residential building from the community can be recorded.

But it can only be recorded for 20 days!

This is also normal.

The storage function of any monitoring equipment is mostly not very long, basically between 15 days and 40 days.

Memory is needed to store data, and even a storage hard disk.

The higher the quality of the video, the more storage space is wasted.

People who understand surveillance shooting know how big the memory hard disk is that can store 40 days of surveillance video!

Even 20 days of surveillance video is actually enough.

Through checking, no suspicious person entered the residential building in front of him in these 20 days.

Most of them are residents, takeaways, couriers, moving companies, etc.

Even if there are some people visiting relatives and friends, they have all been investigated by the police.

There will be no omissions, and they will not escape the eyes of the old criminal detective.

Therefore, the perpetrator who killed a family of three definitely did not enter from the unit door of the residential building.

"Could he fly?"

After eating the last bite of the pancake, Zhou Chen came back to his senses and murmured while chewing.

The brain's thinking logic became rigorous and clear again.

His eyes fell on the air conditioner hanging on the outer wall of the victim's house.

At the Forensic Bureau, Zhou Chen and the forensic doctor roughly deduced why the victim's family of three went "crazy".


Since no traces were found at the crime scene, it can only be said that the cause came from the "outside".

Through on-site investigation.

Although the windows in the hall of the victim's house were open.

However, through the angle of deformation and the traces of broken glass.

The initial judgment was that the high temperature in the room caused the window to deform and burst, and then the window frame opened.

Zhou Chen thought of the "oil wax" he found on the chandelier at the crime scene, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He deduced a picture...


At noon, it was hot in summer.

The victim's family of three were at home, enjoying the air conditioning and eating lunch.

But someone used the air conditioner's outdoor unit to release a certain gas that drifted into the victim's home.

Then, it caused the victim's family of three to go crazy?

Then remotely controlled the air conditioner to raise the indoor temperature of the victim's home and melt the wax.

Caused the flammable crystal pendant to break, fall to the ground, and catch fire?

The fire and high temperature caused the hall glass to explode and the window frame to deform, resulting in air circulation.

Eliminate the traces of gas and crystal burning at the indoor crime scene... erase all traces!


Can it be done?

Zhou Chen repeatedly reasoned, reviewed the situation over and over again, and pondered over and over again,

Finally got an answer.


"So, what about the flammable crystal?"

The murder process was roughly deduced, and Zhou Chen was a little confused.

How did the other party put the "crime tools" into the victim's home?


Zhou Chen slapped his forehead and laughed.

His eyes stared at the air conditioner hanging on the outer wall of the victim's home.

Since the perpetrator tampered with the air conditioner, it means that he has the ability to "work at high altitude".

If he can "work at high altitude", why does he need to enter the victim's home from the residential building?

Otherwise, the reasoning is like facing a messy ball of wool.

Clues are just threads.

You have to list the clues one by one and comb them out like wool.

Finally, you can untie the wool.

If you don't comb it, and want to force the wool to be untied, it will only get more and more messy...



"Through surveillance, we found that there are two types of tools for high-altitude operations in the community. One is an aerial work vehicle, and the other is a ladder truck from a moving company."

A special agent reported with an investigation report, "After checking the surveillance and visiting the investigation, within 20 days, an aerial work vehicle entered once and a ladder truck entered twice. But the only suspect close to the victim's home was a ladder truck."

"As for the air conditioner outdoor unit..."

Another special agent spoke up, "We found some strange chemicals and are testing them. The test report will probably be issued tonight."

"The victim's surveillance has been preliminarily investigated."

Team leader Hu Li reported with a serious expression: "After special repairs to the victim's damaged surveillance memory, it was found that the memory card was actually an empty card. The strangest thing is that the victim's cloud surveillance storage data is suspected to have been modified!"


After listening to the reports of his subordinates, Zhou Chen sneered, "That's right, go check... the ladder truck!"


The special agents responded and left.

As for Zhou Chen himself, his expression gradually became strange, and he looked up at the rooftop of the residential building.

"The ladder truck alone is not enough, have you done anything else?".

Chapter 13 Exquisite Layout (3 more)

Residential building rooftop.

Zhou Chen looked at the clean cement floor with a smile on his face.

Many residential buildings have some 'flat' rooftop designs, which are very conducive to 'waterproofing'.

Anyone who knows about architecture knows that the rooftop is prone to leaks and moisture because it is difficult to waterproof.

If it is a complex design, it is not conducive to waterproofing in the later stage.

It is just... clean?

Everyone on earth knows that most people will not go up to the rooftop.

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